Lourdes Letter


Student Information System PowerSchool.

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Lunch & Playground Volunteers


November 4 - Liz and Erin

November 5 - Melissa and Ian

November 8 - Oliva and Linda

November 9 - Julie Z and Ian

November 10 - Jen A and Kristin

View the schedule here.

Opportunities & Submission

TSF Volunteer Opportunities:

Signup for Packer Parking

Signup for Night of Keys & Upcoming Events

Submit your TSF Hours here.


See what is happening this month.

Week of:

November 3, 2021

Important Dates:

  • Wednesday, November 10
  • 8:45 Mass - 7th grade

  • Wednesday, November 10
  • 8th grade - Diocesan Vocation Fair

  • Friday, November 12
  • $1.00 Dress Down Day - Night of Keys

  • Saturday, November 13
  • Night of Keys
  • 6:00-10:00PM
  • National Railroad Museum

  • Wednesday, November 17
  • 8:45 Mass - 8th grade

  • Friday, November 19
  • End of Trimester 1
  • Early Dismissal -11:00AM

Letter from Principal Young

Dear OLOL Families,

Over the summer I submitted a grant application to the Green Bay Packer Foundation. I’m excited to announce that our grant request was approved. We received funding to purchase two interactive touch screen panels. HERE is a little overview of the system. These units will be shared between middle and elementary grade levels. These devices will allow the teachers to provide instruction, motivate students in different ways and assess their progress. Thank you to the Green Bay Packer Foundation.

Next week-end is the Annual Night of Keys event. The event will be held at the National Railroad Museum. Please join us on Saturday, November 13 from 6:00-10:00PM. We need your help! Please help us sell the Key Raffle tickets. This is our largest fundraiser of the year. We will have a successful evening if we sell all 400 Key Raffle tickets. I also hope you are able to attend and bid on some of the silent and oral auction items. All funds support the students at Our Lady of Lourdes School, so I ask that you please be generous. I hope to see you there.

The OLOL staff would like to thank all of the parents that donated items for the staff dinner during Tuesday evening conferences. We appreciate your thoughtfulness - it was delicious!  A special thanks to Mrs. Destree for organizing, setup and cleanup. Thank you!

Fr. Jim referenced the Beatitudes during his homily at the school mass on All Saints Day. He talked about the Beatitudes being “beautiful attitudes”. I couldn’t agree with him more. We can accomplish great things when we have beautiful attitudes that are spelled out in the Beatitudes. My hope is that all students and staff have these “beautiful attitudes.” Life is always better when we have a great attitude.

Reminder: All Seroogy orders are due this Friday, November 5. If you would like to participate in this fundraiser please send in your order forms this week.

“Becoming a child is Beatitudes and so finding the narrow gate of the Kingdom” - Henri Nouwen

The Lourdes Way,

Jeffrey Young

News from the Classroom

Hallows Eve - All Saints - All Souls

The root word of Halloween "hallow" means holy. The suffix "een" is an abbreviation of evening. It refers to the Eve of All Hallows, the night before All Saints Day.

November 1, All Saints, is a holy day, a celebration of the communion of saints.

November 2, All Souls (also known as Day of the Dead) is a day of remembrance when prayers are said for the souls of those who have died.

Let us remember your loved ones who have died, by placing their photo on the altar of remembrance located in the church gathering space. These photos will be on display during the month of November (photos will be returned).

You are also encouraged to add the names of your loved ones in the book of remembrance located in church.

Computer Science for All

Keyboarding is an important skill to learn even with the use of touchscreen devices. Keyboarding requires the muscles in the hand to type and the student feels (touch typing) their way through the activity instead of using the eyes as a guide.

Keyboarding can also reinforce reading and phonics. Students hear a word spoken, see the word on the screen and then type it.

In later grades, school assignments become longer and it is often a requirement that written work is typed. Writing on the computer can improve a student’s skills because they process ideas more freely thru typing onto the screen. Mistakes are easier to correct and creating a draft is more convenient.

Keyboarding lessons begin with third grade, but learning home room and shift keys are terminology and techniques we begin in first grade.

Middle School students learn the skill of research and the technique and importance of giving credit by citing sources.





Elective Sessions

A coding elective is being offered to middle school students on Wednesday.

Computer Science Discoveries begins with problem solving and computing.

Last week, the students had the opportunity to code an animation of the Google logo. We cannot share their final projects, due to copyrights, but we wanted to share a snapshot of a work-in-process from one of the students.

Go Cavaliers!

OLOL Basketball -- Support our Teams in the Stands!

8th Grade Girls & Boys Basketball Schedules

To learn more about the Athletic Programs at OLOL, visit our website.

School Fundraisers

2022 Calendar:

Win Cash!

Purchase a calendar with an opportunity to win $$ throughout the 2022 year!

In addition, your purchase supports our school fundraising goals.

They make great gifts!

Can you help us obtain our goal of 500?

Sold to-date: 252

Help us sell 242

Festival of Trees at National RR Museum

Do you want to get a practice round of decorating a Christmas tree?

We are looking for a family to decorate the OLOL Christmas Tree at the Festival of Trees at the National Railroad Museum. The tree will be on display for the OLOL Night of Keys.

Set up time is November 10 at 3:00PM. Please email Mr. Young at jyoung@gracesystem.org if your family can help.

Click here to learn more about the Festival of Trees event

Seroogy's Holiday Sale

Chocolate for Christmas!!!  Again this year OLOL will be participating in the Seroogy's Holiday Fundraiser.  Please ask your family and friends if they would like to order some of these traditional favorites. 

Seroogy's is featuring individual candy bars and coffee which are both great to have on hand for family gatherings or to give as gifts! Order forms are being sent home today, so be sure you check your youngest child’s back pack.

Orders are due back to the school office by Friday, Nov 5th.  

The goal is to have your order to you before the Thanksgiving holiday but it is not guaranteed.  Any questions, please contact Courtney Janssen at 920-609-4979.  Thank you for supporting Our Lady of Lourdes and also a De Pere business.

Many hands makes light work. Please signup to volunteer here.

News from GRACE Food Service

November Lunch Menu

Lunch Menu - September.jpg

Community Events/Activities

Our Lady of Lourdes Parish Family

All Are Welcome!

If you were unable to join us today for our school or weekend masses. They are available on our parish YouTube channel. Watch it here.

Please join us for weekend mass.

  • Saturday: 4:30PM
  • Sunday: 8:15AM, 10:15AM & 6:00PM
Visit our parish website

Sunday, November 7

  • The Children of God Program (ages 4 to 6) Is held during the 8:15AM mass the 1st and 3rd Sundays of the month.

  • Young Families Ministry will be meeting from 9:30-10AM in the Social Hall. Enjoy refreshments and discuss the readings for the week. Babysitting will be provided

Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic School https://lourdesschooldepere.org/
