News from Carol...July 2023

We've come to the close of the FY23 school year and I wanted to give you an update before we begin a new one. Many of you follow CCSD School Board meetings on YouTube or comment on my social media posts and I appreciate your feedback and encouragement. As you know working on a school board is many issues and perspectives to consider; however, I assure you I speak out and I'm focused on quality teaching and learning for all students.

Throughout the year, I've reviewed reports related to the district’s goals and guardrails, participated in listening circles with teachers and parents on the the new EL Curriculum, advocated for increasing teacher pay & beneficial instructional programs at the audit and finance meetings, celebrated student achievement at graduation ceremonies, visited many schools across the district, met with the Constituent Boards, and reviewed the spring reports on student progress. With a federal grant to the district, it's good to know that most of our students will have free breakfast and lunch.

Most of the spring semester was spent on the FY24 budget. I'm pleased to say that our teachers will receive a $5,000 salary increase, plus a $5,000 bonus that should help with recruitment and retention of quality staffing. I advocated to raise our non-classified staff salaries to market value; however, they will receive a 2.5% COLA, plus a step until a new study is completed. View the June 26 and July 17 meetings here.

A major responsibility of the school board is hiring the superintendent. The process was intense...interviewing six candidates, choosing the top three, planning for public engagement, and finally selecting the person to lead the district. My interview with Quinten Washington explains the process. The board selected Dr. Eric Gallien to serve as superintendent and he has a survey for public input. With a 100 day plan, I'm confident we will all benefit from Dr. Gallien's leadership in the district.

The FY23-24 calendar created a lot of public interest. The district put together a large focus group for FY25; calendars proposals will be coming out in August & September,

Moving forward, I will continue to advocate for best practices in public education. My priorities for the next few months will be: working with Dr. Gallien and the board to accomplish his plan and the board's strategic plan, supporting District 9 schools and Constituent Boards, holding public hearings on the James Island Early Childhood Center, attending workshops related to education, and finding ways to adequately compensate teachers and staff, lower class size, and enhance neighborhood schools. 

Upcoming Meetings include:

8/1 (Audit & Finance at 2 pm); 8/14 (Committee of the Whole); and 8/28 Regular School Board Meeting). Times are usually 5:15 pm. Here is the calendar for meetings. I look forward to seeing and speaking with you at 75 Calhoun.

I carry this motto with me each day to stay focused on the important work that needs to be done. In the words of Maran Wright Edelman...

Education is for improving the lives of others and

for leaving our community and world better than you found it.

Again, I thank you for your support of my election to the school board and the recent honor from The City Paper.


Dr. Carol Tempel

CCSD School Board Trustee, District 9

Students are enjoying the Women in Science night at James Island ES.

The CCSD School Board

of Trustees.

Graduation Celebrations:

Camp Road MS, James Island Charter HS, and

St John's HS

Enjoyed the fundraiser with local chefs who prepared soups to support the Haut Gap MS garden project.

Yes, we have long board meetings. I attend the Committee of the Whole, Audit and Finance, and the Board meeting. It takes time to prepare.

This assignment gives the student an opportunity to write some content, give a reflection and research the topic. The colors show which activity they are doing.

Stay Informed and Aware

School Board Meetings are on the 2nd and 4th Mondays of each month. Here is the page for the agenda.

The public can pre-register for in-person and electronic comment registration at this site.

The CCSD school board has adopted these goals and guardrails to support the mission and vision for the school district.

Join us on Facebook and share your thoughts.

My campaign had some unexpected expenses due to negative mailers from an opponent.

I'd appreciate your help to retire my debt. DONATE