CRCOG was invited to a special ceremony to commemorate Intergovernmental Support Agreements between SUBASE and the State of Connecticut Department of Transportation, CRCOG, and Groton Utilities on Wednesday, April 13, at 2 pm.
Established through the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) Fiscal Year 2013 (FY 13) and published under 10 USC 2679, Intergovernmental Support Agreements (IGSAs), allow military installations to enter into formal public-public partnerships agreements with state or local governments for the provision, receipt, or sharing of services.
For SUBASE, IGSAs with the State of Connecticut Department of Transportation, the Capitol Region Council of Governments, and Groton Utilities will focus on operational efficiencies and economies of scale in areas that benefit from base infrastructure support. These IGSAs will also provide direct economic benefits to the community, state partners, and SUBASE and contribute to enabling the base mission and supporting our sailors and families.