April 20, 2022 | Issue 8
The CRCOG Connection
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Welcome to our latest issue. This newsletter is 832 words, approximately a 4-minute read
In this issue, we highlight: 

  • Save the date for CRCOG’s annual meeting 
  • The Naval Submarine Base New London Intergovernmental Support Agreements  
  • I-91 Bridge receives two national awards 
  • The Harry Mellon Award of Excellence - SLED Recipient 
  • And more 

Thank you for reading.
Save-the-Date for CRCOG’s Annual Meeting 
CRCOG will host its Annual Meeting on June 15 from 12-2 pm at Farmington Gardens, 999 Farmington Avenue, Farmington, Connecticut. Check your inbox for the event registration. 

Professor Mohamad Alkadry, Director of UConn’s new School of Public Policy, will be our featured speaker. Prof. Alkadry will focus his remarks on the importance of workforce development in Connecticut’s public sector and related topics.  
We look forward to seeing you! 
CRCOG celebrates Naval Submarine Base New London Intergovernmental Support Agreements  
CRCOG was invited to a special ceremony to commemorate Intergovernmental Support Agreements between SUBASE and the State of Connecticut Department of Transportation, CRCOG, and Groton Utilities on Wednesday, April 13, at 2 pm

Established through the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) Fiscal Year 2013 (FY 13) and published under 10 USC 2679, Intergovernmental Support Agreements (IGSAs), allow military installations to enter into formal public-public partnerships agreements with state or local governments for the provision, receipt, or sharing of services. 

For SUBASE, IGSAs with the State of Connecticut Department of Transportation, the Capitol Region Council of Governments, and Groton Utilities will focus on operational efficiencies and economies of scale in areas that benefit from base infrastructure support. These IGSAs will also provide direct economic benefits to the community, state partners, and SUBASE and contribute to enabling the base mission and supporting our sailors and families. 
I-91 Charter Oak Bridge Project's new I-91 NB Exit 29 bridge wins two national awards 
The I-91 Charter Oak Bridge Project's new I-91 NB Exit 29 bridge in Hartford has won two national awards for its design work and use of materials: 

The bridge was finished last year to ease traffic congestion in the area.  
EzIQC project receives the Harry Mellon Award of Excellence - SLED Recipient 
The Windham Wastewater Plant Project - has been selected as a Harry H. Mellon Award of Excellence – SLED (State/Local, Education) winner in Job Order Contracting!  
The Harry H. Mellon Award in Job Order Contracting program is a way for facility owners, managers, and contractors to be rewarded for their hard work and recognized by their peers and others in the industry. Congratulations to all involved in this project! 
Congrats Caitlin!  
Congratulations to Caitlin Palmer on her appointment to the Commission on Connecticut's Development and Development and Future (CCDF) working groups. Caitlin will serve on the Model Code and Design Development working groups.  
The Commission is comprised of members appointed by the Governor and legislative leaders, representatives from six state agencies, and the chairs and ranking members of four legislative committees. In December 2021, the CCDF solicited applications from the public to serve in working groups to make policy recommendations relating to land use, conservation, housing affordability, and infrastructure.   
CRCOG funding opportunities
Application deadline: Ongoing 

Application deadline: Friday, April 22, 2022, at 3:00 pm 

Application deadline: Friday, June 17, 2022, at 3:00 pm
Upcoming CRCOG meetings
April 25, 2022
11 am-12 pm

April 25, 2022 
12-1:30 pm 

April 27, 2022 
12-1:30 pm 
April 28, 2022 
9:30-11 am