April 2011

Ernestina in New Bedford Harbor
                                                                                                                      photo by Roland Morin

Schooner Ernestina-Morrissey Association

April 27, 2011




Spring has finally arrived and the warmer weather brings more opportunities to volunteer.  Check out the events below and don't miss the SEMA Annual Meeting on April 30.

Fair Winds,

Mary Anne


SEMA Annual Meeting April 30 SEMA logo


Schooner Ernestina-Morrissey Association will hold its first public Annual Meeting on Saturday, April 30, 2011 at 2:00 pm.  Please join us at the Corson Learning Center of the New Bedford Whaling National Historic Park's Visitor's Center, 33 William Street, New Bedford, MA to celebrate the accomplishments of the past year.  Please CONTACT US if you plan to attend. 


National  Park Volunteer Day


spars on dock 2011
gaffs & booms to oil 


The New Bedford Whaling National Historic Park is sponsoring a Volunteer Day for its park partners on May 7th.  There are three projects scheduled for Ernestina that day.  1) oil the gaffs, booms and topmasts on the dock,  2) scrape and paint the dories and 3) remove and store contents of the ship in preparation for the haul out.  If you plan to volunteer please CONTACT US so we can prepare enough materials for everyone to participate.  After the morning's work the NPS is hosting a cookout.  Please let Emily know so she can order enough t-shirts and food.

To sign up, stop by the National Park Visitor Center located at 33 William Street, New Bedford, MA 02740 or call Emily Prigot at (508) 996-4095 extension 6105 - www.nps.gov/nebe -


On May 7 please report to the Visitor's Center on William Street to sign in before you report to the ship.





Telling Ernestina's Story to the World 


 rustbuckets logo

The Maintenance Committee and other volunteers showed what we can accomplish when we work together, removing the winter cover in record time.  The ship is out of her winter cocoon and other work is scheduled.  There will be many ways to help this summer representing the ship at various festivals. 

Telling Ernestina's story is an important way to gain new support for the ship.  Here's another way you can help.  Dr. Timothy D. Walker, Associate Professor of History at University of Massachusetts Dartmouth, has the opportunity to bring Ernestina's story to an international audience.  Tim is a longtime friend of the ship and has taught courses using Ernestina's many resources.

In early September there will be a CONFERENCE   in Stockholm, Sweden and Mariehamn (�land, Finland) to discuss the plight of historic vessels.

Tim has been invited to present.  He is getting partial support to attend from the conference organizers and has asked for some support from us.  Please consider pledging to help pay for Tim's travel expenses.  CONTACT US and let us know how much you can pledge.  SEMA will accept your tax deductable donation and transfer the funds to support Tim's travel to this important international event. 


Hello Cabo Verde Expo -  

Open Ship


The Programming Committee of the Schooner Ernestina Commission will be hosting an Open Ship to tell Ernestina's story during the Hello Cabo Verde Expo.  If you can volunteer 12:00 - 4:00 pm Saturday, May 28 and/or Sunday, May 29 please CONTACT US.

History of the Rig fukk sail


With the rig maintenance on-going I thought you would like to review some history of Ernestina's present rig.  These are links to the archived pre-2005 website developed by Captain Gregg Swanzey.

1994 constructing fore mast

fall 2002 de-rigging for inspection and maintenance

spring 2003 stepping masts

Of course you can check www.ernestina.org for the latest news.

Issue 32

Schooner Ernestina-Morrissey Association, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit corporation with the purpose of raising funds to provide for the maintenance, equipment, manning, programming and operation of the Schooner Ernestina ex Effie M. Morrissey  as a sail training vessel, school ship, and educational enterprise. 








SEMA Directors:


Mary Anne McQuillan

Vice President:

Julius Britto


Robert Hildreth


John Buddy Andrade

Captain Willi Bank riJohn BullardM

Christopher Davis,  esq

Marc Pires

Polly Zajac


Polly Zajac

Polly Zajac

 Polly ZajajP

SEMA logo
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Schooner Ernestina Commission Meeting

The next Schooner Ernestina Commission meeting has been scheduled for Monday, May 2 at 1:00 pm at the New Bedford Whaling National Historical Park Visitors' Center. William St. New Bedford.  The agenda hasn't been posted yet but you can access the minutes of previous Commission meetings.  Follow the link and scroll down the chronological list to the Schooner Ernestina Commission entries.

 AGENDA  or  
Mary Anne McQuillan, President
Schooner Ernestina-Morrissey Association, Inc
 P.O. Box 2995
New Bedford, MA 02741