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Once again, teachers are carrying a heavy load. The book bans and laws against teaching truthfully about history and LGBTQ+ identity continue. Rather than using its muscle to defend the freedom to learn, Scholastic joined the censors in its popular school book fairs.

The crisis in the Middle East continues with more heartbreaking stories each day. Lives are lost every day to gun violence and climate change. If there was ever a time that teachers needed to be able to teach outside the textbook and provide historical context, this is it.

Thankfully, we see teachers across the country who continue to deepen their own learning and engage young people in critical literacy. Join us in recognizing and supporting their dedication.

We share stories here about Scholastic, resources on Palestine and Israel, Teach Central America Week, our Indigenous Peoples’ Day Teach-In, and book recommendations.

Scholastic Censors Book Fairs

History of Prioritizing Profits Over Integrity

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It was recently revealed that Scholastic is offering schools the chance to opt out of their diverse bookcase for their popular school book fairs.

Rather than using their immense power to defend the freedom to learn, they are joining the censors.

Scholastic’s response to critiques has been two statements, first defending the practice as “protecting teachers” and now saying they have dropped the diverse catalog and “will pivot,” but with no concrete plan.

Sadly, this is not the only example of Scholastic prioritizing profits over educational integrity.

While they publish many books we value, their marketing and communications divisions are as guilty of censorship and misinformation as the legislators passing anti-CRT laws and book bans. We offer examples from our challenges of Scholastic over the past decade.

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Teach Central America

Week of Action

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Alejandro Hernandez, a language teacher at Cambridge Rindge and Latin School, led Teach Central America Week (Oct. 26) activities in his classroom and encouraged colleagues to participate, as well. Hernandez wrote about using our introductory lesson:

Students loved reading the biographies of historical figures and analyzing whether they would connect with others. Moving around the classroom helped students follow their own pace and curiosity, building community with peers and engaging in thoughtful conversations.

Debriefing with questions at the end allowed for significant participation and comprehension from all students. I appreciate how you have lessons that provide a socio-political overview of the region and others that help students analyze details and extrapolate local dynamics into bigger picture understanding.

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Tell us how YOU teach about Central America. In appreciation for your time, we will send you a book for your classroom about Central America.

Teachers In the Museum

Indigenous Peoples’ Day Teach-In

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Renee Gokey, teacher services coordinator at NMAI and Assistant Secretary for Indian Affairs Bryan Newland.

On September 30, the National Museum of the American Indian (NMAI) and Teaching for Change co-hosted our seventh annual Indigenous Peoples’ Day Curriculum Teach-In. More than 100 educators began the day in the beautiful Rasmuson Theater for the keynote and then spread out through the museum for workshops in the exhibits and classrooms both indoors and out. The teach-in was held on the National Day of Remembrance for Indian Boarding Schools and the theme was education sovereignty,

The Washington Informer shared key insights from the day, including:

In his keynote address, Assistant Secretary for Indian Affairs Bryan Newland explained how the forced assimilation of Indigenous American children allowed the U.S. government to steal land from Indigenous people in the mainland, as well as Alaska and Hawaii.

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Nov. 4: Online Teach-In

Indigenous Classroom Resources

Join us online on Saturday, Nov. 4 for the Indigenous Classroom Resources Teach-In hosted by NMAI and Teaching for Change. Keynote speaker and two rounds of workshops on teaching about treaties, boarding schools, pipeline protests, colonization, and more.

Learn More and Register

Teaching the Current Crisis

Resources on the Violence in Palestine and Israel

Our Zinn Education Project (with Rethinking Schools) offers a growing collection of resources to help teach the history of the current crisis, including lessons and articles from Rethinking Schoolsbooks for K-12 from Social Justice Books, films, podcasts, calls to action, factsheets, and infographics.

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New Book

Radical 19th Century Teacher and Nurse

Did these Daughters of the Confederacy ever send petitions to prohibit the atrocious lynchings of Black people? I’d never heard of them claiming a noose could have a bad effect on the children.

But they protested books and performances.

Which of these two realities made a degrading impression upon the minds of our young generation — a play or a brutal hanging?

— Susie King Taylor

More than a century ago, nurse and teacher Susie King Taylor (1848–1912) exposed the hypocrisy of the Daughters of the Confederacy that rings as true today about Moms for Liberty.

The underlying motives of both groups are the same — white supremacy tied to voter suppression.

Learn more in this beautiful new book about the life of Susie King Taylor, based on her memoir, by Erica Armstrong Dunbar and Candace Buford.

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Book Description
More Recommended Books for pre-K–12
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Teaching for Change

Social Justice Books

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