Read about our focus on the Chesapeake watershed and other news in
NVCT's June newsletter.

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        Northern Virginia Conservation Trust

    Saving Nearby Nature                           June 2017
"Three Young Foxes at their Den" by Brian Smith, a winner in NVCT's Nearby Nature Photo Contest
News                                                        Enjoy nearby nature
We couldn't have done it without you!
Open space along Georgetown Pike conserved... 20 acres of open grassland in Loudoun County protected... 50 acres of farm and forest land in Prince William County saved.

Please consider making a gift today, and together we will continue to protect parcels of land of all sizes and descriptions throughout Northern Virginia. With your support, we can save in perpetuity the nearby nature that is so important to our communities . Remember, no gift is too small, and every gift counts. Our fiscal year ends June 30th, and the gifts we receive by that date will be recognized in our next annual report.
Fairfax County open space
Loudoun County land protected
We really c an't say it enough, so we'll say it here: Thank You! It's because of you 
link to donate page the Trust can continue Saving Nearby Nature.
Chesapeake Bay Awareness Week  
 All of NVCT's service area is in the Chesapeake watershed, from the Potomac River to the Rappahannock; from urban and suburban areas to farm and forest land. NVCT is committed to making the connection between conserved land and the health of the watershed and the Chesapeake Bay. 
Clean the Bay Day, Alexandria
84 volunteers collected 85 bags of trash along Four Mile Run, cleaning more than 1/2 ton from the watershed and diverting trash from the Chesapeake Bay.
1st Annual Save the Bay Day
NVCT participated in this new celebration, held on Mason Neck. Board member Bill Dickinson is shown here with Ann Swanson, chair of the Chesapeake Bay Commission.
Jay Sinha joins NVCT's Board of Directors
The newest member of NVCT's board of directors is Jay Sinha, who has volunteered with a board committee since 2016. Sinha, staff counsel for Data Privacy and Cybersecurity Compliance at Verizon Enterprise Solutions in Arlington, also has a background in environmental advocacy. He holds a J.D. from William & Mary School of Law, and B.A. in political science from the University of Mary Washington. For more about NVCT board members, see our website,
What we see on the land                        Saving nearby nature
photo of Potomac
A view of the Potomac from conserved land

NVCT stewardship staff attended an Invasive Plant Management Workshop hosted by the National Park Service and D.C. Cooperative Weed Management Area. This is part of our effort to keep up with best management practices for invasive plant removal and ensure that NVCT's fee lands continue to provide scenic views for the community and native habitat for wildlife.
Please contact us with any questions about the Trust and our work
703-354-5093  |  4022-A Hummer Rd. Annandale, VA 22003  | email