2021 Scholarships Application Open!
The 2021 USTAF College Scholarship application is now open! As a reminder, the scholarship application is a two stage process. The deadline for Stage 1 of the application is March 29th, 2021. Applicants will need to create an account in FLUXX (usta.fluxx.io) to access the application.
The Foundation appreciates your support in notifying your high-school seniors of the available opportunities.
To learn more about our scholarships and the criteria used, please click here.
2021 USTAF Grant Guidelines Update
The Grant Guidelines for 2021 have been updated, and can now be viewed on our website. Recently, we notified all members of the NJTL Network of the temporary suspension of Star-Levels for the upcoming Enrollment cycle. Due to this, there have been subsequent and relevant changes to our Grant Guidelines.
To view these changes, please click here.
Upcoming Winward Academy Webinars
Winward Academy has two exciting webinar opportunities upcoming, both available to the NJTL Network.
Wednesday, December 16th, 2020 @ 6:00 PM ET
College Application Q&A with Dartmouth Admissions
Join Dr. Jennifer Winward for a Q&A with Jenni Gargano,
Associate Director of Admissions at Dartmouth College. To view more about the webinar, including the topics to be discussed, please view the flyer here.
Friday, December 18th, 2020 from 1:00 PM ET - 5:45 ET
Success Looks Like Me - Career Panel
Learn how they became leaders and inspire your career path! There are a planned five panels, each 45 minutes, with a focus on a specific industry. The goal is for students to have an opportunity to gain in-depth knowledge from top executives and experts at Apple, Facebook, Bloomingdale's, Magic Johnson Enterprises, Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, and more. To learn more, view this flyer.
The link to re gister is available in the flyers, or click here!
Other Important Updates & Dates
As a reminder, the deadline to submit your Excellence Team Program Self-Audit is Friday, December 18th, 2020.
Save the dates! The Foundation will be hosting two important webinars to start off 2021, focused around the NJTL Enrollment application. During these webinars, we will guide NJTL chapters through the new application, pinpointing any specific changes or additions that are new for 2021. This will also be the opportunity to ask any questions or raise any concerns that you may have before the anticipated application deadline of January 25th, 2021.
These webinars will be held on January 7th, 2021 & January 21st, 2021, times TBD. Invites will be sent later this week.
2020 Net Generation Year-End Show
Reflect on the past year's Net Generation Live with our favorite activities like rally pyramids, volley jacks and build the point!
Check out this and more 2021 Net Generation Live events here!
4-Star NJTL Chapter Spotlight
We are highlighting our 4-Star chapters for their efforts across the country serving thousands of kids in the communities they impact. This week's 4-Star spotlight is shining on Youth Tennis San Diego based in San Diego, CA.
Youth Tennis San Diego is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization whose purpose is to promote the physical, educational, and social development of all children through organized tennis and educational activities. Youth Tennis San Diego owns and operates the Barnes Tennis Center.
Please reach out to us via email at njtl@usta.com if you have any questions or need assistance and the appropriate member of the Foundation team will respond to you.
©2020 USTA Foundation Incorporated, 70 West Red Oak Lane, White Plains, New York 10604. All rights reserved.