Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Thursday & Friday, October 3 & 4

No School - In Service

Thursday, October 10th -

Feeding America Gr. 7 & 8

Friday, October 11th -

Green Meadows K4-Gr. 2

Sunday, October 13th -

Cousins Fundraiser

11:00 am - 2:00 pm

Thursday, October 17th -

Early Dismissal 11:00 am


Friday, October 18th -

No School

Parish Fish Fry in the Gym

4:00 - 7:00 PM.

Monday, October 21 -

Catholic Schools Walk 1:00

Check out our online calendar here.

Family Prayer 

Twenty-seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time

Reading I : Genesis 2:18-24

I will make a partner for him.

  • The creation story in Genesis 2 portrays God as searching for an equal partner for the human.
  • Only a creature that shares the same flesh will be a fitting partner.
  • The union between man and woman is so central that they long to reunite in the one flesh they share.

Reading II : Hebrews 2:9-11

They are all brothers.

  • In Jesus we see the true nature of God.
  • Today’s second reading points out that Jesus accepted death for the sake of all.
  • Jesus is the perfect leader because he shared in our weakness and suffering.

Gospel : Mark 10:2-16

Let the children come to me.

  • In response to the Pharisees question about divorce, Jesus compares the passage in Deuteronomy, which is simply a concession to human weakness, to the creation story in Genesis, which emphasizes the indissolubility of marriage.
  • Jesus presents the ideal of the marriage bond to stress the truth that in him, sin has no power in the world.
  • In the final passage of today’s Gospel, Jesus proclaims that the kingdom belongs to those who receive it as children.

SJE Facebook Link

A Message from

Mr. O

Conferences 10/17/24 12:00-8:00

Conference slips will be in today’s folder. Our mid trimester mandatory parent/ student/ teacher conferences for grades K4-8 are scheduled for Thursday, October 17th from 12:00-8:00.

In today’s folder you will find a conference schedule slip to be completed and returned by Monday, October 7. You will be notified by email of your conference time by October 11th. 

Catholic Schools walk 10/21/24

The Catholic Schools Walk will be held at the local level again this year. Our students in  Grades 1-8 will walk on October 21 at 1:00 to celebrate Catholic schools and our faith. Mrs. Pitcher has set up a route to walk using the path north of our school. We will celebrate our faith by stopping along the route to pray. If you would like to join us for the walk, the walk will begin with a prayer on the northside of the building at 1:00 on October 21. . 

Grades K4 and K5 will walk our school grounds earlier in the day with Mrs. Pitcher

We are walking to raise money for our school’s technology program. The money will be used to purchase software as well as replacement chrome books. All donations raised are kept at SJE and there will be a percentage match from donors. If you are interested in supporting our readers there are 3 easy ways to donate. 

3 easy ways to donate:

1. Text SCHOOLSWALK66 to 71777

2. Use the following link

3. Send cash or check (made out to St. John the Evangelist with 'Catholic Schools Walk' in the memo section). Please make sure the envelope is marked Catholic Schools Walk

Phone Reminder

Students may not be on their phones while on school grounds. This includes using the internet, texting, or phone calls. If students are in after school care,  or waiting for choir, club or a practice to start, phones are still off limits. Students can talk to each other. Phones should remain in the students' backpacks until their parents pick them up.

If the student asks a teacher for permission to contact someone for a ride or another need and the teacher approves use of the phone the teacher will monitor the situation. 

As with other electronic devices not required for school, the school is not responsible for any phone that is lost, damaged, or stolen. If your child does have a phone,  please discuss with him or her the school expectations for its use.  

Trunk or Treat 

Our trunk or treat RSVP/ registration form will be in a future Thursday folder. Due to a new policy put forth by the Archdiocese of Milwaukee all candy distributors must be Safe Environment certified. There are opportunities in the area to take the initial Safe Environment course. Please consider completing the Safe Environment certification. Completing Safe Environment training needs to be completed to go on field trips with your child, volunteer for school events, coach athletics, and hand out candy at Trunk or Treat.  

Please use the link below to register for a Safe Environment course.


Interested in supporting our St. John the Evangelist teachers and classrooms? You can shop our teachers’ Amazon Classroom Wish Lists! This is a way to support our children's classrooms and keep the responsibility of using personal money for supplies off our teachers' shoulders. Please see the links below to view our teachers’ Wish Lists. Orders can be shipped to the teacher’s attention directly to the school office address:

St. John the Evangelist School

Attn: [Teacher’s Name Here]

8500 W. Coldspring Rd.

Greenfield, WI 53228

4K - Ms. Woytych

5K - Mrs. Cannistra

Grade 1 - Mrs. Prideaux

Grade 2 - Mrs. Kazik

Grade 3 - Mrs. Unger

Grade 5 - Mr. Payant

Grade 6 - Ms. Dunning

Grade 7 - Mrs. Wisniewski

Grade 8 - Mr. Courchane

Learning Resource - Mrs. Sostre

Health and Phy. Ed - Mrs. Pitcher

Spanish - Senora Fiedler

A Message from Athletics

Fall sports pictures will take place Friday, October 4th in the SJE gym.

Scholastic Reflections will take an individual photo and a team photo, so it is important to be on time. 

Please wear your uniform. 

No cleats in the gym. 

K5/1st grade soccer SJE/St Greg's - 5:00 pm - Arrival 4:50 pm

2nd grade soccer SJE/St Greg's - 5:10 pm - Arrival 5:00 pm

3rd/4th grade soccer SJE - 5:20 pm - Arrival 5:10 pm

3rd/4th grade soccer St Greg's - 5:30 pm - Arrival 5:20pm

5th/6th grade soccer SJE/St Greg's - 5:40 pm - Arrival 5:30pm

7th/8th grade soccer SJE/St Greg's - 5:50 pm - Arrival 5:40pm

5th grade Volleyball SJE/St Greg's/MQS/St Matthias - 6:00 pm -

Arrival 5:50pm

6th grade volleyball SJE/St Matthias - 6:10 pm - Arrival 6:00pm

7th grade Volleyball Individual only (plays with HA team)

Anytime between 6:00 pm -6:20 pm 

8th grade Volleyball SJE/St Matthias/MQS - 6:20 pm - Arrival 6:10pm

8th grade Volleyball St Greg's - 6:30 pm - Arrival 6:20pm


Thursday Folder

Parent/Teacher/Student Conference Form

Please complete and return to school no later than Monday, October 7th.

Valentine Coffee Fundraiser

Please return by 10-15-2014


Green Meadows Petting Farm

October 11th - Grades K4-2

Permission Slips were due September 26th.

Pet Blessing 10/5/24 at noon

There will be a blessing 10/5/24 at noon. Please bring your pets to be blessed to the north side of the building by the St. Francis of Assisi statue. 

Are you interested in being a volunteer at SJE?

Register for Safe Environment

The Archdiocese of Milwaukee has a partnership with Catholic Mutual Group to provide Safe Environment Education. All participants must register online. If interested, please register on the archdiocesan website

View a listing of upcoming safe environment education sessions.

You must complete this class in order to volunteer in the school or accompany students on any field trips.

Scrip is available at all weekend Masses or during regular business hours at the parish office. You may also use the RaiseRight App (below).

Scrip Order Form

Download the RaiseRight app to reload cards, purchase e-cards, or purchase physical cards. Contact the Parish Office or School Office for the enrollment code.

RaiseRight App
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