Sea Hag Marina
OPEN: Sun-Thurs 6am-7pm
Fri.-Sat. 6am-8pm
N 29' 40.295  W 83' 23.636 
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This Week 06-24-20 at Sea Hag Marina
 Steinhatchee & Keaton Beach boat ramps are open to the public with limited parking.
Once the lots are full, boat trailers may NOT park along the roadside.
Scallop Season is HERE!
Folks are getting their limit left & right for scallops! Please take note that the limit for scallops is 1 gal per person with a max of 5gal per boat during JUNE!

Stephanie Moon is holding up a monster red snapper she caught offshore!
Shawn Dunn, Michael Register, Kevin Cooper, Jordan Mendoza, Noel Antonio & Matt Dixon went fishing with Capt. Chase Norwood & slammed the red snapper, grouper & Florida snapper!
Jordan Mendoza is holding up a big ol' red snapper he caught while fishing with Capt. Chase Norwood!
John, Molly, Sarah & Melanie from Okeechobee, FL, got their limit of scallops over the weekend!
Chaeli Norwood caught a 22lb red snapper!

Don't you just love a good scallop recipe! This savory way of preparing scallops is delicious!
with bay scallops, toasted baguettes & garlic aioli!

Skyler Hanna caught a wonderful gag grouper!
The Mathis family got their limit of trout with Capt. Steve Rassel!
Dustin Lord had his hands full of two hefty red snapper!
Robert & Jordan McKay along with Capt. Max Leatherwood got their hands on some red snapper & black seabass!
Katie Garrett from Bradford, FL, caught herself a gorgeous red snapper!
The Boyles family (some not pictured) came back with a perfect board of red snapper!
Mary Joe "Gaga" is 88 years old & reeling in red snapper left & right! She is awesome!
Jeff, Kenny, Tim, EJ & Bobby from Custom Pine Straw all work together & decided to take a trip offshore with Capt. Shan Roper! They caught a ton of red snapper, mangrove snapper & some lane snapper!
Sam Torrance is holding up a perfect red snapper he caught offshore!
Chris Cole, Amber Cole, Kimberly Walker & Dean McDaniel caught a board full of snappers! 
Timber Glackin is too cute with his red snapper he caught!


Kenny Rees, Zach Bullock & Matt Jones came back with a cooler full of red snapper, gag grouper & red grouper!
Leigh Thomas caught a 21 inch trout on the flats!
Michael Register went fishing with Capt. Chase Norwood where he caught this massive gag grouper! 
Todd, Levi, Austin, Grant & Jon aboard "The Big Red Ugly Boat" went spearfishing & shot some red snapper, gag grouper, red grouper, hogfish, mangrove snapper & a sheepshead!
Corey Horner is holding up a gorgeous red snapper he caught aboard the Chase N Fish boat!
The Keen kids had so much fun scalloping in Steinhatchee!
Cayden Ingram and his Dad went fishing south of Steinhatchee where they hooked up a 4 ft. bull shark that screamed drag but broke off! They caught this redfish right after!
Capt. Chico Graham took out Noah, Ty, Ruth, Danielle & Phil where they caught their limit of trout!
Lee Smith is holding up a nice red snapper he caught!
Capt. Les Hernandez captured this breath-taking photo of some dolphin swimming along their boat while they went fishing offshore!
Such a fun site to see!
Charles "Piapa" Norwood, Sea Hag's grandpa & shrimp dipper, went offshore fishing & caught himself a huge red snapper on Father's Day!
Skyler Hanna & her crew had a blast fishing offshore for red snapper & grouper!
Travis, Shell & Jerry speared some of the most delicious fish to eat, HOGFISH!
Noel Antonio caught this massive red snapper while fishing with Capt. Chase Norwood!
Darryl Futch, Camden & Christian Alexander from Jacksonville, FL, caught their limit of red snapper!

Mark Pinney and his crew got their limit of scallops with deckhand Colton Olgetree & Capt. Kyle Skipper!
Sarah Edmonds caught a massive red snapper on Sunday, Father's Day. Her father was a commercial fishermen back in the day, so this fishing trip was very sentimental to her.
The Rogers Crew had a great day of fishing with Capt. Chase Norwood & his firstmate, Zach Simpson! They slammed the red snapper & gag grouper!
Kevin is holding up massive gag grouper he caught while fishing with Capt. Chase Norwood!
Danielle Norwood caught a red snapper with help from her future son-in-law, Kevin Harden!
Baker Leavitt and his friend had a blast scalloping with Capt. Kyle Skipper!
Davis Day is holding up an awesome red snapper he caught!
Cooper Pride from Ft. Pierce, FL, went scalloping with his family & they caught their limit of scallops!
Mr. Charlie Norwood & his father, Charles "Piapa" Norwood, had a blast fishing on Father's Day! Piapa hooked up on this fiesty amberjack! It fought so hard he thought he hooked the propeller! He nicknamed this fish "Propeller Fish"! LOL
The Horner caught a TON of fish while fishing with Capt. Chase Norwood! They tore up the red snapper, mangrove snapper & a big kingfish!
Joesph Garrett from Bradford, FL, caught a dinner-sized red snapper!
The Hedgecock crew had a blast on Father's Day catching all these red snapper & gag grouper!
Karver Thomas, age 4, loved scalloping in Steinhatchee!
Misty Guessford caught a big ol' red snapper & a lane snapper!
The Nechodom and Theiman families from Gainesville, FL, caught some red snapper & a few lane snapper!
Parker Davis & Korbin Westover were proud to show off their awesome fish they caught!
Jim Ginley, Craig Allen & Jim Sochacki got their limit of red snapper along with some gag grouper & mangrove snapper!
Poppy Pride, & her mom, Sarah Pride, enjoyed scalloping in Steinhatchee! One day little Poppy will be collecting them all on her own!
The Rountree crew absolutely tore up the snapper! They caught red snapper &  vermillion snapper!
Ryan Curtis is holding up a nice red snapper he caught!
Timothy Hogue from Perry, FL, caught this hefty yellowtail snapper with Capt. Chase Norwood! This is a rare & delicious catch for Steinhatchee!
Cody Blue & Frank Sheffield took an overnight trip to the middle grounds & hooked up on a massive gag grouper!
Kimberly Walker & Amber Cole had their hands full of a limit of red snapper they caught!
Morgan Pope & her family had a blast collecting scallops with deckhand Colton Ogletree & Capt. Kyle Skipper!
Glenn, Kody, Malissa, Gabby, Jade & Josh went spearfishing out of Steinhatchee & speared their limit of gag grouper!
Colby & Colton Snyder had fun collecting their limit of scallops on a Sea Hag rental boat!
Corey Horner landed a massive kingfish while fishing with Capt. Chase Norwood!
The Rust, Baggs & Alexander families had a wonderful Father's Day fishing offshore with Capt. Chase Norwood & Connor McKinnon! They filled the board with red snapper, gag grouper & vermillion snapper!

The County will NOT be allowing roadside parking at the ramp area. If you are able, please park your trailer at your home or accommodations so that the spaces can be filled by folks visiting just for the day.
Sam Torrance is holding up a perfect red snapper he caught!
The Coggins crew came back with a boat load of gag grouper, red grouper & red snapper!
Amber Cole caught a delicious hogfish!
The Day Crew slammed the fish! They brought back huge red snapper, gag grouper & red grouper!
Jadon Bray is holding up two matching mangrove snapper!
The Parrish crew, Teresa, Brad, Brad, Susie, Pete & Angie had the best day fishing with Capt. Chase Norwood & firstmate Jadon Bray! They brought back a limit of red snapper & some gag grouper & other snapper species!
Colin Nechodom from Gainesville, FL, caught two perfect red snapper over the weekend!
Chris Torrance and his crew caught a mess of red snapper & a couple red grouper!
Emily Day is holding up a MONSTER red snapper!
Korey & Jordan McKay went fishing in Steinhatchee, FL, for the first time & had a blast catching red snapper!
Conner Damico reeled in this 27in red snapper that weighed 17lbs out of Steinhatchee all on his own!
Don Hogue, Teresa McGillivray & Timothy Hogue from Perry, FL, had so much fun fishing with Capt. Chase Norwood they decided to come again! They filled the board with red snapper, mangrove snapper, gag grouper & Florida snapper!
The Hernandez Family collected so many scallops they had to throw some back!
Ben Smith is holding up a dinner-sized red snapper!
Rocky, Lori, Shell, Travis, Paula, Pops Jackson & Jerry went spearfishing out of Steinhatchee where they shot these gag grouper, red snapper, red grouper, mangrove snapper & hogfish!
HUGE RED SNAPPER! This guy is holding up a monster red snapper he caught while fishing with Capt. Chase Norwood!
Frank Sheffield along with Kyle & Cody Blue went on an overnight trip to the middle grounds where they caught these massive red snapper & grouper along with that MASSIVE 44lb gag grouper to the right!
Reid caught this redfish while Capt. Steve Rassel the other day!
Jeff Rowe and his crew brought back a limit of red snapper & some mangrove snapper!
Colby Curtis is holding up a big ol' red snapper he caught!
Caitlyn Manning from Callahan, FL, is holding up her bag of scallops! Her ponytail hat can be bought at Sea Hag Marina through the boutique Heart of Hatchee! 
Anthony Cannon, Joseph Garrett & Katie Garrett from Bradford, FL, caught their limit of red snapper with a couple gag grouper!
Glenn & Jared Ray from Milledgeville, GA, along with their friends (not pictured) went spearfishing where they speared some flounder, hogfish & grouper!

Sea Hag Marina is supporting Jody DeVane for Taylor County Commissioner 
Although a lot of fantastic  people are running for this position, we feel that Jody DeVane is the most qualified, has a proven record, and can work strongly with the other commissioners.

Christian Alexander from Jacksonville, FL, is holding up a hungry red snapper!
Anthony Cannon from Bradford, FL, is holding up a nice gag grouper he caught!
Aubrey Robinson is showing off some scallops she collected with Capt. Kyle Skipper!
Colton Snyder is cute as can be with this red snapper!
Caitlyn Manning from Callahan, FL, caught her limit of scallops this weekend!
Bill Jones and his crew caught their limit of red snapper!
Grayson Sykes reeled in this massive red snapper all by himself!
Brittani Gibson from Jacksonville, FL, brought back this nice red snapper after fishing offshore all day!
Jerry McClellan is holding up a big ol' gag grouper he caught!
The Pride & Watkins families (a few members not pictured) had a blast scalloping off of two boats together! They got a great limit of scallops!
Capt. Lee, Capt. Leslie, Tom & Richard tore up the red snapper, mangrove snapper & gag grouper!
Chris Beasley and daughter, Caitlyn Manning, from Callahan, FL, had so much fun collecting scallops!
The Hedgecock family slammed the red snapper & gag grouper!
Capt. Chase Norwood caught a yellowtail snapper on his charter the other day! They are so delicious to eat!
Chester Stokes, Jesse Killebrew, Will Killebrew, Dry Repass & J. Lee Repass had a blast fishing out of Sea Hag Marina! They caught huge red snapper, some mangrove snapper & gag grouper!

Capt. Lee Doucette & Capt. Les Hernandez are holding up some delicious mangrove snapper & red snapper!
Ryan Waters is holding up his limit of red snapper!
Sea Hag Tournament Director, Kristin Skipper, & her husband, Capt. Kyle Skipper, found out they are having a baby GIRL! We are so excited for them!
Kevin Harden caught a monster red snapper!
OUR Sea Hag Teens went to PROM! 
They looked amazing! Thank you Dixie County High School for making this night happen for them!
Mechanic Assistant, Connor Mckinnon, & his girlfriend Lori looked amazing!
Head of New Employee Training, Maddie Butler, looked stunning in her gown!
Sales Associate, Karli Koschatzky, looked like a real-life princess in her gorgeous dress!
Dockhand, Kyle Lamb, and his high school sweetheart of 4 years, Abbi, enjoyed their last prom together!

Can you say GAG GROUPER?!
Cody Blue caught this HUGE gag grouper on an overnight trip 
to the middle grounds at sunset!
Submit your photos to to be featured on our newsletter.
2020 Tournament List:

July 1  - October 4  - CCA Star Fishing Tournament

July 25 - The Logun Fishing Tournament

September 12 - Lady Raiders Inshore Slam Fishing Tournament

September 19 - Sea Hag Marina Trash Tournament

October 3 - Hooked on Heroes - Taking Veterans Fishing

October 10 - Nauti-Girls Fishing Tournament

November 6 & 7 - Power-Pole Pro Fishing Tournament

December 12 - Eggnog Open Fishing Tournament
Available in kids & adults!

Click the link below to shop all the new Heart of Hatchee items!
Heart of Hatchee is an online clothing boutique started by two college women! They have their items online as well as in the front of Sea Hag Marina! 
Stop by & shop or order online!
DOWNLOAD  the app, iANGLER on your smart phone and log your fishing trips!

Help us contribute helpful STEINHATCHEE information to Florida's fisheries scientists!

This information will help FWC scientists determine  accurate  regulations for our area!