School Garden Bright Spots: April 2023

Dear School Garden Friends,

April has left school gardens bursting in yellow and immune systems bursting in histamines!  Runny noses and itchy eyes are the price we pay for big smiles and happy learners! The O'odham people describe April as the yellow month and this April did not disappoint; palo verde trees are currently in full golden regalia. In the garden, April is also when we harvest fava beans and watch our chilies, tomatoes, and squash push growth.

This past Friday we hosted our 2023 Ecology Art Exhibition in the ENR2 Building on the University of Arizona campus. We showcased garden-themed artwork made by students created by Manzo Elementary School, Mansfeld Middle School, and Rincon High School. Students, families, and community members were on hand to take in masterpieces and listen to our student artists talk about their work. Special thanks to Carly Pierson and Maria Celis for their vision, guidance, and monumental efforts making this signature event a huge success.

Earlier this month,  Greg Barron-Gafford, School Garden Workshop (SGW) Associate Director, SGW team member Caleb Ortega, and Udall Center Director Andrea K. Gerlak traveled to the 2023 agrivoltaics conference in Daegu, South Korea. Our team presented findings from their recent work and learned from researchers and industry professionals engaging in agrivoltaics research around the world. Caleb presented his work with Manzo 5th grade student-scientists who are collecting and processing agrivoltaic data as part of their science and ecology curriculum.

Congratulations to SGW Food Literacy team members Stacy Evans and Selene Leyva and TUSD Food Services for receiving the 2022-2023 ADE Farm Fresh Challenge PLATINUM award! This lunch option served at Davidson Elementary last Spring had 5+ local items, listed below. Students received educational activities about Arizona agriculture, and it was promoted across our communities!

To the farmers listed below, THANK YOU! Congratulations to TUSD Food Services!

๐ŸŒพSonoran Wheat Berries from Ramona Farms

๐Ÿฅ”Pinto Beans from Bonita Bean Company

๐ŸŒฑCilantro from Blue Sky Organic Farms

๐ŸงกButternut Squash from Covilli Brand Organics

๐ŸŠValencia Oranges from Orchard Community Learning Center

๐Ÿฅ›Milk from Shamrock Farms

๐ŸšLocally sourced by Pivot Produce

Finally, we offer you ways to engage! Please contact Debra Rodriguez,, to sign up. 

  • We are scheduling tours in May and June. Most tours are on Thursday mornings. Please allow 90 minutes. 
  • Join us May 3rd at Green Academy, hosted at Davis Bilingual Elementary School

Warm spring bloom regards ๐Ÿ˜Ž๐ŸŒผ, 

๏ปฟMoses, Greg, Sallie, and the School Garden Workshop team

Make your gift to SGW today!

Image captions (top to bottom):

  • Yellow is the color in the garden at Tucson High Magnet School
  • Student, teachers, family, community members at the Ecology Art Exhibition
  • UArizona agrivoltaic team in South Korea
  • Butternut Grain Bowl Platinum Award!
  • Invitation to Green Academy
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