A Message from
Mr. O
Conferences 10/17/24 12:00-8:00
Mandatory parent/student/teacher conferences for grades K4-3 and 5-8 are Thursday, October 17th. Please bring your child with you to the conference. Conferences are 15 minutes long. You will be notified of your conference time by 10/11/24.
Grade 4 will not have conferences at this time.
Book Fair
The Scholastic Book Fair is scheduled for October 17th during conferences. Our book fair will be open to purchase books Thursday, 12:00-8:00 PM. Please stop at the book fair before or after your child’s conference. Visiting the book fair is another way to motivate our students to read, read, read, and read some more.
Grandparent’s/ VIP DAY 11/1/24
VIP Day is Friday, November 1. The day starts with Mass at 10:00. The church doors will open at 9:30. After Mass our community will be separated into two groups. One group will go to lunch in the cafeteria and the other group will go to the gym to play bingo. Then the groups will switch. After the two sessions are complete there will be time to visit the classrooms. VIP day should conclude around 1:15. Students will have a short recess and classes will resume at 1:35.
The RSVP flyer is in today’s folder.
4th Grade Teacher
Mrs. Spiegelhoff, our 4th-grade teacher, recently resigned due to medical issues. Please keep her and her family in your prayers.
We are in need of a 4th-grade teacher.
Here is a link to the job posting on the Archmil website.
If you or anyone you know might be interested, please contact Mr. Oberdorf at 414-321-1965