Dr. Uneeda Givens, Executive Director of Academics, Richard Milburn Academy (RMA)
Being the DCSI allows me to have a close view of each campus, which gives me a better understanding of their barriers and strengths.
District Practices and Processes
At RMA, we establish internal benchmarks and protocols using ESF rubrics.
Essential Action Priorities
We have one district essential action and one to two campus essential actions that help to ensure district priorities are met and addressed.
District Systems
Coordinating with ESCs, internal review, and monitoring the plan's progress are the keys to our success. View our Consolidated District TIP Resource page here.
Keys to Success
Backward planning has helped immensely with meeting submission deadlines.
Current Challenge
The TIP is a series of actions to improve the academic performance of students. Our challenge has been balancing between monitoring, providing support, and holding the campus accountable.
A big thanks to Dr. Givens for sharing her district's successes and challenges!