13th Sunday After Pentecost

August 27, 2023

Peter Paul Rubens, Christ giving the Keys of Heaven

(Berlin, Germany: Gemäldegalerie, 1612), oil on canvas.

Dimensions: height: 182.6 cm (71.8 in); width: 159 cm (62.5 in). 


Dryness and lack of recollection can be good signs too, you know. God usually gives comfort to weak souls who need encouragement, and when they have progressed somewhat and he thinks they are strong enough to bear it, he permits this dryness. If you are faithful to your morning and evening prayers, and make your morning offering, you will be getting along fine. If you have to force yourself to pray, those prayers are of far more account with God than any prayers which bring comfort with them. That act of will is very important.

Dorothy Day

Stewardship Today: Stewardship Today: “Offer to God a sacrifice of thanksgiving, and make good your vows to the Most High. “

Psalm 59:14 BCP

“Back to school” supplies collection continues for our St. Paul’s Episcopal School, our

primary Outreach mission. Their “wish list” is (below) that we’d like to help with, and I hope you’ll join in if you can.


Please bring whatever you are able, and leave it in Clardy Hall in the container marked for “SPES School Supplies”.


The children of SPES thank you, and so do the teachers!!

Debbie Shaffer, SPES Board President

Markers; Fat pencils;

Glue sticks; Sticky tac;

Crayons (big and little);

Sharpie markers; Paint

Construction paper (letter size);

Card stock; Stickers

Pasta; Shaving cream;

Play doh; pipe cleaners; Googly eyes; pom poms; Pinto beans, Floam





The Liturgy of the Word

Prayers of People Prayer #43 - For Rain

O God, heavenly Father, who by thy Son Jesus Christ hast promised to all those who seek thy kingdom and its righteousness all things necessary to sustain their life: Send us, we entreat thee, in this time of need, such moderate rain and showers, that we may receive the fruits of the earth, to our comfort and to thy honor; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen (BCP, 828)

10:30 a.m. Live Stream Sunday Services on  Youtube and Facebook

Repeat of Sunday services can be seen on GEUS Channel 34

on Wednesdays at 8 a.m. and 6 p.m.

Follow us on Instagram:

St. Paul's Young Adult Fellowship - follow on Facebook for info on time and location. We focus on deep dives into scripture, discovering enriching pathways through God's Word and fellowship with one another. The group studies one book at a time, and meets on a weekly basis whenever possible at a rotating set of locations. In order to get involved, shoot us a message!

Aug/ Sept. Church Calendar

Click to view

Click to sign-up Sunday's



10:00am - Children's Chapel

10:30am - Morning Prayer 2

7:00pm - Bible Study in St. Paul's Parish Hall (pizza provided)

Aug. 31, Thurs. 7:00pm - ECW General Meeting via Zoom

Sept. 09, Sat. 10:00am - St. Hopsworth of Aleyard Day Sons of the

American Revolution Meeting.

Sept. 10, Sun. 10:30am service - Blessing of the Altar Guild, Birthday and Anniversary Blessings, Grandparent's Day

Sept. 11, Mon. 6:30pm - Ladies Nite Out, Applebee's


3rd Annual One Man's Treasure Golf Tournament, Messy Business of Forgiveness, Nashotah House Theological Seminary Gathering.

DOK logo.jpg

Prayers for the Church


The Daughters of the King are dedicated to supporting the prayer needs of St Paul's. They are available in the west corner of sanctuary every Sunday after the 10:30 a.m. worship service for private prayer. You can also submit intentions in the prayer box in the narthex.

The Family of Peggy Cole, The Family of Johnny Massey,

Marie and Ken Gunter, The Barker Family,

The Family of Angela Faye Tiller,

Julia Gibson, Linda Conley, Father Gordon,

Bill and Judy Shaddox.

To add names to the prayer list, please contact the church office.

(Names will remain on prayer list for one month unless renewed)