Lourdes Letter


Student Information System PowerSchool.

Stay up-to-date with student courses, student grades and more.

Volunteer Opportunities 

Green Bay Packer Parking

Signup here to earn TSF Hours

Night of Key Event

Signup here to earn TSF Hours

Lunch & Playground Volunteers


Nov 3 -Christina S & Lori G

Nov 4 - Katie R & Caiti V

Nov 7 -Trisha M, Olivia L & Courtney J

Nov 8 - Mike V, Kim T & Barb T

Nov 9 - Julie Z, Debbie C & Dan L

Playground Volunteer Calendar

If you are interested in lunch/playground TSF volunteer opportunity, please review the link below. If you have any questions, please contact the school office.

(920) 336-3091

More Information & Signup Form

Thank you for sharing your time and talents with us! Please enter your TSF volunteer hours here.


See what is happening this month.

Lunch Menu


Week of:

November 2, 2022

Important Dates:

  • $1.00 Dress Down Day
  • Friday, November 4

  • OLOL Night of Keys
  • Saturday, November 5

  • School Mass (Grade 4)
  • Wednesday, November 9 - 9:00AM

  • *FREE* NFL Dress Down Day
  • Thursday, November 17

  • End of Trimester 1
  • Friday, November 18

  • Early Dismissal/Teacher In-Service
  • Friday, November 18 - 11:00AM

  • Thanksgiving Break
  • Wednesday, Nov 23 - Friday, Nov 25

News from the School Office: 

  • When communicating with the school office via email, please send to olloffice@gracesystem.org
  • This will ensure our administrative assistants receive and can address your questions promptly.

   Mrs. Hendricks & Mrs. Van Den Heuvel

Night of Keys - November 5, 2022

Purchase/Sell a key for a chance to win

Grand Prize $10,000

Second Prize $3,000

Third Prize $1,000

Only 400 Tickets will be sold!

Need not be present to win. 

Call the school office for more information.

Letter from Principal Young

Dear OLOL Families,

This week is the Night of Keys. The event is Saturday, August 5th from 6:00 -10:00PM at the Automobile Gallery.  

Nicci Zwiefelhofer and Sarah Lawler have spent hours and hours this past month getting ready for the event. The entire OLOL Community owes them a huge debt of gratitude for their leadership of this event.

The best way to repay this debt is to attend the event and bid on some of the items that will be available.  I hope everyone can attend and have a memorable evening. Please take time to introduce yourself to some parents that you may not know. This is a great opportunity for you to meet someone new from our OLOL learning community. Please participate in the many different raffles that we will have. You don’t have to do all of them but please participate in some manner. My last request is that you have fun. Part of our Catholic faith is to live our lives abundantly and joyfully. This is one of those occasions to live joyfully.

Part of our marketing plan is to get us more noticed on social media. One way that you can help is to share the great things that are happening with a review on Google or Facebook. I challenge you to write a Facebook or Google review before the Thanksgiving holiday. This will help us as we roll out a marketing plan in January and February. Please contact Mr. Young if you have any questions on how to do this.

Thank you to all that attended parent-teacher conferences. I believe these are some of the most important conversations that we have.  There is so much data that shows great student success when parents, teachers, and administration are all working together for the betterment of our students and school. Thank you for taking part in and committing to your child’s and other children’s education.

“The best used hour in our lives is that in which we loves Jesus the most” - Bl Charles de Foucauld

The Lourdes Way,

Jeffrey Young

Cavalier Card Winners

Students who make good choices at school are awarded Cavalier Cards. Each week we have a drawing where some lucky students win a prize. 

Check back next week for our latest winners!

Counselor's Corner

Hello!  I hope everyone is enjoying the fall and the beauty of this time of year.   God’s handiwork for sure!

        Here is what the students have been learning about in my classes PreK-4.  We have discussed the importance of accepting others for who they are.  We talked about how God made each of us unique and that should be celebrated.  We may miss out if we do not get to truly know someone no matter how different they may seem.

       We then discussed how we should treat each other focusing on how to handle when someone is being mean or being a bully.  We worked on what they can do if they see someone else being treated mean and how we can help that person.  Older grades learned the word Upstander.  

      Please feel free to reach out to me if you have a concern with your child that I may be able to help with.  I am at Our Lady of Lourdes Tuesdays and Thursdays or available by email. 

Night of Keys - Our 'Key' Fundraiser!

The 2022 OLOL Night of Keys event is Saturday, November 5th at The Automobile Gallery. The event features dinner, silent and live auctions, bucket and 50/50 raffles, and our marquee event - the Key Raffle drawing - for a chance to win $10,000, $3,000 or $1,000!

The Night of Keys is the largest and most significant fundraiser for our school,

and we need your support to make it a success.

Your TSF volunteer hours can be

fulfilled by helping in many areas.

Refer to the list of contacts below to join the team!  Please reach out via email at olol.nok@gmail.com to connect with the contacts below for your area of interest:

● Co-chair & Auction Lead: Sarah Lawler

● Co-chair & Administration Lead: Nicci Zwiefelhofer

● Solicitations Lead: Christina Spierings

● Volunteer Coordinators: Heather Willems & Leslie Ward

We look forward to sharing a casual evening of adult fellowship and fun for a great


Calling all volunteers!!

Night of Keys is right around the corner and we still have volunteer spots open.


Night of Keys Volunteer Opportunities - Signup Today!

50/50 raffle: 3 slots open

Silent Auction closers: 2 slots open

Live Auction spotters: 2 slots open

Cleanup team: 3 slots open

Key sales team: The more the merrier!

GRACE 2023 Calendar - Available Now!

Our Lady of Lourdes has sold 148 Calendar Raffles to-date!  Thank you

Purchase your calendar to win or give as a gift. 

Go Cavaliers!

OLOL Athletics - Cavaliers

Basketball season is here!

5th/6th Grade Girls

5th/6th Grade Boys

7th/8th Grade Boys

Athletic Calendar

To learn more about the Athletic Programs at OLOL, visit our website.


The GRACE Fall 2022 Newsletter is now available for viewing.  

Catch up on all of the latest GRACE news including Chesterton Academy of St. John Paul II’s updated science lab, follow St. Bernard Catholic School principal, Crystal Blahnik, on her trip to the Third International Congress in Rome, see photos of what our students have been up to recently and more!


Chesterton Academy of St. John Paul II Classical School is celebrating their second inaugural year as the newest Catholic high school in the Green Bay area.

We invite interested 7th and 8th grade students to join us for an upcoming Shadow Day to get to know our students and faculty, and learn more about what it means to be a student at Chesterton Academy. 

Please reserve your student's spot by contacting the Chesterton Academy office at

(920) 617-9542 or casjpiioffice@gracesystem.org

We are experiencing a profound need for substitute teachers!

 Do you possess a bachelor’s degree? Then you may be qualified to support our school through substitute teaching! A teaching degree is NOT required! 

By substituting you can: 

  • Generate income with flexible hours you can choose! You can come and go with your children!
  • Choose your buildings and types of classrooms: Your comfort and convenience are important to us! Do you only want to sub here? No problem! Open to other GRACE schools? We can include other sites that work for you! 
  • Sneak a hug in the hallway or have a quick lunch or recess with your student! Experience the joy on your child’s face when he/she sees you in the hallway unexpectedly!

Lesson plans and support are always provided! Please share this message with relatives or friends who may be interested. A special person to consider may be a retired grandparent who would enjoy visiting the school once a month or so!  Lastly, please keep our school and staff in your prayers while we continue to navigate this extraordinary time of staff shortages. Thank you!

To help GRACE as a substitute teacher, please reach out to your school principal or visit www.gracesystem.org/employment

  • Ways to make a Lunch Payment - 
  • Mail to our central office: 1822 Riverside Dr., Green Bay, WI 54301 (please include a note indicating student(s) name and school site).
  • Deliver to our central office: 1822 Riverside Dr., Green Bay, WI 54301 (please include a note indicating student(s) name and school site).
  • Credit Card - Please call Wendy Gierczak at 920-499-7330, ext. 1004.
  • Send payment with your child to school (please include a note indicating Food Service Payment and your student(s) name(s)).
  • Any questions, please contact Wendy Gierczak at wgierczak@gracesystem.org or 920-499-7330, ext. 1004.

  • Blue or Black Ink - When Writing Checks
  • Per bank request, please use blue or black ink when writing checks. Checks will not be cashed if a gel pen is used. 

Our Lady of Lourdes Parish Family

All Are Welcome!

Please join us for weekend mass.

  • Saturday: 4:30PM
  • Sunday: 8:15AM, 10:15AM & 6:00PM

If you were unable to join us for school or weekend masses, they are available on our parish YouTube channel. Watch it here.

Community Events

Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic School https://lourdesschooldepere.org/
