Saving Our Democracy for America
and the World
"Saving Our Democracy for America and the World", recorded at the 2022 ABA International Law Section Annual Conference in Washington D.C. on April 29th, could not be more timely and relevant. The very foundation of the rule of law is at issue.  

The expert panelists in these videos present in-depth analysis based on their first-hand involvement in responding to today's challenges to democracy. As panelist Congressman Jamie Raskin said of this panel event: "The topic of this discussion could not be more important, or more urgent."

The speakers begin with the perspective of the court battles to save the 2020 election from being undermined by spurious legal claims, then moves to the experience and significance of the insurrection of January 6th from the perspective of a Congressman — exploring the severity and depth of the challenge and proposed responses — followed by a passionate presentation on the national security implications and finally, from a former head of government, an empowering presentation on the significance of the issues for the security of the world.
Mark Aronchick
The successful lead counsel in litigation who met spurious challenges brought by Rudy Giuliani.

The Right Honorable
Kim Campbell
Former Prime Minister of Canada.

Suzanne Spaulding
An eminent expert in US
security issues.

Congressman Raskin
A Congressman from Maryland, who experienced the Capitol assault of January 6th, 2021.
There is no pillar as central to the stability of the United States of America as the expression of democracy through the electoral process ensuring the peaceful transfer of political authority and power. From the moment the votes were counted in the last presidential election former President Donald Trump instituted a deliberate campaign to undermine confidence in the legitimacy of the election of President Joe Biden.

This campaign against the voice of the people took an organized form in disinformation and media propaganda, both social and public. It was more formally expressed in dozens of unsuccessful lawsuits and ultimately resulted in the January 6th riot, violent insurrection, and violation of the seat of our democracy — the Capitol itself.

The implications of this challenge to our nation for the rest of the world should not be underestimated. Several authoritarian aspiring empires are expanding their influence in direct competition to US advocacy of free markets, human rights, and democracy. The shining example of the success of a free society based on the rule of law is in danger. Internationally, the rule of law undoubtedly is a necessary element for effective nuclear non-proliferation and disarmament.


If you are interested in further information regarding the American Bar Association International Law Section or the Global Security Institute please contact us at [email protected]