Spring Has Arrived and So Has the Second Edition of our Region 4 School Improvement Newsletter!

This communication is brought to you by the District Systemic Support Solutions team at Region 4 to keep educators abreast of timely and important information pertaining to school improvement.

Important Dates

Targeted Improvement Plan (TIP) Deadlines

Thank you to everyone for submitting your Progress 2 Targeted Improvement Plans (TIPS).

Progress 2 feedback began in April and is in full swing!

The TEA will provide input via a phone call or the 806 technology feedback system. DCSIs and campus principals should be on the lookout for an e-mail from a TEA or Region 4 Specialist with details on the type of feedback you will receive.

The next TIP Cycle submission is June 30, 2023, and will include a Cycle 3 review and an End of Year Reflection to begin building your Cycle 4 plan. The Region 4 School Improvement (SI) team created a guide to assist your campus leadership team with the final submission.

Access the Guide to Assist in Your Final TIP Cycle Submission HERE. This handy guide provides timelines, guidance, and important reminders about the reflection and planning process.

Interested in an ESF Diagnostic?

Planning for next year? Consider scheduling an ESF diagnostic visit for campuses that have not had an ESF diagnostic in the past three years. Contact any of our Region 4 team members to learn more.

DCSI Resources

DCSI Resources for Effective Schools

The second District Coordinator of School Improvement (DCSI) Learning Lab in Ozona, Texas was a huge success! DCSIs, principals, and district leaders from across the state came together to collaborate and grow. Crockett County Consolidated Common School District (CCCCSD)  hosted the event.

CCCCSD is an a-rated district focused on building district-wide transformation. Participants heard from CCCCSD leadership and observed instruction in Ozona schools. 

NEW Resources from the Center for Effective Schools:

School Improvement Process Resource

This page provides new DCSIs with an overview of the school improvement process and includes a calendar of events, accountability 101 information, and additional resources from the TEA to use as you complete Cycle 4 of the TIP. 

Targeted Improvement Plan Resource

As you complete the Cycle 3 review, visit the tab for End of Cycle Reflections. For cycle 4 planning, visit the Desired Annual Outcomes, District Commitment Theory of Action, and District Actions page. 

Campus Accountability Interventions and Guidance

The new ESF 3.0 Crosswalk document is available along with the EOY TIP submission requirements. Please continue to visit the TEA's 2022-2023 Intervention Guidance and Tools webpage for the latest information and resources.

District Spotlight

DSCI Spotlight for April 2023

Horizon Montessori Public School's director André Credit shares his experience with the Effective Schools Framework (ESF) Diagnostic process and how it helped his leadership. 

Reflections on the ESF Diagnostic Process

Q1: What are 23 major takeaways from going through the ESF Diagnostic process?

I believe the ESF Diagnostic process provided my campus with a road map to success. Although we were implementing many of the aspects of the ESF, the process allowed our campus to refine our practices based on the rubric. The ESF process also allowed me to ensure I was planning and leading the campus according to best practices. It caused me to reflect on how I am growing my leadership team as well as giving them opportunities to grow their own leadership.

Q2: How will you leverage the ESF Final Report in your continuous improvement efforts?

Upon receiving the final report, our campus was already implementing many of

the areas we want to target next year. Discussions have begun on how to build on our

strengths by creating an action plan for the areas we can enhance.

Q3: How would you describe your experience going through the ESF Diagnostic process with another campus principal?

The ESF Diagnostic process will allow you to really inspect how your practices on campus align with what should be happening. It also helps if you want your campus to

grow and create a level of sustainability to ensure systems and protocols are in place.

As a campus principal goes through the process, I would recommend he or she

be willing to ask themselves hard questions based on the levers and how their current

practices and procedures align with the levers. I would suggest that the principal

choose the levers that will render the most impact.

Q4: Anything else you’d like to add?

As a campus, we will use the ESF process to guide our decisions and practices. I believe in the ESF and encourage all campuses that want to build a sustainable culture of excellence to work with the Effective Schools Framework.

Assessment and Accountability

2023 Upcoming Assessment Updates

Updated versions of the 2023–2024, 2024–2025 and a draft version of the 2025–2026 Student Assessment Testing Calendars are now available on the TEA Students Assessment website. Testing calendars for upcoming years have been adjusted to ensure assessment results arrive prior to the end of the school year.

The latest updates to the A–F framework based on stakeholder feedback were published in March and can be found on the 2023 Accountability Development webpage. A finalized framework posted in March and provides detailed technical descriptions of the A-F refresh changes.

Additional documents include the 2023 A–F refresh summary of stakeholder feedback, scores, and scaling resources.

Professional Development

Looking for training?

Find workshops focused on strategic planning, performance management, ESF best practices, instructional leadership, and more.

Workshops for District and Campus Leaders

Contact Us

We Would Love to Hear From You!

Are you working on your strategic plans for the new school year? Our Region 4 District Systemic Support teams are here to help!

Menu of Services

Technical Assistance

Receive free 2-hour support visits or calls for DCSIs and leaders in Region 4 to assist your planning for Cycle 4 of the TIP.

2023–25 ESF-Focused Grant Support

Obtain review and feedback for your Effective Schools Framework (ESF) grant submission.

District-Specific Training

Receive customized learning, coaching, and support for district and campus leaders on special initiatives.

EALS Support for Lever 1.1

Launch Essential Action Lever Support (EALS) professional learning and coaching to assist leaders in setting up systems, roles, and responsibilities for observation and feedback; lesson alignment; formative assessment; and data-driven instruction.

Texas Instructional Leadership (TILS)

Engage in executive level learning, coaching and support for lesson alignment and formative assessment (4.1); observation and feedback (5.2); data-driven Instruction (5.3); and school-wide culture routines (3.1).

ESF Diagnostics

Fine-tune continuous improvement efforts through an objective and external examination of artifacts, data, and stakeholder feedback to determine current implementation level of best practices aligned to the ESF. Receive critical information on what your campus should be planning as prioritized focus areas.

Contact us

Reach out to one of our team members for any of the services above.

View full contact list.

Helpful Links

District Systemic Support Solutions Website

District Systemic Support Leadership Networks

TEA School Improvement

Effective Schools Website

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