PS 24 Parent Teacher Association

Upcoming Events

  • 10/1 Book Club
  • 10/3-10/4 School Closed (Rosh Hashanah)
  • 10/14 School Closed (Italian Heritage/Indigenous Peoples Day)
  • 10/15-10/16 Picture Day 📸 (sign up here to volunteer)
  • 10/26 Boo Bash! 🎃👻 (help plan Boo Bash)
  • 11/1 School Closed (Diwali)
  • 11/5 School Closed (Election Day)
  • 11/1 Parent/Teacher Conferences (half day for students)

Picture Day is October 15th & 16th

All children are photographed for individual and class portraits. Scan the QR code sent home on Photo Day with your child. Once you are registered, you will receive an email to access your private online gallery three weeks after Photo Day.

Parent volunteers will be needed during both days to help everything run smoothly. Sign up here to volunteer for are much or as little time as you can.

And the winner is.....Wednesday! Future (virtual) PTA meetings will be held on Wednesdays at 7pm.

Here is the schedule, subject to change:

10/30, 11/20, 12/18, 1/22, 2/26, 3/26, 4/30, 5/28, 6/18

The October PTA meeting will include an election for SLT and Corresponding Secretary. (There's still room on the EB for VP of Publications and VP of Fundraising. Reach out to if you're interested in either.)

Boo Bash!  🎃

Saturday, October 26, 2024

4pm - 7pm

Boo Bash is coming... 🕷️

It's almost October which means it's almost time for Boo Bash 👻 🎃 Celebrate Halloween with your PS24 community and see the school spookier than you've ever seen it before. Tickets will go on sale shortly and the volunteer sign-up will be available soon.

It's not too late to join the planning committee and help plan Boo Bash.

Questions? E-mail:

Meadow Farms Fundraiser Runs 10/10 to 11/15

Set up an account and share your unique shop link with family and friends to raise money for PS24. Meadow Farms has a huge variety of items to suit everyone's tastes.

Create a Seller account or access your existing account at For existing accounts, log in

and click the "Join a Fundraiser" button. To complete the registration process, add or update your Sellers using Group ID: 1130168.

Fill out this form to join the yearbook committee and help create the yearbook for the 2024-2025 school year. Parents from all grades are welcome to join!

One of our parents wants to update the poster in the entryway that reads, "The 33 Languages We Speak at PS 24" so if you do not see your family's language listed on this doc, let us know so it can be added. Just reply to this email with the language.

GoFundMe for Mrs. Lee

As many of you are aware, one of our long-time dedicated staff members, Mrs. Lee, received a devastating medical diagnosis at the end of last school year. A Go Fund Me has been set up to help cover the costs of this diagnosis. If you are able, please consider donating to help her, and her family during this time.

family income form

Please fill out the Family Income Form. If every family fills out the form, we can ensure that PS24 receives the appropriate amount of funding! It will only take a few moments of your time.

As of 9/24, 67% of families have filled out the Family Income Form.

Westhab Afterschool Enrollment Applications is live! Access the 2024-2025 online application here.

If you'd prefer, you can download and print the English or Spanish application as a PDF.

Westhab Afterschool program is a free aftercare program that runs at PS24 from October to May. Learn more here.

What's for lunch at PS24? View the menu on the website or download the Feed Your Mind app from the Apple App Store or Google Play Store.

Slack is an online platform that works like a message board for members of the PS24 community.

Sign-up for Slack here.

Join the PS24 PTA Book Club! The next meeting is October 1st at 8:30pm. Now reading - Starling House by Alix E. Harrow

Sign-Up here to join Book Club.

PS24 Website 
24-25 DOE Calendar
Donate to the PTA
Family Handbook

(If you no longer have a student at PS24, please unsubscribe at the bottom of this email or let us know so we can remove you from our lists)

PTA Executive Board

powered by parent volunteers

Marisol DiLeo & Rachel Schwab - Co-Presidents

Alison Hao-Smith - Treasurer

Ching-Hua Chen - Recording Secretary

Cassandra Parets - VP Communications

Open Position - Corresponding Secretary

Open Position - VP Fundraising

Open Position - VP Publications

Doelis Lopez - Financial Secretary

Shay Smallwood - VP Events

Contact Us