Thursday, December 5, 2024

Thursday December 5th -

Report Cards

Sunday, December 8th -

Cousins Sub Fundraiser

11:00 - 2:00 pm

SJE Parish Concert 4:00 pm

Monday, December 9th -

School Mass 10:00 am

Wednesday, December 11th -

No Mass

Tuesday, December 17th -

December Birthday Out of Uniform

Thursday, December 19th -

School Christmas Concerts

1 pm & 6:30 pm

Saturday, December 21 through

Sunday, January 5th

Christmas Break

Monday, January 6th -

Classes Resume

Check out our online calendar here.

Family Prayer 

Second Sunday of Advent

Reading I : Baruch 5:1-9

God will show all the earth the splendor of Jerusalem.

  • The passage from Baruch borrows the prophetic language of Second Isaiah which presents a glorious vision of the vindication of God’s people.
  • Jerusalem, clothed in the glory and justice of God, would welcome her children home.
  • All creation would share in the delight and make a smooth shady path for the people of God.

Reading II : Philippians 1:4-6, 8-11

He who has begun a great work in you will continue to strengthen you.

  • Paul’s Letter to the Philippians expresses his great hope for the people in Philippi whom had enthusiastically accepted the Gospel of Christ.
  • The Philippians had supported Paul financially and shown kindness to him during his imprisonment.
  • Paul reminds them to love one another and to value what truly matters.

Gospel : Luke 3:1-6

The preaching of John the Baptist.

  • In today’s Gospel, Luke sets the story of Jesus in historic context for his Gentile audience by listing the important figures of the time.
  • At the end of the list, he concentrates on John the Baptizer.
  • The lone prophet, John the Baptist, was to preach the arrival of God’s salvation in Jesus.

SJE Facebook Link

A Message from Mr. Oberdorf

Premier Seating at the Evening Christmas Concert 12/19 6:30 

Our Christmas concert is December 19. There will be two performances, 1:00 and 6:30. You have a chance to win premier reserved seating (the first 3 rows) for the evening concert . We will raffle off the first 3 rows. If you wish to take a chance on winning reserved seating please send an envelope clearly marked with your family’s name and “Christmas Seat Raffle” to school with your money. Each chance to win will cost $1. You may purchase as many chances to win as you wish. We will add all of your chances to a random choice generator program and winners will be announced December 12 in the school newsletter. Last day to purchase chances is December 10th. Please see flyer in today’s folder

Christmas Concert 12/19/23 1:00 and 6:30

Our Christmas concert will be December 19. (please note the date change from original calendar) We will have two performances. Please enter through the gym doors for either performance. Our afternoon performance will begin at 1:00. Doors will open at 12:30. The evening performance starts at 6:30. Doors will open at 6:00. Students and guests will enter at this time. Parents please take your child’s coat to your seat with you to help keep the bleacher area safe as students move to and from the stage. Your children should sit in the bleachers with their class upon entering the gym. Merry Christmas and enjoy the show!

Christmas Concert Dress

December 19 is a school uniform day. Students should come to school in uniform. Uniforms will be worn for the afternoon Christmas concert performance. For the evening performance students should wear their Sunday best. No jeans or t-shirts please. 

Basketball Season- Concession Stand Help

Basketball season is starting soon. Our student/ athletes have been practicing and preparing for the season to start. As with all of our extracurricular activities and events volunteers are needed. We once again need help with concessions. Money made from concessions helps keep costs down and grow our program. 

There are opportunities available for students in grades 5-8 to complete service hours. If you or your middle school child are interested in helping out please use the link below to sign up today.

DPI School and District Report Cards Released

School and District Report Cards were released in November. There is a copy of the St. John the Evangelist report card in this week’s Thursday Folder. If you are interested in viewing report cards for other schools and districts please use the link below.

I am providing links to other educational options as required by DPI for Choice schools in the links below: 

Thursday Folder

Student Report cards Grades 1-8

It is hard to believe the school year is a third of the way complete. Report cards will be sent home December 5. Please review the report card with your child. Keep the report card for your records.

Please sign the report card envelope and have your child return it to his or her teacher.  

Christmas Cookie Walk Order Form

Due December 10th

Premier Seating School Christmas Program Raffle Form

Due December 10th

DPI School Report Card

Private - All Students Report Card

Here are the links to your students classrooms. 

K4 link      

K5 link      

Gr 1 link   

Gr 2 link   

Gr 3 link   

Gr 4 link   

Gr 5 link   

Gr 6 link   

Gr 7 link   

Gr 8 link   


Cookies! Cookies! Cookies!

The SJE cookie sale is December 14th and 15th and our Home and School Committee is asking for your help. They are asking school families to bake at least one batch of cookies or bars and donate them to the event. Thank you to the families who have already turned in the form committing to making cookies for the sale. If you did not turn in the slip, please feel free to still donate cookies. Any cookie donations should be dropped off in the school office on Thursday, December 12th. 

The Home and School Committee will pack an assortment of cookies into one pound packages and sell them to parish and school families.

Calendar Raffle

Please turn in all calendars from the calendar raffle. If you have sold all of your calendars, please turn the money and stubs into the school office. Our goal is to sell all available calendars. If you have unsold calendars, please return them to the school office as soon as possible so we may sell them before and after Mass, at other school or parish events, and to visitors to our school and parish. Thank you for your help in making the calendar raffle a success. 

Use our unique code online at anytime on December 5-7, 2024.

Are you interested in being a volunteer at SJE?

Register for Safe Environment

The Archdiocese of Milwaukee has a partnership with Catholic Mutual Group to provide Safe Environment Education. All participants must register online. If interested, please register on the archdiocesan website

View a listing of upcoming safe environment education sessions.

You must complete this class in order to volunteer in the school or accompany students on any field trips.

Scrip is available at all weekend Masses or during regular business hours at the parish office. You may also use the RaiseRight App (below).

Scrip Order Form

Download the RaiseRight app to reload cards, purchase e-cards, or purchase physical cards. Contact the Parish Office or School Office for the enrollment code.

RaiseRight App

St. John the Evangelist School

 "Go Out and Set Your Soul on Fire for God!"


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