School Council Update #28 - April 5th, 2019
This month, st udents who are in grades four to twelve will have the chance to complete the OurSCHOOL Survey. This is an online survey which is completed at school. The survey is confidential and anonymous. It is administered every two years and provides really valuable information about student's sense of safety and belonging at school. This informs School Learning Plans, School Bullying Prevention plans and district strategies and practices. Watch for information about the survey from your school and read more on our website. The survey will be administered between  April 23rd and May 10th, 2019. Parents can advise the school if they prefer their child not to participate.
Important Information
PA Day - April 12th, 2019

There will be a PA day on Friday, April 12th, for all OCDSB schools.
Sikh Heritage Month

April is an important month for the Sikh community. In this month, Sikh Canadians celebrate Vaisakhi, which marks the creation of the Khalsa and the Sikh articles of faith. Sikh Canadians widely celebrate Vaisakhi, also known as Khalsa Day, across Ontario.

Sikh Heritage Month recognizes the important contributions that Sikh Canadians have made to Ontario's social, economic, political and cultural fabric. Sikh Heritage Month provides an opportunity for staff, students and community members to learn more about Sikh traditions and history, and celebrate the many contributions of Sikh Canadians.

For more information visit: 
Autism Awareness Month and Speaker Series

April is World Autism Awareness Month. The goal of the month is to help in the building of stronger, more inclusive communities for people with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). We're taking this opportunity to celebrate the diversity of our students as we continue to promote inclusion and acceptance in our schools.

Autism: An Information Night for Parents - Speaker Series Event
Tuesday, April 23rd, 2019
6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
Sir Robert Borden High School - 131 Greenbank Road

Individuals with autism often struggle with managing anxiety, anger, or depression, and increasingly, interventions are being used to help address these difficulties. However, these treatments are best provided within a context of promoting thriving and positive growth more generally in people across the spectrum. In his presentation, our Keynote Speaker Dr. Jonathan A. Weiss, Ph.D., C.Psych, will look at how to promote positive outcomes in youth with autism, by focusing on indicators such as happiness, satisfaction and resilience.

Breakout sessions will be held as well following Dr. Weiss' presentation. These sessions are aimed at providing information on services and supports that are available through the Autism Spectrum Disorders Team within the OCDSB.

Technology Speaker Series

When Technology Takes Over:
Navigating Through the Teen Years
Thursday, May 2nd, 2019
7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
Sir Robert Borden High School - 131 Greenbank Road

This session offers parents practical strategies to encourage healthy use of technology in teens. This free information session will be led by Liz Parsons and Matt Young, Youth Service Managers from  Rideauwood  Addiction & Family Services.

No registration required. Everyone is welcome. Free parking is available behind the school. Due to construction, please use the front/ main entrance.

To learn more about OCDSB Speaker Series, click here .
School Climate Survey 2019 for Students - April 23rd to May 10th, 2019
The OCDSB is committed to creating inclusive, safe and caring environments. As part of this commitment, along with direction from the Ministry, our schools administer school climate surveys to students at least once every two years. The purpose of a school climate survey is to better understand students’ perceptions about bullying, safety at school, and student engagement.
Students who are in grades four to twelve will complete the OurSCHOOL Survey online at school between  April 23rd and May 10th, 2019. Parents can advise the school if they prefer their child not to participate.
Please visit our  School Climate Survey webpage  for more information and frequently asked questions.
Continuing Education Newsletter -
April to June 2019
Take a look at what's coming up in the Continuing Education Department this Spring and Summer.
Stay Connected with your child's school with the OCDSB App

The new OCDSB  mobile app makes staying connected with your children’s school(s) easy and accessible:

  1. Download the app.
  2. Choose the school(s) you want to follow and gain access to school calendars and school news.
  3. As a bonus you get busing information, cancellations or delays, school directory, emergency alert notifications and other communications.

The  SchoolMessenger app  is available within the OCDSB app and will give you access to your child’s attendance, school-to-parent communications and more. Get the free OCDSB app at the  App Store  or for Android in the  Google Play Store .
2019 OCDSB International Languages Summer Programs

The OCDSB International Languages Summer Programs are open for registration. They will be running from July 2nd to 26th, 2019. Reserve your spot today!
Proposed 2019-2020 School Year Calendar - Subject to Ministry Approval

For those looking to start planning for next year, the proposed calendar for the 2019-2020 school year is now available on our website .
 Ottawa Public Health (OPH) Immunization

All children attending school between ages 4 to 17 need to be immunized according to  Ontario's Immunization Schedule . OPH has the authority to suspend from attending school students for whom OPH does not have a record of immunization. Parents can contact OPH by phoning 613-580-6744 or visit . Learn more   here
School Council Information
 School Council Liability Insurance

The following text serves to clarify the difference in insurance coverage between the School Council’s liability insurance, and the District’s liability insurance.

The School Council Liability Insurance, paid for by the District, applies when members
of School Council (as defined in the School Council Constitution) are acting within the
scope of their duties, and the event is organized and controlled by the school council.
Coverage exclusions, under this policy, include, but not limited to, pyrotechnics and
fireworks, sports teams and all organized sport activities, skiing, fitness training,
gymnastics, and stage/prop construction.

If school councils engage in activities beyond the scope of their duties, e.g. running
music programs, social activities, or sports clubs, they are advised to:
  • Not use the school name and clearly stating, in any correspondence to parents,
that it is not a school sanctioned event;
  • Purchase an additional insurance policy, as the event is not covered the School
Council Liability Insurance;
  • If using the school or school property, book the space through the Community
  • Use of Schools (CUS) department;
  • Consider using a consent form for persons participating in the event; and
  • Consider a vetting process for all volunteers.

The District’s insurance policy provides liability coverage for school council members
only when they are acting as volunteers to a principal-approved, organized and
supervised event.

For more information, please check the School Council Insurance webpage . Should you have any questions, please contact the Risk Management Team .
School News
There are a lot of amazing events going on in our district. Check out the School News section of our website to learn about some of the great things happening in our schools!

Ridgemont High School’s Sports Swap and Bazaar - April 13th, 2019

Ridgemont High School Council is pleased to be hosting a Sports Swap and Bazaar on Saturday, April 13th, from 12:30 pm to 3:30 pm. The event will also feature a silent auction and bake sale. Come out and celebrate Spring and support community schools! Visit our website to learn more.

Want to spread the word about your event? Send us an email at: . We will help publicize your events on our website.
Dates to Remember
School Year Calendars
The 2018-2019 school year   elementary  and  secondary   calendars are available on our website. The highlights include School Holidays, PA Days, and District-wide Secondary Testing. 
Board and Committee of the Whole Meetings
The next public Committee of the Whole meeting will be on April 16th, 2019. Read the full agenda here . Watch the meeting live here .

Upcoming Committee Meetings:
04/16/2019 7:30 PM Committee of the Whole, Public
04/17/2019 6:00 PM Parent Involvement Committee
04/23/2019 7:30 PM Board, Public
04/25/2019 6:00 PM Advisory Committee on Equity
04/29/2019 7:00 PM Advisory Committee on the Arts

Read our Boardroom Highlights here .
Stay Connected
OCDSB staff, students and community members can view the District's  website. Keep in touch by following us on  Twitter , and downloading our new app, visiting our  Facebook  and  LinkedIn  pages, and watching our videos on  YouTube .

About the Newsletter
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