Dear St. Martin's Family,
This is a very bittersweet Epistle for me to write. Monday marked the beginning of my last month at St. Martin's. The process of saying goodbye has begun. This week, the Interim Rector's Bible Study finished the Gospel of Mark, marking our last meeting together. Several of you have shared you will be away at various times this month, and we've said our goodbyes as priest and parishioners.
We always knew this was coming, and yet it is still hard. We are in the midst of a grieving process. Since August, we've come to know and love one another. My departure at the end of July will mark a real ending in our relationship, even if we will still see one another at diocesan events. I will no longer be your priest. It's important for us to attend to this grief rather than avoiding or denying it. My last task as your interim rector is to conclude our pastoral relationship.
There's a very good reason for this. By saying goodbye to me and experiencing your real grief, you will be prepared to welcome Rev. Lauren when she arrives as your new Rector in October. Trying to hold on to your relationship with me will make it harder for you to welcome her. I am so excited that she will be your new Rector, and I cannot wait to see what God does through your ministry with her.
It has been and is a privilege to walk alongside you this year. Thank you for the many ways you have blessed me.
Christ's peace,
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~ The Reverend Joshua Rodriguez-Hobbs, Interim Rector | |
Join us for Worship every Sunday at 8:00 a.m. and 10:00 a.m. | |
Our nursery is available from 9:45-11:30 a.m. on Sundays for infants and children ages 3 and under. Located in Parish Hall, see an usher for directions. Contact Rev. Nathan for details.
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Summer “Meet & Eat”
Wednesdays through August 21, 6:00 p.m.
Join us Wednesday evenings for fellowship and delicious food. Suggested donation is $5.00 per person or $20.00 per family. Burgers/Hot Dogs/ Chicken and drinks provided. Please bring a side dish or dessert to share. For questions or special dietary needs please contact John Theune.
VBS Volunteers Needed!
Does your youth need service hours or are you looking for a way to give back to St. Martin’s, then sign up to help with Vacation Bible School! We are looking for adults or youth grades 6-12 to help assist with Vacation Bible School from July 22-27 anytime from 8:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m. Volunteers will assist by walking groups to and from stations, or helping with a specific activity station. Many volunteers are needed to make VBS a success, please register here for times and dates you are available. For details contact Tabitha Carman.
Summer Concert Series
Last summer we began the Beethoven Project, performing all 10 violin sonatas. Our journey continues with the sonatas from Op. 30. Written in 1802, the year of the Heiligenstadt Testament, these pieces highlight Beethoven’s creativity and emotional depth despite his struggles. We invite you to join us and experience his captivating music at two venues this year: Peabody Conservatory on August 3, 3:00 p.m. and the Church of Epiphany in DC on August 6, 12:00 noon. For details contact Dr. HyeSung Hwang. Click here to learn more about Dr. Hwang.
A Friendly Reminder
Rev. Josh and Rev. Nathan never ask for gift cards or money via email. Always double-check the sender name and confirm the sender's address on any email that requests a gift or donation. If in doubt, call the sender directly to verify the message you received is legitimate. Learn how to avoid and report gift card scams.
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Backpack Buddies Needs Summer Help
Tuesdays, 7:00 p.m. (St. Martin’s House)
Our Backpack Buddies program helps nearly 20 children each week during the school year by delivering food for food-insecure children to take home for the weekend. One of our school partners has identified children who need our help over the summer. Volunteers are needed to shop for and deliver food to four homes in Severn on Friday mornings. Grocery costs will be reimbursed. Food ideas will be provided. You don’t need to be available every week! Any efforts to help are greatly appreciated. To sign up or for more details, contact Sarah Parkison.
Summer Bible Study
Sundays, 9:00 a.m. (Parish Hall)
Want to understand Old Testament history better? Want to see how Israel’s experience of God intersects with their experience? Join us and take a deep dive into the Book of Kings. We will study political crises, theological challenges, and sharpen our skills at reading the Bible. Together we will also draw strength, courage, and examine our own struggles to be a people faithful to God. Please note there is no child care available this hour during the summer. Contact Greg Church.
Bible Challenge Book Study
Tuesdays, 7:00 p.m. (St. Martin’s House)
Come and study the Book of Proverbs with us. Join us whenever you are able over the summer. The study guide can be purchased online. Contact Cindy Neseth.
Sunday Altar Flower Sponsorship
Do you like Sunday's Altar flowers? You can make a flower dedication to give glory to God and bring focus to the cross during our Sunday services. Click here for our online form.
Parish Summer Office Hours
During the summer the parish office will be open Monday-Thursday 9:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m. and closed on Fridays.
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July Outreach Collection:
Hope for All
The Outreach Offering will be on the second Sunday of the month and will go to support Hope for All. Hope For All is a Christian ministry whose mission is to provide basic furniture, household items, and clothing to people in our community who are without the financial means to meet their basic needs. Hope for All strives to offer stability to their daily lives and hope for their future. If you want to learn more about Hope For All, visit their website.
Click here to donate online and put HOPE FOR ALL in the memo area. For details contact Kathy Berge.
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SPAN Opportunities for JULY
SPAN (Serving People Across Neighborhoods) serves our neighbors by helping them through a critical or emergency situations. St. Martin’s supports SPAN’s mission this month by asking for donations for SPAN’s July’s theme - “Summer Fun.” Donate items such as bottle water, sunscreen, insect repellent, hand sanitizer, and baby wipes. Other useful items are shelf stable foods like rice, beans, pasta, pasta sauces, popcorn, as well as canned vegetables and fruits. Donations can be dropped in the bins marked “SPAN” in the Narthex. For details about SPAN click here.
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Your Prayers are Invited... |
Prayer is the universal way people of faith stay connected, both with one another and with God. I invite you to pray daily for our parish family, for your own needs, and in thanksgiving for all that God has blessed you with this day.
NEW PRAYERS FOR OUR PARISH FAMILY: David, Ed, Kathie, Inez, Sarah, Kenneth, Scott, Oliva, and Dora.
FOR THOSE IN NEED OF ONGOING AND LONG-TERM PRAYERS: Mike, The Murray family, Ben, Melanie, Jeanne, Philip, Bunny, Sara, Gloria, Jared, Clyde, Geoffrey, Joe, Bill, Jax, Brody, Matt, and Kyle.
FOR THOSE CELEBRATING A BIRTHDAY: Liz, Pam, Ardath, Erin, Charles, Lillian, Lena, David, Karen, Roman, Abigail, and Kate.
FOR THOSE CELEBRATING AN ANNIVERSARY: Don and Martha Nicholson, Chris Scott and HyeSung Hwang, and Jonathan and Carrie Peery.
Let us know if you have a specific prayer request so we can hold you in our daily prayers.
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375 Benfield Road, Severna Park, MD 21146
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