Wednesday, November 27, 2024

Wednesday, November 27th -

Early dismissal 11:00 am

Thursday & Friday, November

28th and 29th

No School

Happy Thanksgiving

Monday, December 2nd -

Mod Pizza Fundraiser

Thursday December 5th -

Report Cards

Sunday, December 8th -

Cousins Sub Fundraiser

11:00 - 2:00 pm

SJE Parish Concert 4:00 pm

Monday, December 9th -

School Mass 10:00 am

Wednesday, December 11th -

No Mass

Tuesday, December 17th -

December Birthday Out of Uniform

Thursday, December 19th -

School Christmas Concerts

1 pm & 6:30 pm

Saturday, December 21 through

Sunday, January 5th

Christmas Break

Monday, January 6th -

Classes Resume

Check out our online calendar here.

Family Prayer 

First Sunday of Advent

Reading I : Jeremiah 33:14-16

A shoot shall rise up.

  • The prophets believed that the fullness of God’s kingdom could be experienced in history.
  • Jeremiah was writing for an audience that was facing exile.
  • In today’s passage, the prophet Jeremiah assures the people that even in the midst of disaster God would remain faithful.

Reading II : 1 Thessalonians 3:12-4:2

Love one another and act in ways pleasing to God.

  • The Christians at Thessalonica believed that Christ’s return would come in their lifetime.
  • Paul’s letter encourages them to live wisely in anticipation of Christ’s coming.
  • The Thessalonians are urged to persevere in the way of life they had learned from Paul so that the day of the Lord would truly be a day of rejoicing.

Gospel : Luke 21:25-28, 34-36

Jesus will come again in glory; be not afraid.

  • Today's Gospel uses apocalyptic imagery to describe the return of Christ.
  • Luke's audience recognized that the wait for Christ’s return could be long.
  • Christians must always be ready because no one knows when the great day will come.

SJE Facebook Link

A Message from Mr. Oberdorf

Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family! I have a long list of things to be thankful for and being part of the SJE community is one of them. I am thankful to be a part of all of the great things happening here, and to serve you and your family. Thank you for choosing SJE. Happy Thanksgiving!

Thanksgiving Prayer

Generous and merciful God, we thank you for your abundant gifts to us. 

As we celebrate this Thanksgiving, 

We ask you to send your Spirit,

To open our hearts to you and our neighbor, 

That we may share the gifts you have given us

As your Son Jesus taught us to.

Thank you for the many blessings of our lives;

Our family and friends,

Our home and the food we eat, 

Our health and our lives.

We ask your blessing on our SJE community, 

And all your people throughout the world,

Through Christ your Son.


School closing due to weather conditions

Closing of school due to weather conditions is done in conjunction with the Greenfield School District. The policy is: If the Greenfield School District is closed, so are we. If Greenfield School District has a BUS Delay, our school will still open on time. For any emergency closing at St. John's, we will contact you via email and our school website. Normally, we will not close school in the middle of the day. You may pick your child up if the Greenfield School District closes early. 

Basketball Season- Concession Stand Help

Basketball season is starting soon. Our student/ athletes have been practicing and preparing for the season to start. As with all of our extracurricular activities and events volunteers are needed. We once again need help with concessions. Money made from concessions helps keep costs down and grow our program. 

There are opportunities available for students in grades 5-8 to complete service hours. If you or your middle school child are interested in helping out, please use the link below to sign up today.

Thursday Folder

There is NO Folder this week


MOD Pizza Fundraiser

December 2nd

Order pizza and help out SJE

We need Cookies

Eighth Annual Christmas Cookie Walk December 14th and 15th

Please let us know how many dozen cookies you would like to donate.

Form due December 5th.

All donations are greatly appreciated.

Christmas Concert

Our Christmas concert will be held on Thursday, December 19th this year. There will be a 1:00 pm performance and 6:30 pm performance.

(please note the date change from original calendar)

Fostering Hope this Advent

The NJHS students of SJE are inviting your family to participate in their Advent service project. We will be partnering with Kids Matter, Inc. to create Fostering Hope backpacks. Often, children are uprooted and removed from their home with only the clothes that they are wearing. Not only are they taken away without warning, but they also must leave most of their possessions behind. This program gives abused and neglected children a book, a toy, some clothing items, and a little hope in their own new backpack or duffel bag. The Fostering Hope backpacks we provide will give these children desperately needed items that they can call their very own. 

The NJHS students are asking each homeroom to create 2 backpacks (one boy and one girl) for children who are entering foster care situations. Each class will have their own Sign-Up Genius link for items specifically selected for children their age. Please review the list with your child and choose 1 NEW item to donate. If you would like to donate additional items from the list, please check back to see what may be needed or contact Ms. Dunning at

Please send donated items to school by Wednesday, December 18th. Thank you!

K4 link      

K5 link      

Gr 1 link   

Gr 2 link   

Gr 3 link   

Gr 4 link   

Gr 5 link    

Gr 6 link   

Gr 7 link   

Gr 8 link   

Use our unique code online at anytime on December 5-7, 2024.

Are you interested in being a volunteer at SJE?

Register for Safe Environment

The Archdiocese of Milwaukee has a partnership with Catholic Mutual Group to provide Safe Environment Education. All participants must register online. If interested, please register on the archdiocesan website

View a listing of upcoming safe environment education sessions.

You must complete this class in order to volunteer in the school or accompany students on any field trips.

Scrip is available at all weekend Masses or during regular business hours at the parish office. You may also use the RaiseRight App (below).

Scrip Order Form

Download the RaiseRight app to reload cards, purchase e-cards, or purchase physical cards. Contact the Parish Office or School Office for the enrollment code.

RaiseRight App

St. John the Evangelist School

 "Go Out and Set Your Soul on Fire for God!"


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