President's Update to the
Saybrook University Community

Volume 47, Issue 49 | January 2023

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News from Saybrook University's Office of the President

January 2023

  • Saybrook Insights Featured Episodes
  • President's Greeting
  • Leadership Team Notes
  • Faculty Senate
  • College of Social Sciences
  • College of Integrative Medicine and Health Sciences
  • Center for Writing and Academic Success
  • Research and Institutional Review Board

Saybrook Insights Episodes

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Student Cassondra Jackson offers a range of insights on her experience as a graduate student at Saybrook, her work as a community activist, approaches to mind-body health, and much more! Watch the interview here --->


Listen & Subscribe here:

Wondering what psychophysiology is all about? Curious as to the science behind the mind-body connection. Answers abound in my interview with Saybrook Alumna, Dr. Taylor Cappoziello. Check it out --->

Listen & Subscribe here:

President's Greeting

January 2023

Dear Saybrook Community,

My family and I hope you’re finding time for rejuvenation over this holiday season. We’re also thrilled to welcome many of you back to the university, including our 140+ new students joining us for the Spring 2023 semester. We’re excited that you’ve chosen Saybrook to help you write this next chapter in your life. In my meetings and text message exchanges with new students, I am continually inspired by both the impressiveness and dedication each individual has for embarking on this journey.

What lies in store for 2023? We have several vital initiatives rooted in our mission and continuous improvement efforts. The following is on deck to be completed for this year:

  • Create, support, and execute a comprehensive Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (JEDI) Plan. To do this, we will bring to life the newly approved KSI V through a range of town halls, activities, and other work designed to strengthen a community in which all feel a sense of belonging.
  • Reinforce student retention and success as the key institutional priorities. Retention is the responsibility of the entire institution, and retention of students should prioritize their success as evidenced by excellent learning experiences, staying enrolled and graduating, pursuing their chosen career path with their Saybrook degree in hand.
  • Expand our reach through innovative, mission-aligned partnerships that support students and graduates in the pursuit of their life’s work.
  • Establish and support a student success evaluation plan. This plan will contain timelines, goals, evidence to be examined, and assigned tasks to understand and improve student retention, learning, and graduation.
  • Address faculty-staff work-life collaboratively addressing employee engagement, workload, compensation, and much more.

Saybrook University’s ongoing success hinges on dedication to the mission and on our ability to get where we’re going together. To do so, we must maintain strong communication, cooperation, and deep respect for what each student, faculty, staff, and community member brings to support the whole community.

I look forward to seeing many of you at our upcoming virtual and in-person residential conferences beginning January 9th. For now - Happy New Year and best wishes for a safe, healthy, and successful 2022!

In partnership,​

Nathan Long, President - Saybrook University ​

Take good care,


Nathan Long, President
Saybrook University

P.S. As a reminder, this monthly update is designed to bring our community up to speed on what is going on across the university. If you have news you would like to share or information disseminated, please reach out to me ([email protected]), Val Smith ([email protected]), or Carmen Bowen ([email protected]). We will be happy to work with you on getting your information out in this or one of our other publications.


* Employees, please go to, click on Benefits, and then Benefit Carrier Contact Information. Scroll to ComPsych Guidance Resources. The necessary contact information can be found here. Alternatively, you may contact our HR team member Ma Krystiel Hudson.

** Saybrook University is proud to partner with Student Solutions to provide students with access to counseling and financial, and legal assistance. As a student with Saybrook, you are eligible to receive three counseling sessions per area of concern covered by the university. The Student Solutions team is accessible 24 hours, 7 days a week for confidential support. Students can access these resources online atwww.guidanceresources.comwith the Web ID: SAYBROOK or via phone at 866.379.0894. 

Student Support: Online Student Portal:

Staff Support (Faculty & Staff Support): Online Employee Portal -

  • Ms. Joline Pruitt, Dir. Business Operations: [email protected] 
  • Employee Assistance Program: Faculty and Staff should go to WorkDay>Benefits>Benefit Vendor Websites>ComPsych for information

Alumni & Community Support

  • For all community members, we urge you to connect with local and regional resources with which you feel most comfortable.

Additionally, especially in moments of crisis, we encourage you to reach out to the National Alliance for Mental Health. They can be reached as follows:

Social Media (Stay connected with recent news/updates)

Leadership Team Notes
Academic Affairs
Robyn Parker, Ph.D.
Vice President for Academic Affairs &
Chief Academic Officer

Happy New Year and best wishes for a wonderful start to the Spring semester! The semester kicks off with the virtual Residential Conference and the Residential Learning Experience for our Humanistic Clinical Psychology and Counseling programs. The schedules for these events are filled with meaningful content and ripe with opportunities to convene in the community. Below I share news and accomplishments by faculty, staff, and students in Academic Affairs.


  • The Commons: Last month I wrote about the members of the Academic Affairs Support Team that gathered during the Academic Affairs Retreat Week to explore a collaborative model by which to provide academic support to students and faculty engaged in scholarly activities. We are using The Commons as a working title for this entity. As part of the visioning work, the team will lead a session to capture student input and reactions to ideas they are cultivating. This will take place during the January 9th town hall meeting as part of the virtual Residential Conference. We aim to launch The Commons in Fall 2023

  • Dean of Research & Sponsored Projects: In the interest of further supporting student and faculty research, the Department of Research is undergoing reorganization that will differentiate the work done by the faculty of the Department of Research from the administrative support functions related to research and dissertations. The aims are twofold. To better support the academic department by appointing a department chair that can focus on the academic mission of the unit and to better support Saybrook University’s research enterprise by appointing a dean to create an Office of Research and Sponsored Projects (working title), build a system of supports to encourage more grant activity, and to manage the IRB and other compliance elements related to research and funding. Dr. Walker Ladd will serve as the Chair for the academic Department of Research. Dr. Laura Brewer will serve as Dean of Research and Sponsored Projects.

  • Director of Clinical Training & Field Placement: December 30th, 2022, marked the departure of Dr. Kristopher Lichtanski, a long serving member of our academic community. Kristopher provided support to students engaged in practicum and internships for both the Humanistic Clinical Psychology and Counseling programs. We gathered as a community on December 16th and 18th to celebrate Kristopher’s many contributions and reminisce with students, faculty, and administrators. We wish Kristopher all the best in his new endeavors. We also welcome Dr. Susan Rarick as the new Director of Clinical Training & Field Placement. Susan was previously serving as the Associate Director and is well-prepared to take on the challenges of her new role.

  • Congratulations to students and faculty whose knowledge, talent, and efforts are making a difference in the world. Please read through the college sections to learn about the many accomplishments of our amazing faculty and students.

Enrollment Management

Congratulations and welcome to our Spring, 2023, incoming class! We look forward to meeting you on January 9th in-person at the Residential Learning Experience(RLE)* or virtually at the Residential Conference (RC).

  • Please be sure to view your Spring Welcome Week schedule and register for any sessions you’d like to attend.  These sessions are optional, however, we highly recommend you attend as you prepare to begin classes the following week.
  • Be sure to register for Welcome Week using your new email address! You can find your email at the Saybrook Student Gateway - Select the small “envelope” icon in the top right corner.

*RLE is required for MA Counseling and PhD Humanistic Clinical Psychology students only. Please contact your Admissions Counselor with questions. 

Business Operations

Human Resources

  • Adjunct Faculty Contracts for the Spring term have been issued to those adjunct faculty that have been assigned courses in CampusVue. Other than those that record their hours worked in California, adjunct faculty are paid based on the number of students after add/drop through the regular payroll process through the end of the term.
  • The Tuition Waiver Process has moved to Workday, linked HERE. Forms can now be submitted and automatically routed for approval within Workday. Requests can also be tracked in Workday as it routes through the approval process and a notification will be sent once your request has been approved. Let the HR team know if you need any assistance.

Residential Conference & Residential Learning Experience - Monday, January 9th, 2023 - Friday, January 13th, 2023

  • Please visit the RC page for updates, registration and schedule
  • The Clinical Humanistic Psychology and Counseling programs will be on-ground once again at The Hilton in Pasadena! Be sure to check out the Exploring Pasadena guide for recommendations and things to do in the area. The Hilton room block is fully booked but a second block of rooms has been made available at the Hyatt in Pasadena. Please visit the RC page for details.
  • We’d love to welcome everyone to join in on our daily morning yoga session hosted by Jennifer DeDecker during RC week! Please join in to start each day with intentionality and mindfulness.
  • If you will be traveling through the LAX/Los Angeles area, please be mindful that the College Football National Championships will be hosted at SoFi Stadium on January 9th, 2023. Be prepared for delays and crowds.
  • If you are hosting a session during the RC/RLE with adjunct faculty or guest presenters, please get in contact with Krystiel Hudson ([email protected]) to initiate contracts!
Student Affairs
Shaniece McGill, Ed.D.,
Assistant Vice President for Student Affairs

Welcome Week, Spring 2023!

Welcome Week is a weeklong schedule of events designed to re-introduce you to Saybrook's student services resources and engage you in Student Life events. You will have the opportunity to participate in academic and social events. We have planned an exciting week filled with programs and activities that will help you get better prepared for the Spring semester and become an engaged and involved student.


Saybrook's Spring Welcome Week is January 2-6th. Click Here to find the welcome schedule and register for events. 


For more information, please contact Student Affairs at [email protected]

Faculty Senate

Saybrook University Faculty Senate


Dr. Gina Belton & Dr. Robert Cleve

Faculty Senators

Dr. Julie Cerrato

Dr. Aparna Ramaswamy

Dr. Portia Rawals

Dr. Alan Vaugh

Dr. Greg Hickman

Adjunct Representatives:

Dr. Nik Roberts, CSS

Dr. Kristin Jamieson, CIMHS

Greetings, Saybrook Community! Faculty Senate meets the third Friday of each month from 8:30 am to 10:30 am Pacific, followed by hosting and facilitating the All-Faculty meeting from 11:00 am to 12 noon Pacific. Check Your Outlook Calendar for the Meeting Invite

January Updates:

  • Breakout sessions. Faculty Senate will continue to host the All-Faculty meetings within innovative formats, and small group processes that will enhance experiences of inclusion and all voices heard, supported by breakout sessions facilitated by Faculty Senate members.
  • New Senators. The Co-chairs and faculty senators welcome Dr. Alan Vaughn back to the Senate as he offers his generosity in covering Dr. Portia Rawles’ senate duties during her LOA. A new senator joining this spring is Dr. Greg Hickman, representing the research faculty. Welcome and our gratitude for your community service!
  • Adjunct faculty. Faculty Senate commits to and consistently advocates for Adjunct Faculty as valued members of our academic community. During December’s All-faculty meeting Joline Pruitt, AVP, Business Operations & Institutional CFO, presented the compensation processes for Adjunct participation on dissertation committees, including how to navigate this in Workday. Adjunct faculty were encouraged by Joline to reach out at any time to follow up with any questions.
  • Library. Saybrook Librarian Laura Rice presented the updates to the new Library landing page.
  • Learning Commons. Laura Rice and Kristen Klinghammer presented unfolding work on a Learning Commons including a request for committee participants

We look forward to welcoming everyone at our first All-Faculty meeting for the Spring term on Friday, January 20, 2023, at 11:00 am Pacific

In the song of the community!

Gina Belton, Ph.D. & Robert Cleve, Ph.D., Faculty Senate Co-chairs

College of Social Sciences


The Saybrook Department of Business Administration and Leadership and Management is honored to present Carol Sanford – Tuesday, January 10th, 2023, for a special and interactive virtual workshop to discuss regeneration and what is possible in our organizations and world. Please join.

This Interactive Workshop with Carol Sanford is open to all Saybrook students, faculty, and staff!

Regenerative Worldviews and Paradigms at Work - January 10th, 2023, 10:00 AM-Noon, Pacific Time

Carol Sanford is a well-known author and familiar colleague of the Saybrook Leadership department.

Description: Learn how to discern when a business is regenerative instead of confusing ‘doing good’ from a human-centric view. What if businesses were redesigned so they lead to the reconceiving of institutions, structure of society, and ecosystems?

Learn how to shift the mind we use to work on problems and better understand living systems design and move beyond current work designs of human-centered ideas.

Details: Tuesday, January 10th, 2023 10:00 AM -Noon Pacific Time

Let us know you are coming – email Megan Ratcliffe at [email protected]

January 10th Workshop Event Zoom Link:

Business Administration and Leadership and Management.

College of Integrative Medicine
and Health Science


Kathy Soverow

Margie Nichols

The Mind-Body Medicine (MBM) department is proud to announce two new National Board of Health and Wellness Coaching (NBHWC)-credentialed students, alumna Kathy Soverow, PhD and MBM PhD Integrative Wellness Coaching (IWC) Specialization student and Teaching Assistant, Margie Nichols!

The NBHWC is one of the foremost accrediting bodies in the health coaching profession. Its mission is to lead the advancement of health and wellness coaching by establishing professional standards and collaborative partnerships.

Saybrook University and the IWC Certificate program are honored to have NBHWC-credentialled coaches Kathy and Margie as part of the IWC team!

Saybrook's MBM department IWC Certificate program had a 100% pass rate for certificate graduates who took the National Board of Health and Wellness Coaching (NBHWC) credentialing exam fall of 2022!

We are so proud of our Certificate students and the IWC Faculty/TA team that supports them!


The Fall term was dedicated to community service and subject matter expertise for Dr. Gina Belton, Ph.D., MBM (Mind Body Medicine) Core Faculty, and CEOL (Contemplative End of Life) specialization coordinator. In early November, Dr. Belton was an invited keynote speaker for the Institute of Spirituality and Health's 30th annual Psychotherapy and Faith Conference. Her keynote address, “A Rabbit Noticed My Condition: Opening to the Potential of Contemplative Inquiry and Paradox with Ambiguous Loss,” was well received by all as shared by the conference organizers and participants. In mid-November, Gina facilitated the local event for the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention’s annual International Survivors of Suicide Loss Day. Hosted on-site by the United Indian Health Services at Potawot Health Village in Arcata, CA, participants joined others around the globe in caring connection and support.


Dr. Takila Simmons joined the ISW Department. She will teach the Family Studies/Intervention course. 

Center for Writing and Academic Success

The Center for Writing and Academic Success

Saybrook University’s Center for Writing and Academic Success serves students by assisting them in developing their writing process and instructing them in using the tools and resources necessary to be self-sufficient writers in their academic studies and beyond.

The Center for Writing and Academic Success

Saybrook University’s Center for Writing and Academic Success serves students by assisting them in developing their writing process and instructing them in using the tools and resources necessary to be self-sufficient writers in their academic studies and beyond.

Winter Break: We are Open! Our writing coach schedule is open in-between semesters! Students may work with a writing coach in-between semesters to review previously submitted work or prepare for the upcoming semester.

New Job Openings Coming Soon!

New positions at the Center for Writing and Academic Success will be opening soon. Interested in learning more? Please contact us at [email protected]

Updated Drop-in Hours

Drop-in hours are now being hosted Tuesdays, 4—5:30pm and Thursdays, 11am—12:30pm (Pacific Time). Login information is available on our website.

Formatting Dissertations and Theses Workshop

The Center will be offering a workshop on February 22 at 12pm Pacific time. In this workshop, participants will learn how to format documents using Saybrook Handbook of Format and Style for Dissertations, Theses, Projects, and Capstones. If you are a student or faculty member who needs to be familiar with these formatting requirements, this workshop is for you. Save the date! No registration required.

Zoom Link:

Passcode: 529090

Data Report

In the month of November, the Center for Writing and Academic Success provided 38 writing coaching appointments. Summative data for writing coaching and dissertation finalization for the Fall 2022 semester will be published in the February 2023 newsletter.

Research and Institutional Review Board

January 2023 - News from the Research & Sponsored Programs


Have you heard? Research is expanding at Saybrook. Dr. Laura Brewer is now the Dean of Research and Sponsored Projects and this unit is comprised by the academic Department of Research, chaired by Dr. Walker Ladd, the IRB Office, a new Office for Sponsored Research Programs, dissertation services, and a new Research Integrity Committee. Please join me in welcoming Dr. Ladd to her new role. Dr. Kirwan Rockefeller will continue to provide critical support to the IRB and help with the establishment of our Sponsored Programs Office, alongside his teaching and other University contributions. We will communicate about our new Sponsored Program (i.e. research grant) services as they become available.


Research and IRB at the Spring Virtial Residential Conference and Residential Learning Experience


The Department of Research is offering many helpful sessions at both the Virtual Residential Conference (RC) and the Residential Learning Experience (RLE). If you are enrolled in a research course this Spring, you’ll be receiving an email with all our offerings. If you are not enrolled in a research course this semester, we encourage you to review the agenda and please join us at any of our sessions. For students who are unable to attend the virtual RC, we will be recording research and IRB sessions and they will be available from the Research and IRB website. We are looking forward to seeing you.


Upcoming Events with Saybrook Research Faculty

International Congress for Qualitative Research and Theory Methodologies - Call for Presentation Abstracts 

The International Congress for Qualitative Research and Theory Methodologies (ic-QRTM) provides a forum for sharing and learning about qualitative research and theory methodologies, connecting with researchers worldwide, and opportunities to develop methodological expertise. The 2023 virtual congress will take place April 28-30. 

We are currently soliciting abstracts for presentations on research using qualitative methods, methodological workshops and panels, sessions related to classic grounded theory, and posters. This year’s special topic is Emerging from the Pandemic. The pandemic was a significant disruption in life. However, it also opened new opportunities for research. This year’s Congress will also include sessions on how the pandemic has affected the use of research methods and technology and pandemic-related research. 

We are accepting abstracts until January 15, 2023. Abstracts for presentations may be submitted here: For more information about the 2023 International Congress for Qualitative Research and Theory Methodologies (ic-QRTM), please visit: or contact us at [email protected].

Online Petitions – Mentor Petitions


A reminder that we have transitioned our Request for External Committee Member Petition and Petition to Form Dissertation Committee (PTFDC) to our online Mentor Petition System for reviews, approvals, and signatures online. Please look for more information about the new system from the Research-IRB website on the Mentor Petitions – Research Petitions Online page. If you have any questions about this project, please contact the Department of Research ([email protected]).

Recent Publications and Projects by Saybrook Research Faculty and Saybrook Alumni


Dr. Gregory Hickman

Nwosu, K. C., Wahl, WP., Nwikpo, M. N., Hickman, G. P., Ezeonwunmelu, V. U., & Akuneme, C. C. (2022). School refusal behaviours profiles among nigerian adolescents: differences in risk and protective psychosocial factors. Current Psychology


Department of Research Project Assistant & TA Positions

The Department of Research and the IRB is actively recruiting students with Federal Works Study (FWS) to join our team as Teaching Assistants and/or Project Assistants. We currently have positions posted on the Saybrook Employment page (R0006495). We’d love to work with students who are looking for additional experience with research teaching, IRB support, and many other graduate education and curriculum support projects. If you’d like to know more about any of our positions, please reach out to us at the Department of Research at [email protected]


Drop-in Office Hours and Weekly IRB Peer Support sessions

We are offering open IRB Office Hours, for faculty or students on alternating Wednesdays and Thursdays, as well as Faculty IRB Office Hours on Mondays. We have Peer Support IRB Office Hours on Fridays. You can find information about the specific times and access information for these Zoom sessions on our DoR-IRB Calendar. We hope to see you at one of these support sessions soon. 

The Department of Research will also continue to offer weekly drop-in office hours over Zoom for students and faculty. You can come to the DoR Office Hours with any research curriculum or dissertation process question. Again, you can find dates, times, and login information for these sessions on the DoR-IRB Calendar.

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