A Message from Mr. Oberdorf
Premier Seating at the Evening Christmas Concert 12/19 6:30
Our Christmas concert is December 19. There will be two performances, 1:00 and 6:30. You have a chance to win premier reserved seating (the first 3 rows) for the evening concert . We will raffle off the first 3 rows. If you wish to take a chance on winning reserved seating please send an envelope clearly marked with your family’s name and “Christmas Seat Raffle” to school with your money. Each chance to win will cost $1. You may purchase as many chances to win as you wish. We will add all of your chances to a random choice generator program and winners will be announced December 12 in the school newsletter. Last day to purchase chances is December 10th. Please see flyer in today’s folder
Christmas Concert 12/19/23 1:00 and 6:30
Our Christmas concert will be December 19. (please note the date change from original calendar) We will have two performances. Please enter through the gym doors for either performance. Our afternoon performance will begin at 1:00. Doors will open at 12:30. The evening performance starts at 6:30. Doors will open at 6:00. Students and guests will enter at this time. Parents please take your child’s coat to your seat with you to help keep the bleacher area safe as students move to and from the stage. Your children should sit in the bleachers with their class upon entering the gym. Merry Christmas and enjoy the show!
Christmas Concert Dress
December 19 is a school uniform day. Students should come to school in uniform. Uniforms will be worn for the afternoon Christmas concert performance. For the evening performance students should wear their Sunday best. No jeans or t-shirts please.