January 5, 2024

24th of Tevet 5784

Current Family Registration for 2024-2025

Today, January 5th, begins registration for our current students, siblings of current students, and Summer Camp 2024!

Current family registration will run through Tuesday, January 16th after which time, all remaining spaces will be available to the greater community.  

We are excited to share a few

NEW and EXCITING changes:

  • A sibling discount of $250 for each additional child enrolled after the 1st one.
  • Our school day will now begin at 8:45 AM instead of 9 AM.

Tuition Schedule 2024-2025

Summer Camp

Enrollment Steps- Must Complete Both

Enrollment is a TWO step process

We use Blackbaud for registration and for monthly tuition.

1st pay tuition deposit in Blackbaud

Click here for a step-by-step guide (if you need help)

2nd fill out the application for enrollment

Your registration is complete when you have paid your $500 tuition deposit and filled out your application for enrollment.

If you have any complications with Blackbaud, please contact them via their Parent Help Center at (888) 868-8828.

The school ID is 77284.

ההרשמה היא תהליך בן 2 שלבים.




מלא טופס הרשמה


Please do not share this enrollment information with families who are not current families. They will not be reimbursed or given priority for registering with Blackbaud before the new family registration date.

Financial Aid 24-25

Financial Aid applications for the 2024-2025

school year will open for

current families on Monday, January 22nd

and are

due by 4PM on Friday February16th.

On Monday, January 22nd you will receive an email with instructions on how to apply for financial aid.

4610 Bellaire Boulevard, Bellaire TX 77401