Commercial & Industrial Interlocking Flooring
Schooled on lab flooring
One of the bright spots of the pandemic for commercial real estate developers has been the increased demand for lab space. That has also created a demand for life science professionals, which in turn has placed colleges and universities on notice to upgrade and create lab space. That’s something SelecTech has been on top of for quite some time.

Earlier this year, we worked with a few universities—Stony Brook in New York and Central Wyoming College. Both had some very specific needs in terms of the upgrading and development of lab space. Check out the article in Medical Device News Magazine on the Stony Brook University installation. 
Lab ebook updated
We recently updated our ebook Checklist for Replacing Your Laboratory Floor. It now includes links to videos in several sections explaining the various features and benefits of our lab flooring product. To download your copy, click the button below.
Cleanroom Flooring: FAQs and Answers
When it comes to choosing cleanroom flooring, several features should be on your must-have list. A flooring solution that provides a static-free environment, sterile conditions, easy maintenance, and durability proves ideal in controlled areas. 

33 Wales Avenue, Suite F
Avon, MA 02322
Telephone: 508-583-3200