Lourdes Letter


Student Information System PowerSchool.

Stay up-to-date with student courses, student grades and more.

Volunteer Opportunities 

Green Bay Packer Parking

Signup here to earn TSF Hours

Lunch & Playground Volunteers


August 24 - Sarah D, Jim C.

August 25 - Christina S. Allisa T. 

August 26 - Brenda J. Brittany C. Rachel J

August 29 - Rachel J. Shannon E.

August 30 - Courtney J. Olivia 

Playground Volunteer Calendar

If you are interested in lunch/playground TSF volunteer opportunity, please review the link below. If you have any questions, please contact the school office.

(920) 336-3091

More Information & Signup Form


See what is happening this month.

GRACE Academic Calendar




Week of:

August 17, 2022

Important August Dates:

  • New Families: Welcome to OLOL Orientation meeting
  • Thursday, August 18, 6:30-7:30PM 

  • Back-To-School: Meet Your Teacher, School Supply Dropoff and Picture Night
  • Monday, August 22, 4:00-6:30PM 

  • 5th Grade Middle School Orientation
  • Monday, August 22, 6:30PM

  • First Day of School: K-8
  • Wednesday, August 24
  • Grades 5-8: 7:30AM
  • Grades K-4: 8:25AM

  • Student Backpack Blessing with Fr. Jim Baraniak, O.Praem (on the playground)
  • Wednesday, August 24, 8:30AM

  • PreK: 4 yr old-5 day (M-F)/Dull
  • Playday & Parent Informational Mtg
  • Monday, August 29, 9:00-10:00AM
  • First Day of School
  • Tuesday, August 30

  • PreK: 4 yr old-3 day (MWF)/Basten
  • Playday & Parent Informational Mtg
  • Monday, August 29, 9:00-10:00AM
  • First Day of School
  • Wednesday, August 31

  • PreK: 3 yr old-3day(MWF)/Gale
  • Playday & Parent Informational Meeting
  • Monday, August 29, 9:00-10:00AM
  • First Day of School
  • Wednesday, August 31

  • PreK: 3yr old-2 day (TuTh)/Basten
  • Playday & Parent Informational Mtg
  • Tuesday, August 30, 9:00-10:00AM
  • First Day of School
  • Thursday, September 1

  • First School Mass of 2022-2023 School Year
  • Wednesday, August 31, 9:00AM

We have openings in our PreSchool programs

(3 year old and 4 year old)

for 2022 - 2023

Please share info with family, friends and neighbors! 

Call for a tour ~ (920) 336-3091.   Enroll today!

Letter from Principal Young

Dear OLOL Families,

The 2022-2023 school year is here!  The OLOL staff  are very excited to welcome the students, both new and old back to school.    Our hope is that you are excited about the school year and ready to get involved in every aspect of OLOL.

Currently our enrollment is at 196 students fully enrolled.  I’m expecting three more students to complete enrollment to finish enrollment this week.  I’m confident that when students come walking into the doors we will be at 200 students.  I would like to personally thank Fr. Jim Baraniak for embracing “Lourdes 200” and working extremely hard for us to reach our goal.  There were also numerous staff and parents that also embraced this challenge and did everything that could for us to reach 200.  I would like to recognize them but I’m afraid I would leave someone out.  If you helped us; thank you!!

We have two important events prior to school starting on Wednesday, August 24th.  New Family Orientation is Thursday, August 18th (6:30 - 7:30).   Our preschool and kindergarten team ask that this be a parent-only event as looks of important information is shared.  They also ask that even if your son or daughter was at OLOL that you still attend.  OLOL Back-to-School Night is Monday, August 22nd from 4:00 - 6:30.  Students and parents will be going on an OLOL scavenger hunt that will help educate both students and parents all the OLOL has to offer.

One of the new initiatives that we are excited about at Our Lady of Lourdes is Project Lead the Way, a new science resource that we will be implementing.   Project Lead the Way approach is to have students learn science concepts using more hands-on activities.   Please be sure to ask your children about it.

The OLOL staff came back on Monday and are quite busy getting ready for the school year.  In addition to meetings, the staff have been involved in training for Project Lead the Way, a spiritual retreat at Our Lady of Good Help, Fundations training, and GRACE content and grade level meetings.  We are ready to go.

The OLOL staff and myself are fully aware of the responsibility that we have to educate our students both academically and spiritually.  We take this responsibility very seriously.  We welcome your input and support.  I say this all the time but I know it is true, the best schools are ones where administration, staff, parents, and students all work together to bring out the best of every stakeholder of OLOL.

“The root of education is better but the fruit is sweet” - Aristotle

The Lourdes Way,

Jeffrey Young

NEW for 2022-2023 -- GRACE Family Mass

New this year: A GRACE Back-to–School Mass for all GRACE families and employees.  

The mass will be held on August 30th at 6:00PM at Nativity Parish in Ashwaubenon.  We would love to have many of our OLOL families attend.

OLOL has two parts in the school mass: 

  • Read the responsorial psalm
  • Carry in the OLOL School banner at the beginning of Mass. 

Please let Mr. Young know if your son or daughter would like to participate in the school mass. 

We hope to see you all there!

OLOL Mandarin Program

Last week, Mrs. Han informed me that she was resigning her position as Mandarin teacher at Our Lady of Lourdes School.  

We would like to thank Mrs. Yan for the years of service that she has given to OLOL. We will miss her and wish her good luck with her future endeavors. 

We are searching for a replacement, however, this is a difficult position to hire.  My goal is to find a candidate that can work with our middle school students that have started on the World Language - Mandarin track.  We will most likely not have Mandarin at the elementary level.

School Supply Lists

Visit our Website

Back to School Night - August 22  (4:00-6:30PM)

Back-to-School Night is Monday, August 22nd. We are very excited to welcome back all new and existing OLOL families. 

We are excited to share information with parents and provide entertainment for our students. 

  • Students will bring school supplies to the classroom and meet their teacher(s)
  • Students will have their 2022-2023 school picture taken.
  • Students will pick up their 2022-2023 Lourdes Way T-shirt
  • Parents will return your child's completed school forms to the school office.

Parents can learn about:

  • Night of Keys volunteer sign-up
  • Additional TSF volunteer opportunities
  • SCRIP 
  • Visit the Uniform Closet
  • GRACE Calendar Raffle
  • Knights of Columbus - how they support OLOL. 
  • Before/After School Programs - Kidz Zone
  • OLOL Athletics -- Go Cavaliers!
  • Girls/Boys Scouts
  • PowerSchool assistance
  • GRACE Food Service

New this year, students can:

  • participate in a OLOL scavenger hunt
  • enjoy an ice cream bar provided by the Knights of Columbus - Abbot Pennings Council. 

Before and After School Care ~ Kidz Zone

Enrollment for 2022-2023

Before and After School Care is available at OLOL with Kidz Zone

To register or learn more about the program:

  • Pickup a Kidz Zone Before & After School Program Handbook at the De Pere Community Center, 600 Grant St. 
  • Packets are available via email request to clee@deperewi.gov.
  • Registration information is available on the DePere website: www.deperewi.govclick here.

For more information on the Before & After school Program, please call the

De Pere Community Center at 339-4097. 

Stay Connected With Our Lady of Lourdes School

Our Lady of Lourdes School Facebook



This site is managed by Our Lady of Lourdes School administration. 

Please like or follow our page to see what is happening at our school. 

*NEW* Our Lady of Lourdes School Instagram 


This site is managed by Our Lady of Lourdes School personnel. 

The goal of this page is to share all of the amazing things we are doing in our classrooms and school!

Make sure to follow ourladyoflourdesdp so you don’t miss anything!

Lourdes Letter

During the school year, this weekly communication includes current and upcoming events in our school, parish and community.

It is emailed each Wednesday to your INBOX by SWIFTK12/PowerSchool and is also available on our school website. 

If you would like items to be included, please provide to the school office by 10AM Monday. 

We hope you are enjoying our July Summer Edition! 


Our Lady of Lourdes School

GRACE - Green Bay Area Catholic Education

Our Lady of Lourdes Facebook Page By Parents (For Parents)

A group of parents have created a Facebook group for OLOL parents. It is called OLOL Catholic School DePere - Parents. 

It is a private Facebook group and is being administered by parents. You will need to be approved to join it, as an OLOL parent. 

The hope is that parents can use this page as a way to ask some simple questions quickly, share pictures and things going on at school.

If you have questions or concerns about school, please contact OLOL staff and administration; not this Facebook page. 

A priority of Fr. Jim's Lourdes 200 is building a strong community and this Facebook page is geared toward that goal. 

 Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church & Parish Family

Our Lady of Lourdes Parish - website

Our Lady of Lourdes Parish - Facebook

Our Lady of Lourdes Parish - Instagram

Library clipart.jpg

From OLOL School Library: 

Summer Reading Challenge

All students in grades Kindergarten through seventh grade are challenged to read a certain number of books dependent on their grade level. Each child who completes the challenge and returns his/her slip by Monday, August 29 will receive a dress down day slip. In addition, the class with the highest participation rate will receive an extra recess.


Go Cavaliers!

To learn more about the Athletic Programs at OLOL, visit our website.


Signup GRACE 5K Run/Walk using the QR code above or the link below.  https://runsignup.com/Race/WI/GreenBay/GRACECommunity5KWellnessFunRunWalk until 9/28/22

Free / Reduced Lunch

Through participation in United States Department of Agriculture (USDA)’s National School Lunch Program (NSLP), GRACE is able to offer the free and reduced meal eligibility program, which aids GRACE in providing healthy, nutritious, and affordable meals to all students. To find out if you are eligible, please vist the GRACE Food Service 

GRACE Food Service

Our Lady of Lourdes Parish Family

All Are Welcome!

Please join us for weekend mass.

  • Saturday: 4:30PM
  • Sunday: 8:15AM, 10:15AM & 6:00PM

If you were unable to join us for weekend masses. They are available on our parish YouTube channel. Watch it here.

Visit our parish website for more of what's happening!

Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic School https://lourdesschooldepere.org/
