2021 Thriving Children, Families, and Communities Conference
The critical role that high-quality early childhood education plays in the ability of children, families, and entire communities to thrive is clearer than ever before.

Please plan to virtually join us September 27 for an exciting day of learning, sharing, and inspiration as community leaders from across Nebraska come together to focus on high-quality early childhood education and its connection to economic development and community vitality.

This free conference is intended for community leaders, including those in education, economic development, child care, business, government, health care, higher education, and philanthropy. Attendees will learn about key research, program, policy, and outreach aspects of high-quality early childhood education programs and services and their important role in economic development. More than 700 local leaders, representing 100 Nebraska communities and 20 states, registered for this vital conversation at the 2020 conference.

During live-streamed sessions and panel discussions throughout the morning, community members and experts will discuss challenges, share success stories, learn from each other, and develop plans for implementing and sustaining high-quality birth – Grade 3 care and education.

In the afternoon, representatives participating in the statewide Communities for Kids initiative will engage in further planning efforts. This Nebraska Children and Families Foundation initiative works with communities across Nebraska to advance their early childhood programming and services.
Conference Sponsors
Nebraska Department of Education (NDE)
Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS)
First Five Nebraska
Nebraska Children and Families Foundation
Nebraska Community Foundation
Nebraska Early Childhood Collaborative
Nebraska Extension
Buffett Early Childhood Fund
Buffett Early Childhood Institute
More Information
Watch for more details, coming soon, regarding this year's event.

Learn more about previous conferences by visiting our 2018, 2019, and 2020 Thriving Children, Families, and Communities Conference websites.