Thursday, November 14, 2024

Friday November 15th -

Family Rosary Night 6-7 pm

Tuesday, November 19th -

November Birthdays

Out of Uniform Day

Monday, November 25th -

End of First Trimester

Wednesday, November 27th -

Early dismissal 11:00 am

Thursday & Friday, November

18th and 29th

No School

Monday, December 2nd -

Mod Pizza Fundraiser

Thursday December 5th -

Report Cards

Sunday, December 8th -

SJE Parish Concert 4:00 pm

Happy Thanksgiving!

Check out our online calendar here.

Family Prayer 

Thirty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time

Reading I : Daniel 12:1-3

Those who lead others to justice shall be like stars!

  • The first reading is an example of apocalyptic biblical literature.
  • After predicting the great destruction of all human kingdoms, Daniel 12 portrays the ultimate victory.
  • Today’s passage is the clearest statement concerning resurrection from the dead found in the Old Testament.

Reading II : Hebrews 10:11-14, 18

Jesus took his seat at the right hand of God.

  • Today’s reading from the letter to the Hebrews emphasizes that Jesus’ victory over sin and death is one in which we already share.
  • Jesus will come again, and the believer must be ready.
  • The day and hour Christ will come, no one knows.

Gospel : Mark 13:24-32

God alone knows the hour.

  • The author of the Gospel of Mark expresses the urgency and need for vigilance felt at this time when Christ might return at any moment.
  • Today’s passage is an apocalyptic discourse linking the events of the destruction of Jerusalem with the expected second coming of Christ.
  • The imagery of cosmic catastrophe surrounds the expectation.

SJE Facebook Link

A Message from Mr. Obersdorf

Jackets, gloves, and hats

As we move toward winter, students need to dress for the weather. There were a few chilly days this week and quite a few students were not dressed for the cooler temperatures. The wind whips across our playground somedays making it feel even cooler. Please send your child with a jacket, hat, and gloves. It is better to have these things and not need them than to need them and not have them. We do have a limited amount of items to loan out in emergency situations, but not enough for everyone. 

Rosary Night Friday, November 15, 2024 6:00 PM

Family Rosary Night is November 15, 2024 from 6-7 pm here at St. John the Evangelist. RSVPs were requested, but if you forgot to RSVP or you are now able to attend, all are welcome. It is open to SJE families and friends. If you are able to attend, please use door #13 to join the SJE community in prayer. 

4th Grade Uniform Policy Change

Grade 4 will be a transition year for girls’ school uniforms. Currently, jumpers are worn by our K4-4th grade students and skirts are worn by our 5th-8th grade students. Starting November 18, 2024 girls in grade 4 may wear either skirts or jumpers. The policy will be changed in the 2025-26 parent handbook.

Christmas Concert

Our Christmas concert will be held on Thursday, December 19th this year. There will be a 1:00 pm performance and 6:30 pm performance. (please note the date change from original calendar)

Reading Rockstars

Each month students in grades 2-8 set reading goals. The class with the highest percentage of students reaching their goals receives the traveling trophy for the month. Our October winner is the 3rd grade. Please ask your child about his or her reading goal and suggest to your child that they read, read, read, and read some more!

Don't Forget Calendar raffle

The Calendar Raffle is one of our most profitable fundraisers sponsored by the Home and School Association, and is the only annual fundraiser in which we strive for 100% participation. Each SJE school family is asked to sell seven calendars.

The cost per calendar is $20. The purchaser gets 365 chances to win! 

  • All stubs and payments (cash or checks payable to St. John the Evangelist School) must be returned to the school office by November 15, 2024. Put them in an envelope labeled “Calendar Raffle” along with your family name.

Early Bird Calendar Raffle Winner

32 families sold and returned all of their calendar raffle stubs by November 7th for the Early Bird Drawing. The lucky winner of the $100 prize is the Tervoort family! Thank you to all of the families who have returned their sold calendar stubs! 

Please remember to turn yours in if you haven't already. Remember, this year we are also offering families the opportunity to sell their calendars after select weekend mass dates. See the sign up genius for information:

Thursday Folder

There is no folder this week.


2024 Advent Chocolate Calendars

$5.00 each

The National Junior Honor Society will be selling Advent Calendars once again this year. These calendars can be used to prepare for the coming of Jesus at Christmas. Each calendar has 25 doors that open to reveal a biblical message, as well as a small chocolate treat. There are 2 new designs this year! Advent Calendar sales are starting this week. All sales are first come, first serve for the design(s) you desire. Calendars will be sent home with the students the week of Thanksgiving. Please see the flyer in today's Thursday folder for more information.

Are you interested in being a volunteer at SJE?

Register for Safe Environment

The Archdiocese of Milwaukee has a partnership with Catholic Mutual Group to provide Safe Environment Education. All participants must register online. If interested, please register on the archdiocesan website

View a listing of upcoming safe environment education sessions.

You must complete this class in order to volunteer in the school or accompany students on any field trips.

Scrip is available at all weekend Masses or during regular business hours at the parish office. You may also use the RaiseRight App (below).

Scrip Order Form

Download the RaiseRight app to reload cards, purchase e-cards, or purchase physical cards. Contact the Parish Office or School Office for the enrollment code.

RaiseRight App

St. John the Evangelist School

 "Go Out and Set Your Soul on Fire for God!"


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