California schools are being used as indoctrination centers rather than focusing on reading, writing, and mathematics. Progressive groups have made schools a testing ground for personal ideologies and elevated the education system as a shrine to social engineering, radical sex education and the promotion of gender identity. 

Knowing your rights is an important part of back-to-school preparation. 

As schools implement policies that are increasingly encroaching upon your parental rights, we want you to be equipped to be an advocate for yourself and your children.

Every day there are questions about the laws concerning sex ed, gender teachings and provocative content. What is mandatory and what is not? What is legal? What is illegal?  What are the rights of parents?  Can my child opt out? What can parents do?   

Californians are trying to make sense of all the mandates coming down from bureaucrats in Sacramento wanting to sexualize our children as young as Kindergarten.
Changes in the Health Education frameworks, the History-Social Science frameworks, and the implementation of AB 329, has created much confusion as well as prompted many questions which need clarification. While they look similar, these are all three very different facets of the current progressive ideology being promoted in classrooms.

All three are destructive, however, they are all very different requiring different solutions. 

Get the facts and solutions for addressing these issues at the “Let Parents Decide” Conference, Saturday, August 24, 9AM-4:30PM.

We will cover the controversial sex education lessons being implemented, what your rights are as a parent, teacher, and student, and what the law does and does not require regarding sex education, as well as effective and realistic solutions.

Tickets to this critical conference are free. However, you must RSVP as seating is limited.  We suggest you register immediately to guarantee yourself a seat. 

We are a non-profit organization that relies solely on the generous giving from people like you and from the many churches and organizations that support us.

Unlike our opponents, we do not get government grants and public dollars. We do not have wealthy elite donors to fund our fight.

That is why we ask if you can stand with us and support our work with a generous financial gift today?
Capitol Resource Institute