The Coastal Waters Committee's areas of focus are the Pine Point Co-op and the Scarborough River dredging that is currently underway.
After their recommendation was approved by the Town Council, work began on improvements to the Pine Point Co-op pier in mid-November. Upgrades are being made to the commercial pier, the floats, and the pedestrian pier. This will address all outstanding maintenance issues with the piers.
There was a FY2024 budget request for both cranes at the Pine Point Co-op to be replaced. The cranes and all associated parts arrived in early November and installation of the two new cranes is underway.
This committee also is involved when there is dredging in Scarborough waterways. The US Army Corps of Engineers has begun dredging in the Scarborough River as part of a Federal Navigation Project. The site location is around Ferry Beach and will operate for 24 hours/day. The company aims to have 112,000 cubic yards of product moved just before Christmas and to have the project completed by the first of the year.
Lastly, the Coastal Waters committee has been tasked with looking at parking at the Pine Point Co-op as well as on area streets. The committee plans to have a document to the Town Council by January 2024 to outline the issues, facts, and proposed solutions to parking issues at Pine Point this past year.