Ram's Horn                           October 7, 2016
Anyone participating in spirit squad or anyone who would like to participate...please email the following info to Mrs. Metcalf LMetcalf@sothfamily.org: parents' names, student's name, phone number and email address.  We practice on Fridays, 3:30-4:30 pm.  
Roller Skating Fun
Milk Caps for Mooola
MILK CAPS for MOOOLA is a program sponsored by Longmont Dairy that helps students earn money for their school and students. Longmont Dairy milk caps are worth 5¢ each and are redeemable for cash by participating schools only. Participating is easy as 1-2-3!
How does the program work?
1. Drink Longmont Dairy Milk
(Eligible cap products include: Milk, Chocolate Milk, Strawberry Milk, Half & Half, Whipping Cream, Orange Juice, Lemonade, Raspberry Lemonade, Classic and Cinnamon Eggnog.)
2. Save the bottle caps. Save as many as you can-from your bottles, or collect them from your family and neighbors.
3. Bring your milk caps to school and put them into the collection box in your classroom.
Auction Donations
As you travel or stay-cation this fall break, please remember the auction!  This could be a great opportunity to bring in your required items! The auction date is March 3, 2017 and all items are due by February 14, 2017!

There are two forms you may need when soliciting donations. Click on the links below to download those forms.

Fall Family Festival

A HUGE thank you to all of those that volunteered last week for our consignment sale. Kendra, Drew, and Anders Ackerman, Kristen, Kyra, and Cameron Hatton, Tracy, Carley, Mya, Zach, and Wyatt Fellows, Erin May, Tina Skirde, Cassie Warden, Irene Hull, Ardis Gordon, Angela Monroe, Krista Krikke, Samantha Bloch, Tammy Shelpheffer, Meredith Cannon, Heidi Rumsey, Lynn Kessman, Susan Bredehoeft, Katy Newton, Michele Shulteis,  Lauren Ryan, Adrienne, Moriah and Noah Olsen. We appreciate the time you took out of your busy schedules to help us out. Our sale is not possible without our dedicated volunteers.
The PTL planning committee meets the 4th Monday of every month after school. Our next PTL meeting is on Monday October 24, from 3:45-5:00 pm. Childcare is provided. We would love to have you join us! 

If have have any questions, please email Adrienne Olsen.
Hot Lunch Volunteers
You are invited by Shepherd to sign up for "Hot Lunch Volunteers."  Please click HERE of use the link below to view the online sign-up sheet.

Family Tree Service Project
As a part of our Be Transformed emphasis, each quarter Shepherd's church, Sunday School and Day School will have a mission or service project that is our focus.  This quarter, September - November, help us reach out to  
The Family Tree  community in two different ways. 

You can help by donating $20 for snacks and drinks for one or more Sundays, this year. Click HERE to sign up for one or more Sundays. Drop your $20 donation in either the offering plate or the church office. Please indicate Family Tree on memo line of check or envelope.

Available each Sunday in the gym with instructions, help our Transforming Tree bloom. Your monetary offering will help fund a Giant Game Night for these special families.
If you are not sure who Family Tree is, click HERE to read more about this group.
Questions? Please contact Jodie Stoltenow, JStoltenow@sothfamily.org.
Break the Dress Code Days are Back!
The 7th and 8th graders are raising funds for Washington DC. All students, Kindergarten through 8th grade have the opportunity to Break the Dress Code. Wear what you would like (must be school appropriate) and pay $1 at the door to Break the Dress Code! First semester Break the Dress Code days are the following Thursdays - October 20, November 3, November 17, December 1 and December 15. Mark your calendars now!

The 7th and 8th graders thank you for your support!

Questions? Email Krista Krikke at kkrikke@msn.com
Streets of SouthGlenn
Help Shepherd when you shop at The Streets of SouthGlenn to receive a prize of $250-$2500! Simply shop and submit itemized, original receipts   from purchases made between August 15, 2016, and April 30, 2017. Drop your receipts off at Guest Services (located in the Concierge Lobby by the parking structure) or the box in Shepherd's entry area near the office. Questions? Email or call Audrey Monson , 303-798-0711 ext. 383.
LuHi This Fall
Check out what is happening at Lutheran High School this fall. 

Fall Sports Home Games: Volleyball, Football, Boys Soccer and Golf
Homecoming Week, October 17-22
Two Fall Theater Productions: 39 Steps and Theater Gala
Annual Benefit Auction
Christmas Concert

Click HERE for all the details. 
8th Grade Parents 
If you are planning to open-enroll at a public high school, many schools are starting the process this fall. Call the school in which you are interested to see the exact procedure and/or talk to Jack Lipski our school counselor.   If your 8th grader is planning to attend Lutheran High, contact them at www.lhsparker.org.  I have LHS brochures in my office...feel free to stop by and pick up one!  ~Jack 
Classroom Rules  
As Shepherd is a Christian school that utilizes 
Love and Logic™ skills.
Don't we all want our kids disciplined and taught as individuals?  A one-size-fits-all approach isn't normally the best.  Because of a student's personality, temperament, experiences, development and spiritual maturity; he or she is unique.  At Shepherd...

School Counselor  
Our School Counselor, Jack Lipski, is available to help our students AND their families with social, emotional, cognitive and spiritual concerns. Jack is also an Individual, Marriage and Family Therapist. Please don't hesitate to call and make an appointment, or just drop by if his door is open. 
Jack's Corner 
QUESTION:  I am in Jr. High.  My parents don't like one of my friends.  They say she is a bad influence on me.  I like her.  Doesn't the Bible say that we should be friends with everyone?
ANSWER:  Actually, the Bible commands us to love everyone; God calls us to treat everyonethe way he treats us. The Bible says that we should love even our enemies and pray for them...