
Dear Boys & Girls Club of the Redwoods Supporter:
School is back in session! As always, the Boys & Girls Club of the Redwoods strives to make sure that members are as prepared as possible for their journey through the school year. This includes making sure that all members are able to go back to school with school supplies in hand, regardless of financial hardship, by providing school supplies to families and youth in need. We are still in need of backpacks, notebooks, paper, and writing utensils for this school year. By donating school supplies, youth are not only provided with the tools to succeed in their academics, but also the confidence to master their own 
education. School supplies in the hands of a child is the 
next step in a truly great future. 
Board of Directors
Anita Beers 
Nancy Kay 
Wendy Kerr  
Chris Miller 
Phillip Nicklas 
Dylan Sacco 
Dr. Keith Snow-Flamer 
Ryan Sundberg 
Mark Wetzel 

President: Rodney Strom

Save the Date!  
Cruz'n Eureka
24th Annual Car Show
September 7-9

Philly Cheese Stake Shoppe
Golf Tournament
September 8

Bids for Kids
Annual Dinner & Auction
September 30 


Klamath Boys & Girls Club at the Salmon Festival

The Klamath Boys & Girls Club site participated in one of Klamath's biggest events of the year, the Salmon Festival! Staff and members were able to sell tribal artwork members had made at a booth, as well as raffle tickets to fund a bus that can take Boys & Girls Club member to after school sports. Information and member sign ups were available to the community that came out to celebrate the culture and traditions of Klamath and the Yurok Tribe.  We hope to be back next year!

Power Hour at Calvary Lutheran Church

The Clubhouse is so excited to be working in conjunction with Calvary Lutheran Church to provide a larger space for Power Hour. This Academic Success program focuses on homework tutoring, educational games and activities, and the importance of reading every day to provide members with time and tools to encourage growth in and out of the classroom. This expansion is funded by the Humboldt County Measure Z Grant, and allows for a higher capacity of youth being served at a higher frequency, with an emphasis on keeping youth engaged with positive activities and mentors.

First Teen Center Family Dinner Night of the School Year

For the first day of school, Teen Center members were treated to a Family Dinner Night to celebrate the beginning of the school year. Family Dinner Night is sponsored by the CalFresh program, which provides educational materials, resources, and food. Members and staff prepared pasta, chicken, strawberry almond salad, and garlic bread for all the families. 
Ice Cream with the Cops

Ice Cream with the Cops was a wonderful end of summer treat for our Clubhouse and Eureka Teen Center members!. Members received free ice cream from Living the Dream Ice Cream and got to talk and ask questions with the Eureka Police Department.  We are so lucky to have such fantastic men and women in our police force for our members to look up to.
Teen Court Mentor Attorneys

Teen Court has coached up 5 new mentor attorneys! We have been blasting recruitment for new mentors now that our caseload is back up to fullness. This will greatly help to further spread the mentor duties that fall on our current adult volunteers. Mentor attorneys are still needed, as well as Teen Court leaders! 

Power Hour:
A Key to Academic Success

  Power Hour is one of the most important and highly demanded programs at the Boys & Girls Club. This program is run across all of our sites and features homework tutoring, educational games and activities, as well as reading time. Power Hour aims to make homework and other learning activities enjoyable as well as beneficial, making sure that during every Power Hour period there is "fun with a purpose". Part of the basis of Power Hour is to make sure that all members graduate from high school with a plan for their future, whether that's a four year college or university, trade school, military, or work force plans. 

In Need of School Supplies!

As our summer draws to a close, it's time to start thinking about the upcoming school year! This transitional time in the year can be extremely challenging for many families who cannot afford new school supplies for their youth. Boys & Girls Club of the Redwoods provides members who cannot afford their own supplies all the materials they would need to get back into the swing of school in style. We are looking for notebooks, loose leaf paper, pens, markers, crayons, colored pencils, and backpacks. If you would like to make a donation of school supplies, please contact our Administrative Assistant Amber Larson at or (707)-441-1030.

Clubhouse Member of the Month:
Kyan Larsen-Willis

Kyan is in the sixth grade and has been a member of the Boys & Girls Club for over four years, and can always be found participating in Triple Play and Power Hour. Kyan has become a leader in SMART Moves, and has even started his own Dungeons and Dragons Club at the Boys & Girls Club. When Kyan isn't at the Boys & Girls Club, he loves hanging out with his two brothers and his friends and, of course, playing Dungeons and Dragons. 

Staff of the Month
Keon Gaither, Area Director

Meet our new Area Director, Keon Gaither! Keon started working with the Boys & Girls Club of the Redwoods in 2011. He has helped with numerous roles within the organization including being a Program Director at the Clubhouse, an Office Assistant, and a Program Assistant. He has a bachelors degree in Sociology from Humboldt State University. He has a passion for youth and helping them achieve their goals. He really enjoys the work that he does knowing that it's helping the kids of  tomorrow  which, in turn, helps the community.  

Katy Perry Wants YOU to Volunteer! 

Katy Perry is supporting Boys & Girls Clubs with her Witness Tour this fall. During her tour, she will be donating proceeds from her ticket sales to Boys & Girls Clubs. In addition, she is giving away 100 tickets to fans who support Clubs through volunteering.

Learn more about this amazing opportunity, and how you can get involved at


Thank you to the Humboldt Bar Association for their continued support of our Teen Court!


We envision healthy, empowered and engaged youth who appreciate and respect  themselves, each other, their families, the community and the environment.
We empower youth to reach their full potential as responsible, caring and productive citizens through professionally led programs and activities that are fun, positive, and relevant in a safe, supportive, and healthy environment. 
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