Trash and Recycling Pick-Up Reminder
New Year's Day will push collection forward by one day for the rest of the week. If your trash and recycling are normally collected on Wednesday your collection day will be Thursday this week. Regularly scheduled Thursday collection will take place on Friday and regularly scheduled Friday collection will take place on Saturday.
Christmas Tree Collection
Leona Oceania, Public Works
As a reminder, the Scarborough Public Works Department will be picking up Christmas Trees beginning the week of January 6th, and will continue throughout the month of January.
A few things to remember:
- Please place your tree curbside on the same day as your trash pick up. REMINDER: We will be picking up the trees separate from the trash collection, so if your trash and been picked up, but the tree is still there (or vice versa) do not dismay! We will get there!
- Please place the tree far enough from the curb/road that it will not get buried by a snowplow - but not so far that it is not easily accessible by our crew.
- If your tree DOES get buried by either snow-from-the-sky or snow-from-the-plow, please dig it out! We will not be able to dig out, or free up frozen-to-the-ground-trees.
- We will pick up Christmas Trees to the best of our ability, as the weather allows. If there is a snowstorm, and our entire crew is out plowing, we may miss a tree pick up day or two. (Or three!) Please just be patient, and make sure the tree is curbside the following week on your trash day.
- You may also drop off your Christmas Tree here at the Public Works facility. When doing so, we ask that you place it next to the winter-sand-for-the-public area. (Next to the fenced in household-overflow-trash-dumpster)
Questions? Contact us
by email or call 207.730.4400
Community Conversation Explores Library's Future
Catherine Morrison, Scarborough Public Library
The Scarborough Public Library, 48 Gorham Road, will hold a Library Expansion Community Workshop on Monday, January 6 starting at 5:30 pm.
An expansion planning process began as part of the Library's 2016 three-year strategic plan. Last year's work included community surveys and discussions about our future space. This year's efforts continued with the involvement of a nationally recognized library space planning consultant, Anders Dahlgren. His expertise involved creating a library space planning guide that details the essential connection between a library's service goals and its space needs. The simple conclusion is that we need specific improvements to more appropriately serve the needs of the community-especially as a gathering place for seniors, singles, young families, and youth.
The space planning project was timed to provide information for the architectural planning process that began in November. The architects, Scott Simons Architects, are beginning to work with the community in a multi-phase engagement including:
- "Test Fit" the Building Program Development
- Develop Alternate Concept Plans
- Host Community Workshops in early 2020
- Identify Preferred Concept Plan
In addition to significant community engagement in the planning process and ballot measures, the Library accepts responsibility to raise private support through a capital campaign. This workshop is your opportunity to contribute to the conceptual plan for your library's expansion. Please join us and lend your voice to this important process!
Celebrating the Life of Jim Pearson
Chief B. Michael Thurlow, Fire Department
As has been widely reported in the news over the past couple weeks, a long-time member of our community, Jim Pearson, was senselessly murdered outside his own home and family business. Since that tragic day on December 15
our community has mourned his loss and prayed for his family, and many friends.
This tragedy hit our public safety family particularly hard, since many of us knew Jim either personally, or through his daughter, Sergeant Mary Pearson, who has been a friend and colleague for the past nearly 32 years. Jim instilled that spirit of public service in Mary by serving as a reserve police officer himself during the early days of the formation of the Scarborough Police Department. Similarly Jim's son Robert served by enlisting in the US Navy, retiring as a Commander after twenty years of service to our country.
In addition to enjoying working with Mary for her entire career, I personally have fond memories of the Pearson family that date back to the Simpson's days. Jim's wife Nancy helped run her family's business that used to be located by the old Mammoth Mart (what is currently the Maine Health campus at 301 Route 1 for those of you new to town). It was always a special treat when my parents would bring me to Simpson's for a cheeseburger on a steamed bun, many years ago.
Click here for the complete article
Does This Appeal To You?
Brian Longstaff, Zoning Administrator
Nearly every day, we are approached by someone wanting to do something with their property, but we find that the current zoning ordinance (or land use regulations) does not allow the project because it does not conform with some provision in the ordinance. If there is no way to redesign the project so that it meets the rules, the only alternative is for the person to file an appeal for relief from the particular rule or regulation that is prohibiting the activity.
Scarborough offers several different types of appeals to deal with a variety of non-conformance issues. These appeals are heard by the Scarborough Zoning Board of Appeals, which is a 7-member board made up of 5 voting members and 2 alternates, who are appointed by the Town Council. The Board is made up of lay people with different backgrounds and experience, who selflessly volunteer their time to review and decide if the submitted appeals meet the standards outlined in the ordinance, and by Ordinance, the Board is only authorized to hear the following appeals:
Click here to learn more about the Zoning Board of Appeals process
After Care Toy Drive
Stephen Kramer, Community Services
This past December Scarborough Community Services Before/Aftercare program held a toy drive competition between their K-5 sites. These sites included; Wentworth Intermediate School, Blue Point Primary School, Pleasant Hill Primary School and Eight Corners Primary School. All toys were donated to Project GRACE to help families in our community. This year the winning site was Blue Point Primary School with 105 toys with Wentworth coming in a very close second with 100 toys.
Great job everyone!
Welcome Nick Cloutier as Our New Assessor
Kailey Dubuque, Human Resources
On Monday, December 16th, Nick joined the Assessing Department as the new Town Assessor, following David Bouffard's retirement at the end of the month. Nick is a Scarborough Resident and served on the Town's Board of Assessment Review.
Nick previously worked in Maine as an educator and then as a behavioral health professional before making the switch to Assessing. Nick brings municipal experience to his new role having served several Maine towns including North Yarmouth, Freeport, Wells, and Brunswick in varying Assessing capacities. His position with the Town of Scarborough will encompass assessment of all taxable property within the town and the processes involved, working with the existing Assessing team. Congratulations to Nick and welcome to the Town of Scarborough!
A New Leadership Team in the Central Office
Kelly Johnston, Scarborough Public Schools
Scarborough Public Schools' Superintendent Prince is very pleased to announce that the Scarborough Board of Education unanimously approved his recommendation of Diane Nadeau as the next Assistant Superintendent of Scarborough Public Schools effective January 1, 2020. In October 2019, current Assistant Superintendent of Schools, Jo Anne Sizemore, announced her retirement after more than 40 years with Scarborough Schools, effective December 31, 2019.
Dr. Nadeau was among 29 who submitted applications for the position, one of five candidates who were interviewed in the first round,
and was selected as one of three finalists who were invited back for a final screening. She was unanimously voted in by the Scarborough Board of Education at their November 21, 2019 meeting.
Dr. Nadeau was hired by Scarborough Schools in July 2017 as the Principal of Scarborough Middle School. At the middle school, she has been instrumental in creating and implementing new and innovative programs for staff and students that have helped them thrive and grow. Dr. Nadeau brings with her 28 years of knowledge to this position, including 17 years of administrative experience.
Also at the November 21st School Board meeting, School Board Chair, Leanne Kazilionis, announced that members of the School Board voted unanimously to extend the contract of Interim Superintendent Sandy Prince until June 2021 and to remove the term "interim" from his title. Based on the input received from staff and community members, the School Board is confident that Mr. Prince's skills, accomplishments and experience are the right fit for Scarborough.
Congratulations to Assistant Superintendent Nadeau and Superintendent Prince!
About the Scarborough Town Newsletter
Welcome to the official newsletter of the Town of Scarborough, Maine. Brought to you by a team of Town staff, our mission is to keep you informed about town events and activities.
Please note that the newsletter articles are intended to be brief and will often point you back to a link on the Town's Website or Facebook page. The website is the heart of the communication network within town and is the central repository for information on Town government.
Your newsletter team:
Tody Justice, Town Clerk |
Catherine Morrison, Public Library |
Stephen Kramer, Community Services |
Donald Begin, IT |
Kailey Dubuque, Human Resources |
Brian Longstaff, Codes & Planning |
Kelly Johnston, Scarborough Public Schools
Michael Thurlow, Fire Department |
Kim Sperlich, Police Department |
Ruth Porter, Finance |
Leona Oceania, Public Works |
Larissa Crockett, Administration |
Magdalena Slawiec, SEDCO |
Paul Johnson, Chair
Don Hamill, Vice Chair
Jean-Marie Caterina
John Cloutier
Betsy Gleysteen
Peter Hayes
Ken Johnson