Dear OLOL Families,
Over the summer I submitted a grant application to the Green Bay Packer Foundation. I’m excited to announce that our grant request was approved. We received funding to purchase two interactive touch screen panels. HERE is a little overview of the system. These units will be shared between middle and elementary grade levels. These devices will allow the teachers to provide instruction, motivate students in different ways and assess their progress. Thank you to the Green Bay Packer Foundation.
Next week-end is the Annual Night of Keys event. The event will be held at the National Railroad Museum. Please join us on Saturday, November 13 from 6:00-10:00PM. We need your help! Please help us sell the Key Raffle tickets. This is our largest fundraiser of the year. We will have a successful evening if we sell all 400 Key Raffle tickets. I also hope you are able to attend and bid on some of the silent and oral auction items. All funds support the students at Our Lady of Lourdes School, so I ask that you please be generous. I hope to see you there.
The OLOL staff would like to thank all of the parents that donated items for the staff dinner during Tuesday evening conferences. We appreciate your thoughtfulness - it was delicious! A special thanks to Mrs. Destree for organizing, setup and cleanup. Thank you!
Fr. Jim referenced the Beatitudes during his homily at the school mass on All Saints Day. He talked about the Beatitudes being “beautiful attitudes”. I couldn’t agree with him more. We can accomplish great things when we have beautiful attitudes that are spelled out in the Beatitudes. My hope is that all students and staff have these “beautiful attitudes.” Life is always better when we have a great attitude.
Reminder: All Seroogy orders are due this Friday, November 5. If you would like to participate in this fundraiser please send in your order forms this week.
“Becoming a child is Beatitudes and so finding the narrow gate of the Kingdom” - Henri Nouwen
The Lourdes Way,
Jeffrey Young