Emerson Junior-Senior High School
School Counseling Department
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Quarter 1 Newsletter, 2022-2023 | |
During marking period 1, our school counseling department has met individually with our students in grades 7, 9, and 12.
Students in grade 7 met with their counselor to learn their role as a student advocate, understand how to access our services, and discuss the transition from grade 6 to 7. Mrs. Borgognone will continue to meet with grade 7 as they get accumulated to our junior high school.
Students in grade 9 met with their counselor to discuss their four-year plan and the expectations of high school versus junior high school. Students logged into their Naviance account to set up a resume for their high school career. Students are encouraged to visit Naviance to update their resume throughout their freshman year. During this meeting, freshmen completec the Strengths Explorer Inventory on Naviance which highlights their top three strengths after answering a series of questions. Upon completion, a full report is available on the student's Naviance account to review and reflect upon as we continue throughout this year. Please see the attached document for more information: Grade 9: Naviance Strengths Explorer
Students in grade 12 met with their counselor to outline their plans post-graduation. These plans include applying to 2-year, 4-year, trade, and technical schools as well as employment and armed services. Counselors have assisted in the college application process with students and parents in regards to completing the online application, sending official test scores, requesting letters of recommendation, and then submitting these materials electronically for each student via Naviance. EJSHS Website: Grade 12 Folder
During marking period 2, school counselors will meet with students in grades 8, 10 and 11 to discuss topics that relate specifically to their grade level and needs.
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Marking Period 1 Report Card |
When receiving your first marking period grades, use this time to review and reflect. Do not only look at the marking period grade but turn to your Genesis gradebook to identify trends and patterns throughout this quarter. Take the time to look at the areas where you succeeded and the areas where you struggled.
For example, you may have lost a lot of points on homework assignments. Make it a goal for the second marking period to improve on homework completion and deadlines.
A reminder to utilize office hours as a tool to help you meet your goal for the second marking period. Check with your teacher for office hour times and rotation days.
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Post Graduation Planning- Class of 2023 |
As of November 15, 2022, 73% of our senior class have submitted an application to a college/university through early action, early decision, rolling, and/or priority deadline.
Seniors who are still researching and exploring schools remember that there are more application dates ahead with rolling and regular decision deadlines. Remember to follow up with your counselor as your deadlines approach with any additional questions/concerns.
Marking Period 1 Grades:
On Friday, November 18th, marking period 1 ends, and report cards are available on December 2nd. We have and will continue to reinforce the importance of your senior year as it relates to your college acceptances and your future.
Admissions counselors place much value and importance on your senior year grades from September until June. You will find that as marking period 1 has ended, admissions counselors may be encouraging and even requesting that you send your 1st marking period report card.
Please check your email for more information on marking period grades.
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Junior Family Night- Parents and Students:
Tuesday, December 6 at 7:00pm, EJSHS Media Center
Freshmen/Sophomore Family Night- Parents and Students:
Thursday, February 2, 2023 at 7:00pm, EJSHS Media Center
More information will follow on this evening's agenda and topics which will include our role as counselors, Naviance, the four-year plan, and time for questions/answers.
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Naviance is a college and career readiness program that helps connect academic achievement to post-secondary goals. Along with your school counselor, you will discover your individual strengths, learning style and explore college and career opportunities.
Visit Emerson Jr Sr High School Site, click For Families and click Naviance.
Students in each grade will be working with their counselor and on their own to maximize Naviance's services throughout this school year.
Grade 7: Introduction to Naviance, Learning Style Inventory
Grade 8: Review Learning Style Inventory results and reflect
Grade 9: Strengths Explorer Survey, Resume
Grade 10: Do What You Are Survey, Resume
Grade 11: Resume, Review past survey results, explore post-secondary options, explore majors/careers, and research colleges.
Grade 12: Finalize resume, Research careers, Research colleges, Sign up for college visits to Emerson HS, Request letters of teacher recommendation, Send school documents to colleges electronically, and Research scholarships
* If you would like to access Naviance via a parent account, please email Mrs. Riedel at kriedel@emersonschools.org for a registration code.
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On November 15, 2022, our school administration and senior students presented to the Class of 2027 parents. You can find a copy of the evening's presentation linked below.
Class of 2027 Open House
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EJSHS CavoStrong Advisory | |
We are excited to share that our CavoStrong Advisory period is underway with all students in grades 7-12 and all staff members. We have completed four sessions together and are beginning to establish norms and build relationships within our groups.
As a family, you can get involved in our program as well. Linked here are November Dinner Conversations to have together as a family.
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Ryan's Story: On October 26, 2022, the 7-12 grade students and staff attended an assembly presented by John Halligan named Ryan’s Story. Our Physical Education department along with Mrs. Connon met for a presentation prior to the assembly to discuss who John Halligan is, review warning signs, and discuss action steps and prevention resources were provided during this meeting.
We would like to thank and commend our students in both groups (grades 7-9 and 10-12) for their full attention, engagement and respect throughout the entirety of the presentation.
The program has a long-standing reputation for changing and saving young lives while effectively addressing bullying and suicide prevention. The students remained entirely engaged as John Halligan told his son's heartbreaking life story. Our hearts and minds were reached with inspiring life-changing lessons from his story, including:
- Forgiveness is a much better state of mind.
- Suicide prevention is achieved through self-advocacy and advocacy for others.
- Be an upstander and not a bystander.
- Apologize if you owe one.
- You are loved beyond belief!
As a follow-up to the assembly, our CavoStrong October 27th session met to reflect on the presentation.
We thank Mr. Halligan for sharing Ryan’s story with us. More information can be found www.Ryansstory.org
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Student Assistance Counselor: Mrs. Connon
Week of Respect, Violence Awareness and Red Ribbon Week
Through the month of October 2022, students of Emerson Jr. Sr. High School observed the Week of Respect, Violence Awareness Week and Red Ribbon Week.
The 2022 theme of Week of Respect was “Respect yourself, others, and our differences”. The Student Council organized activities such as performing daily Random Acts of Kindness, lending a helping hand, sharing a smile and a hello and reinforced the culture of respect and kindness. Daily messages were delivered via announcements and TV information messages promoting respect for self, others, and the school community.
Violence Awareness Week was organized by members of Peer Leaders. “Kindness Counts” was the theme that echoed through the halls of EJSHS. Tolerance, celebrating differences, ways to create peace, resolve conflict peacefully, and an anti-bullying message was provided daily through announcements and activities.
The theme for Red Ribbon Week 2022 was “Celebrate Life. Live Drug Free”. Students participated in a pledge to remain alcohol/drug free, and received prevention information, drug refusal techniques, and ways to strengthen life skills. This week was organized by the members of the Student Council..
Our goal is to create a community where respect for self and others is a priority and together we can be a part of helping kids grow up safe, healthy and drug free.
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Junior High School Counselor, Mrs. Borgognone:
During the first marking period, Ms. Borgognone conducted lessons for all students in grade 7. Each student participated in time management activities and had the opportunity to engage in and strategies ideas to better use their time. Mrs. Borgognone reviewed how to create a schedule, and prioritize tasks.
Parents are encouraged to review the article and help students implement some of the strategies:
Create a Schedule
Remove Distractions (think screentime)
Set Goals and Prioritize Tasks
Work on Assignments Early (and one thing at a time)
Break Big Projects into Smaller Tasks
Take Breaks
Get Sleep
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Class of 2024 Junior Family Guide |
Our school counselors have compiled and updated this guide to be a resource for you and your family throughout junior and senior years of high school. We encourage you to download and review together as a family as you begin to plan for after high school.
Class of 2024 Junior Family Guide
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Emerson Jr- Sr High School Webpage |
Check out our school counseling department webpage located at www.ejshs.emersonschools.org
Click on School Counseling where you will find folders with documents by grade level.
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EJSHS School Counseling Department | |
Karen Biondo, x1351
Susan Borgognone, x1352
Denise Connon, x1801
Kelly Riedel, x1353
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