Thursday, September 12, 2024

Friday, September 13th -

Out of Uniform

Fun Run & Tailgate Party

5:00 p.m.

Tuesday, September 17th -

Summer Birthdays Out-of-Uniform

Tuesday, September 24th -

September Birthdays Out-of-Uniform

Monday, September 30th -

Picture Retake Day

Thursday & Friday, October 3 & 4

No School - In Service

Thursday, October 10th -

Feeding America Gr. 7 & 8

Friday, October 11th -

Green Meadows K4-Gr. 2

Check out our online calendar here.

Family Prayer 

Twenty-fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Reading I : Isaiah 50:5-9a

The Lord God is my help.

  • The first reading from the prophet Isaiah is from the Songs of the Suffering Servant.
  • The servant acts as a prophet to bring the word of God to those with afflictions.
  • Even when the cost is great, the servant is faithful to his mission.

Reading II : James 2:14-18

What good is it to say you believe, if you don’t practice it?

  • The reading from the Letter of James tells us that faith without works is dead.
  • Such a faith does not lead to life.
  • The kinds of works that Jesus calls us to can be done if we walk in the way of Jesus, with the grace of God as our help.

Gospel : Mark 8:27-35

Who do you say that I am?

  • Jesus knew that the way of suffering, death and resurrection was predestined for him by God.
  • Through this as in all things, God, his Father would be his help.
  • Followers of Jesus are called to deny themselves by actively responding to the needs of others, even if the cost is one’s life.

SJE Facebook Link

A Message from

Mr. O

Thank you to Home & School for giving Miss Schein such a good send off on her new journey. Jessica Schein and Alex Cannistra, will be married on Saturday. May the Lord guide them in their new life together and bless their union with peace and happiness.

Planting Day Rescheduled

Our new project, the Meditation Garden, on the north side of the school building, is almost ready to plant! With the help of Villani Landshapers, the garden has been cleared and will be tilled soon. We received many wonderful donations of garden perennials and now need to get them in the ground.

We need help on Saturday, September 21. We will start at 8am. Bring your garden gloves, trowels, and shovels. Come when you are able and stay for as long as you can! If your child (10 years and older) is in need of service hours, send them to help! Contact if you have any questions.

Christmas Concert Date Change

Our Christmas concert date has been changed to Thursday, December 19. Please mark your calendars.

Thursday Folder

Green Meadows Petting Farm

October 11th - Grades K4-2

Permission Slips are due September 26th.

Read and Feed

Grades 2 - 8

Kick off Event!! September 16th

Please see the flyer with information.

Flower Power Fundraiser

Orders are due September 27th.

Delivery around October 18th.

Please see the flyer and order form.

Catholic Herald Family

Take a look at what is happening in the Archdiocese of Milwaukee


Fun Run and Tailgate Party

Friday, September 13th 5:00 pm.

SJE Cheerleading 2024 Grades 2-4

If interested please complete the interest form in last weeks Thursday folder and return to the office. They are due.

Basketball Registration is Happening Now!

Basketball season does not start until November, but the league preparation starts now. Due to changes in league leadership and the way the league plans to schedule games our time to register has been shortened. If your child is interested in playing basketball, please register by September 18. We hope to have all registrations completed by September 18. Our athletic director will be attending a meeting on the evening of September 18 and will be working with other schools to combine teams and fill rosters. Please help us make the process easier by registering today!

Please use the link below to register for basketball:

Are you interested in being a volunteer at SJE?

Register for Safe Environment

The Archdiocese of Milwaukee has a partnership with Catholic Mutual Group to provide Safe Environment Education. All participants must register online. If interested, please register on the archdiocesan website

View a listing of upcoming safe environment education sessions.

You must complete this class in order to volunteer in the school or accompany students on any field trips.

Scrip is available at all weekend Masses or during regular business hours at the parish office. You may also use the RaiseRight App (below).

Scrip Order Form

Download the RaiseRight app to reload cards, purchase e-cards, or purchase physical cards. Contact the Parish Office or School Office for the enrollment code.

RaiseRight App
St. John the Evangelist School
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