Join Us in Celebrating SEL Day 2023!
Uplifting Hearts, Connecting Minds
March 10, 2023

It is a wonderful, fun way to celebrate all the great work happening in NJ schools! Sign up today to showcase, promote, advocate for, and support SEL (broadly defined) in your school and community. All you need to do is create an artifact and send it out on social media with the hashtag #SELday on March 10th. The goal is to have #SELday trending worldwide!
If you create an artifact (which many NJ schools did last year for SEL Day!), it would be wonderful if you could send a copy of your artifact (video, photos, blogs, podcasts, etc.) with the theme of your artifact included in the subject line to SEL4NJ (ideally one or two words...for example kindness, connection, staff morale, student voice, respect). We of course will be sure to tweet and share the artifact on SEL Day.
The SELday website toolkit page has helpful information and material including logos, hashtags, press releases, etc.
We are so excited to showcase and highlight the amazing SEL work taking place in schools throughout New Jersey!

Professional Development, Webinars, and Resources
What Is Complex Trauma?
"When people think of trauma, they often imagine a specific experience, like a natural disaster or a violent attack. And it’s true that a very upsetting or life-threatening experience can lead to PTSD and other mental health challenges. But there’s another form of trauma that involves chronic negative experiences like abuse, neglect, or violence. This is known as complex trauma, and its profound impact on kids is often misunderstood." Read more
Strategies for building deeper relationships with students through academic content
By MindShift
"Targeting deeper relationship-​building in our lesson planning should have a strong tie-​in to what we want students to achieve. We run into difficulty when we do not make a clear connection between how teachers and students interact with each other and the way that relationships play into the establishment of a safe learning space. We are very aware of the need to make students comfortable in class, particularly at the start of an instructional period, but sometimes that priority does not bear out for the remainder of the class." Read more
"Engaging Staff, Students, and Families: A Schoolwide Approach"
A look at how school leaders can get started bringing their community together to work toward shared goals. Read more

"3 Ways to Integrate SEL Into the Curriculum"
To ensure that social and emotional learning has the greatest impact on learning, embed SEL in academic instruction. Read more

"Encouraging Executive Functioning Skill Development in Middle School"
A fun multiweek project can support the development of the crucial skills that drive academic success for middle school students. Read more
Rutgers University Upcoming SEL Webinars
Click here to access Rutgers webinar page.

  • SEL and Equity 101: A Practical Approach
  • Academy Overview: How and Why to Obtain a Certificate in SEL Instruction and/or SEL School Leadership
  • How to Integrate SEL into Social Studies/Civics/History and other Academic Areas via Students Taking Action Together (STAT), and into Tier 2 Interventions via the Social-Emotional Learning Lab (SEL Lab)
  • How to Instruct Students in ANY SEL/Character Program Effectively
  • Leading SEL Implementation in Schools
  • Principles of Staff Development for Expertise in SEL/Character Instruction
The Academy for SEL in Schools, a partnership between Rutgers University and Saint Elizabeth University, offers certificate programs for educators and educational leaders in social-emotional and character development.
SEL4NJ is a state-wide coalition that promotes high-quality SEL throughout the state. Sign up now to join this effort and to stay informed about national and state SEL news!
The School Culture and Climate Initiative (SCCI) is based at the Center for Human and Social Development at Saint Elizabeth University.
School Culture and Climate Initiative