Wednesday, October 24, 2024

Friday, October 25th -

Trunk or Treat 6:30 - 8:00 pm

Monday, October 28th -

Out of Uniform Day -

Dress for the Wellness Warriors Event

Wellness Warrior Triple Threat Event 2:45 - 3:45 pm

Thursday, October 31st -

Bradley Symphony Gr. 3-5

Schlitz Audubon Gr. 6-8

Friday, November 1st -

All Saints Day

VIP/Grandparents Day

Friday, November 8th -

No School

Sunday November 10th -

Cousins Sub Day 11-2pm

Thursday, November 14th -

DSHA Theatre Trip Gr. 6-8

Check out our online calendar here.

Family Prayer 

Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Reading I : Jeremiah 31:7-9

The Lord has delivered his people.

  • In the first reading, Jeremiah proclaims God’s intention to bring the chosen people back from exile in Babylon.
  • The most vulnerable people are given honor on this triumphant journey.
  • These people, who know their only hope is God, will return with joyful shouting.

Reading II : Hebrews 5:1-6

You are my son.

  • In the Letter to the Hebrews, the author stresses that even Jesus, the Son of God, did not take the office of high priest upon himself.
  • Jesus accepted a call that was initiated by God.
  • The most compelling aspects of Jesus’ priestly ministry are his compassion for, and his identity with the people he serves.

Gospel : Mark 10:46-52

I want to see.

  • Earlier in the Gospel of Mark there is a story of an unnamed blind man, whom Jesus heals in stages.
  • In today’s Gospel, Jesus cures the blind man named Bartimaeus immediately.
  • The two stories reveal that the struggle to know the Lord, and the journey of faith, is life long.

SJE Facebook Link

A Message from

Trunk or Treat October 25,2024 6:30-8:00

Trunk or Treat is a Halloween event which includes costumes, candy and a lot of fun. You can decide to decorate your trunk and hand out candy or simply attend and enjoy the festivities. If you are coming to just enjoy the festivities, please enter from Cold Spring Road and park east or south of the school. Trunk or Treat will be held on the north side of the building this year.

If you registered to decorate your trunk and handout candy the setup time is between 5:45 and 6:20. Please enter from 84th street. A Home and School member will greet you, check in your vehicle, and direct you where to park. For safety’s sake no vehicles will be allowed to enter or leave the safe zone between 6:20 and 8:00. Remember no open flames of any kind should be part of your display. Remember no open flames of any kind should be part of your display.

Trunk or Treat Help: Supplies and Volunteers Needed

Our Home and School is hosting our Trunk or Treat event. They are asking for some items to be donated and for a few volunteers to help with serving caramel apples and hot chocolate. Please check the link below to see how you can help.

Wellness Warrior Triple Threat Event

Monday 10/28/24 2:45-3:45

Our Wellness Warrior Club will be leading another event, the Triple Threat. It will be held on Monday, 10/28/24 afterschool. All students wishing to participate need to have turned in a permission slip. If you still need to complete a permission slip for your child to participate, please see Mrs. Connie in the office. 

We are excited for another exciting event.

Grandparents/ VIP Day 11/1/24 Mass 10:00

Grandparents Day/VIP Day is Friday, November 1. The day starts with Mass at 10:00. The church doors will open at 9:30. Each year as part of our Grandparents/ VIP day and celebration of All Saints Day, our students are encouraged to dress up as their favorite saint. It is always great to see so many of our students enter church on All Saints Day smiling and representing their favorite saints. 

 After Mass we will be separated into two groups. One group will go to lunch in the cafeteria and the other group will go to the gym to play bingo. Then the groups will switch. After the two sessions are complete there will be time to visit the classrooms. VIP day should conclude around 1:15. 

Catholic Schools Walk

On October 21, our school walked to celebrate Catholic schools. We were blessed with beautiful weather. We walked the path north of our school building and stopped for prayer throughout the walk. Our school community enjoyed a snack and drink at the end of the walk. It was a great celebration of our school and our faith! 

We not only walked to celebrate our Catholic school, we also walked to raise money for our school’s technology program. The money will be used to purchase software as well as replace chrome books. All donations raised are kept at SJE and there will be a percentage match from donors. If you are interested in supporting our school there are 3 easy ways to donate

3 easy ways to donate:

1. Text SCHOOLSWALK66 to 71777

2. Use the following link

3. Send cash or check (made out to St. John the Evangelist with 'Catholic Schools Walk' in the memo section). Please make sure the envelope is marked Catholic Schools Walk

Thursday Folder

Art to Remember Reminder Cards

Please take a look at your students art work and scan the QR code to place an order.

The orders are to be placed no later than November 1st


Wellness Warriors Triple Threat Event

Monday, October 28th 2:45 - 3:45 pm

Please return your permission slip if you have not already

Bradley Symphony Center Gr. 3-5

Thursday, October 31st

Schlitz Audubon Center Gr. 6-8

Thursday, October 31st

Grandparent/VIP Day

Friday, November 1st

DSHA - The Lightning Thief Play-Grades 6-8

Thursday, November 14th

Please see the permission slip and return by October 31st.

Don't Forget Calendar raffle

The Calendar Raffle is one of our most profitable fundraisers sponsored by the Home and School Association, and is the only annual fundraiser in which we strive for 100% participation. Each SJE school family is asked to sell seven calendars. Calendars will be distributed at conferences or sent home next week. Please check the calendar raffle envelope for important information.

The cost per calendar is $20. The purchaser gets 365 chances to win! Each day, a new winner is picked, and their name is put back into the barrel for more chances to win. The daily prize amounts are printed on the calendar and range from $25 to $250. Prize money checks are mailed to the winners. Winners' names are printed in the parish bulletin each week.

  • Early bird raffle for SJE families! Turn in all 7 calendar stubs and payment by November 7, 2024 and be entered into a drawing to win $100!
  • All stubs and payments (cash or checks payable to St. John the Evangelist School) must be returned to the school office by November 15, 2024. Put them in an envelope labeled “Calendar Raffle” along with your family name.

Thank you for your participation in this outstanding fundraiser.

MAPSS Soccer League

The MAPSS soccer league is in need of board members. MAPSS runs the leagues our students participate in for soccer and futsal. If volunteers are not found the league will disband and we will not be able to provide these opportunities for our student/ athletes. MAPSS is currently looking for a President, Vice-President, Secretary, and a Treasurer. The current board members have held the roles for two years and stepped up when the previous league disbanded. If you would like to share your time and talents as a member of the league board and be part of providing soccer and futsal opportunities to countless Catholic school athletes of southeastern Wisconsin please consider taking on a board member position with the league. Other opportunities to help with the league are also available. 

 If interested please contact our SJE athletic director, Denelle Bartoshevich at

Knights of Columbus: Lifesavers for Life Campaign

The Knights of Columbus SJE Council has supported our school and parish for many years now.  Please step up and help the Knights raise money for the Respect Life Committee here at SJE. Students in grades 4-8 are needed to sell lifesavers before and after each Mass on October 26th and 27th. The Knights are asking for a half an hour before and after each Mass. If your child is able to help before and after Mass feel free to sign up in both time slots. If your child is only able to provide 15 minutes of service after a Mass please sign up and note that in the sign up genius. Please use the link below to sign up to help our Knights of Columbus SJE Council with this important work. .

Craft Fair Help Needed

Our 2024 Craft Fair takes place on 11/9 from 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. Our school is transformed into a holiday marketplace with over 70 vendors. Christian Women and Home and School organize the event, but we still need your help! Students in grades 5-8 in need of service hours may assist with setup on 11/7/24, 11/8/24, and cleanup on 11/9/24. Please use the link below to browse through all of the opportunities to volunteer.

Please email Cassandra Wagner ( with any questions. 

Please click on the link below to see how you can help

2024 Craft Fair

Are you interested in being a volunteer at SJE?

Register for Safe Environment

The Archdiocese of Milwaukee has a partnership with Catholic Mutual Group to provide Safe Environment Education. All participants must register online. If interested, please register on the archdiocesan website

View a listing of upcoming safe environment education sessions.

You must complete this class in order to volunteer in the school or accompany students on any field trips.

Scrip is available at all weekend Masses or during regular business hours at the parish office. You may also use the RaiseRight App (below).

Scrip Order Form

Download the RaiseRight app to reload cards, purchase e-cards, or purchase physical cards. Contact the Parish Office or School Office for the enrollment code.

RaiseRight App

St. John the Evangelist School

 "Go Out and Set Your Soul on Fire for God!"


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