Scared to Death:The Story of Sam Londe
August 30, 2016
Scared to Death: The Story of Sam Londe

In 1974, Nashville Tennessee physician Dr Clifton Meador, had a patient, Sam Londe, a retired shoe salesman suffering from cancer of the esophagus, a condition that was at the time considered 100% fatal. Londe was treated for that cancer, but everyone in the medical community “knew” that his esophageal cancer would recur. So it was no surprise when Londe died a few weeks after his diagnosis.

The surprise came after Londe’s death when an autopsy found very little cancer in his body, certainly not enough to kill him. There were a couple of spots in the liver and one in the lung, but there was no trace of the esophageal cancer that everyone thought had killed him! Dr. Meador later told the Discovery Health Channel: “He died with cancer, but not from cancer. (Taken from ‘The Biology of Belief’ by Dr. Bruce Lipton).

The above story is an example of what’s called the ‘nocebo effect’, the idea that negative thoughts can damage your health. If one of the first rules of doctoring is “first do no harm”, then its close cousin is “never remove hope from the patient”. The human body has an amazing ability to heal itself and quite often, we interfere with that awesome ability by our negative thoughts and the negative influence of others. Well intentioned physicians, parents, and teachers alike can remove hope by programming you to believe you are powerless. If you want to live a Maximized Life, start with the first essential: your mind.

Yours in health,


Dr. Anthony R White