Lourdes Letter


Student Information System PowerSchool.

Stay up-to-date with student courses, student grades and more.

Lunch & Playground Volunteers


December 2 - Allisa T. & Erin B.

December 3 - Amanda H, Brenda J & Ian H.

December 6 - Julie Z & Becca V

December 7 - Ian H & Katie B.

December 8 - Christina S and Daniel G.

View the schedule here.

Volunteer Opportunities

TSF Volunteer Opportunities:

Signup for Packer Parking

Signup to Volunteer at Upcoming Events

Submit your TSF Hours here.


See what is happening this month.

Week of:

December 1, 2021

Important Dates:

  • Wednesday, December 1
  • Seroogy's Order Pickup
  • Outside: beginning at 2:45PM

  • Thursday, December 2
  • Pajamas for the Holidays
  • 5:30-7:00PM
  • Admission: New pair of pajamas

  • Wednesday, December 1 - 8
  • Candy Cane Sale
  • Hosted by OLOL Student Council

  • Thursday, December 9
  • Christmas Concert
  • 6:30PM - Church

  • Thursday, December 9
  • OLOL Bake Sale
  • After the Christmas Concert

  • Friday, December 10
  • $1.00 Dress down

Start saving your PAPER today!

OLOL Paper Drive -- December 20-27.

Letter from Principal Young

Dear OLOL families,

I hope that you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving.

We have a TSF opportunity this coming week-end that we really need your help with. The Wisconsin State Gymnastics meet is this week-end at the Resch Expo Center. We need 20 individuals to set up on Friday, December 3rd (11:30AM - 3:00PM) and 20 individuals to tear down on Sunday, December 5th (2:30 - 5:00PM). The money we receive for our efforts goes directly to our fundraising goal. Please sign-up HERE. I will be on the set-up crew and will purchase some refreshments for the crew at the Green Bay Distillery when we are done. WE REALLY NEED YOUR HELP.  If your work schedule is flexible on Friday, please join us and help OLOL. Middle school students can earn volunteer hours by helping with tear down.

Please join us for “Pajamas for the Holidays” tomorrow night. Students will rotate around the gym completing different STEM activities. Price of admission is a new pair of pajamas for a family in need. We hope to see you there. We are asking that all participants wear a mask.

As I mentioned last week we have seen a little uptick with COVID cases with students and students needing to quarantine due to a positive case at home with parents or older siblings. I view myself as an eternal optimist so I’m hoping that numbers will decline this week and next and this is just a blip on the radar. I will continue to monitor activity in our school and make adjustments as needed.

The Christmas Concert is Thursday, December 9th. Due to the increase in cases and Christmas right around the corner, we are asking that parents and siblings only attend the concert this year. We will be live-streaming the event so other guests can watch on-line. We apologize for this inconvenience. The 8th graders will be holding a bake-sale afterwards, please save room for dessert.  

“The word Advent means expectation”. What Advent can do for you is to create a sense of hope” - Louie Giglio

The Lourdes Way,

Jeffrey Young

School News

Cavalier Card Winners

Each week our K-4 students earn "Cavalier cards" when they display one of 15 self-disciplined skills that we are learning throughout the school year. Each week all of the cards are entered in a drawing where students can earn various prizes.

Due to the short week last week, we didn't hold our weekly drawing.


Dear Families,  

This year for Advent, we will be anticipating Jesus’ birth using our beautiful Christmas carols. Our Christmas story is told so beautifully through these beloved songs! Each classroom has selected a Christmas carol that they will learn about, and that information will be shared with everyone during morning announcements. On December 23 we will end our Advent celebration by having a Christmas Carol sing-a-long together.

We will also have our weekly Advent Wreath services on Mondays in the church.

Fr. Jim will be talking to students the first week of Advent to teach us more about the season of Advent and explain the decorations in the church.

Our outreach activity is in support of a new organization:


Please see the information below explaining the organization and the collection items. We will have volunteers that work with the organization visiting us to talk about the work that they do.

Have a Blessed Advent!



Calling All Our Lady of Lourdes Students and Families


Are you looking for ways you can help make a difference for kids in your local community this Advent season??? 


Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic School has agreed to partner with Sleep in Heavenly Peace to help school age children in the De Pere (Brown County) community by bringing smiles to kids’ faces when they receive their very own bed from Sleep in Heavenly Peace. 


Sleep in Heavenly Peace (SHP) is a national, registered 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization that has a newly founded Chapter in De Pere. SHP is the only charity providing hand-made bunk beds to children in Brown County from the ages of 3-17 who do not have beds of their own. SHP partners with organizations, churches, schools, businesses, and individuals/families like you to help build beds at events called Build Days so “no kid sleeps on the floor in our town!” The De Pere Chapter was started in February 2021 and recently delivered its 200th bed in our local community. 


The SHP De Pere Chapter just had a build day on November 6, 2021 where we were able to build 65 more beds for the upcoming holiday season. Every bed built and given to a child comes with a new twin mattress, new twin sheets, new twin comforter, and a new standard pillow.  


How can you help? 


Consider donating any of the following items during Our Lady of Lourdes Advent project from December 1-17, 2021.


SHP needs include brand NEW:

  • Standard-sized pillows
  • Twin comforters
  • Twin sheet sets 
  • Twin blankets
  • Twin waterproof mattress pads
  • Books (ages 3-17)
  • Monetary donations (donated funds are used by SHP to purchase lumber, tools, and twin mattresses). 


*** Solid Colors (gender neutral) and bed-in-a-bag sets are perfect!


ADVENT PROJECT DROPBOX LOCATION: Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic School in De Pere


If you are interested in an upcoming Build Day, go to shpbeds.org and look for the De Pere chapter or use this link to register.


Students interested in helping with the Build Days MUST be at least 12 years old and accompanied by a parent.  


The SHP De Pere Chapter also accepts monetary donations and Corporate Sponsorships for Build Days. If you are interested in learning more about SHP, please feel free to contact Lisa Sharapata via email at dlpata3@hotmail.com or via cell at (920) 492-1769.

Click here for Candy Cane Order Forms (or visit the school office)

News from the Classroom

A Gift - A Bed to Sleep In

Our Advent Committee organized a representative, Mrs. Sharapata, to share the mission of Sleep in Heavenly Peace with the students and staff.

We selected this organization to partner with in supporting our community during Advent.

Ask you child what they learned during the school assembly held on Tuesday.

Computer Science for All

Computer Science

For All

Our vision of computer science in the classroom.

We believe in CS because… 

  • we should offer integrated opportunities for ALL students in all content areas
  • Provide opportunities for real-world, hands-on learning of technology and social interaction to educate the student for transition to high school and beyond.
  • Develop CS curriculum for K-8 with cross-reference to our existing goals/standards and determine where we can integrate CSforAll.
  • Utilize resources from the community for instruction, materials, life/career experiences.
  • Develop student communication and presentation skills (written and verbal).

Computer Education Science Week

December 6-10

We are looking forward to sharing computer science activities with all of our students during Computer Education Science Week.

Recently, members of our staff and some students were involved in a video being created by CESA7 to share our CSforAll SCRIPT experience - so far!

If you would like to share your computer science experience or how technology benefits your job, employer or business, let us know. We would love to share your story with our students.

Go Cavaliers!

OLOL Basketball -- Support our Teams in the Stands!

Girls & Boys Basketball Schedules (Grades 6 & 8)

To learn more about the Athletic Programs at OLOL, visit our website.


Holiday ordering – Order your gift cards now; don’t wait until the last minute. As with most others, we are being alerted to the possibility of delivery delays in December. It is suggested that you have your order(s) for any Christmas gift-giving (physical cards) placed by December 13th . We don’t anticipate processing orders December 20th due to volunteer availability in the event of shipping delays.

$5 and $10 gift cards – Smaller denominations offered for many retailers through December 31. Visit the ShopWithScrip site to browse the selection.

eGift Card Bonuses: December 11-17

RaiseRight Exclusive – by using the ShopWithScrip app (RaiseRight), you can get gift-cards delivered right to your door for a small fee. Orders must be paid for with your bank account or credit card.

New Retailers and/or Options:

Big Lots – now available (4%); physical ($25/$100) + eGift Card

Door Dash – eGift Card only; (3%)

Fleet Farm – eGift Cards now available (3.5%)

Harley-Davidson – eGift Card only (5%)

Panda Express – eGift Cards now available (8%)

Julie’s Café – No Longer Available

SHELL Local Dealer Gift Card Program - We have been assured that the recently announced sale of the Grand Central Station stores will not affect our SCRIP cards. The change of ownership will not affect the gift card program.

VOLUNTEERS – We are still looking for volunteers to keep the SCRIP Program at OLOL up and running. Interested individuals, please email the program at scrip@lourdesdepere.org.

School Fundraisers

2022 Calendar:

Win Cash!

Purchase a calendar with an opportunity to win $$ throughout the 2022 year!

In addition, your purchase supports our school fundraising goals.

They make great gifts!

Can you help us obtain our goal of 500?

Sold to-date: 182

Help us sell 318


OLOL Christmas Concert

Bake Sale

Thursday, December 9

The 8th graders will be sponsoring a bake sale after the Christmas Concert on Dec. 9th. We are looking for donations of cookies, cupcakes, bars, candies, breads, etc. If you are able to donate any baked items, please bring to the school office on either Dec. 8th or 9th. We can package them for you. Thank you for helping us with the bake sale to raise money for 8th grade graduation activities!

Thank you in advance for your contributions!

December Lunch Menu

MENU CHANGE: Friday, December 3

BBQ Chicken Flatbread is not available. Mini corndogs will be served.

Click here to view menu on our school website

Community Events/Activities

Our Lady of Lourdes Parish Family

All Are Welcome!

If you were unable to join us today for our school or weekend masses. They are available on our parish YouTube channel. Watch it here.

Please join us for weekend mass.

  • Saturday: 4:30PM
  • Sunday: 8:15AM, 10:15AM & 6:00PM
Visit our parish website

Pickup your Countdown to Advent in the Church Gathering Space.

Thank you to Our Lady of Lourdes Parish Family for preparing these kits for our homes.

Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic School https://lourdesschooldepere.org/
