Dear Friends of Schumacher Farm,
As we prepare for yet another season at Schumacher Farm, we realize how important volunteers are in keeping our historical site and prairie open and inviting for all to enjoy. Many of you have volunteered hours, skills and your presence to help us maintain, improve and support the various activities we do here at the farm. In fact, it was reported that you have put in over 6,000 volunteer hours in 2016. That equates to almost three full time employees. Thank you!
When you visit the farm this season you might meet two new staff members that joined us recently on a part time basis. Amy Jo Dusick has been hired as Park Administrator who is very knowledgeable about our historical grounds and the prairie with emphasis on the environment. Angela Webster joins us as the Events Coordinator and will be responsible for the Bluegrass Musical Festival, the 25th Annual Heritage Fest and the Family Halloween Event. Angela would be very happy to hear from you if you would consider volunteering to help make those events a time to remember for all who attend. She will be sending out Sign-Up Genius requests shortly. Many of you are already on the Sign Up Genius list, but if you are not sure or would like to be added, please provide us with your contact information by calling the office at 608-849-4559 or email us at and let us know.
At our annual meeting we welcomed two new board members, Paul Cardarella and Sally Leong, along with Dan Evans and myself who agreed to take another term on the board. Over the next several newsletters we will showcase them so you can get to know them better.
I hope you take the time to read about upcoming workshops, volunteer activities, summer camp, progress on the Capital Campaign, sponsorship requests, plans for the Rural History Museum and about the 109 year old Schumacher barn.
Hope to see you soon,
Rosa Ropers, President
Friends of Schumacher Farm Park
Tom Linfield, Vice President of Madison Community Impact, presented at the Friends' Annual Meeting on
March 9th. Photo: J. Ableidinger
Friends' operations budget: The Friends Board of Directors adopted a 2017 operating expense budget of $70,000. Major expense categories include the payroll costs of three part-time staff, events costs, and utilities. Revenues from memberships pay for only 5 percent of those costs. Grants and event sponsorships and gifts along with event fees are expected to cover the remaining expenses.
Click here to see the budget summary.
Capital Campaign news: Pledges and gifts to our capital campaign have increased $42,000 since our November newsletter, including $35,000 from the Village of Waunakee. A brochure describing campaign progress was distributed at the Friends' meeting on March 9 (
click to view).
It reflects that we have about $210,000 remaining to achieve our campaign goal, and lists some of the major donors to date.
Dane County commitment to our building project: At various times the news media have discussed Dane County's expanding contribution to the Center for Rural History and the Farm Machinery Museum. The up-to-date result is noteworthy at this time. On March 23, the County Board passed the resolution to provide a total of $400,000 to the building of the Center in the ground level of the "red barn", and to do the site work for both the Center and the planned Farm Machinery Museum. Friends is obligated to pay all building costs above the County's $400,000, which are estimated at $525,000 at this time. Now that all of its appropriate County Board committees, and the Board itself, have approved the project resolution, the bidding process can begin for the Center. If the project bids come in at levels our capital campaign can support, construction will be scheduled. The County Public Works Dept. will be the building project manager for the Center.
Friends Memberships: Are your closest friends and associates members of the Friends of Schumacher Farm? Just like a big smile from a child gets a whole room full of people smiling, a committed FSF member can inspire enthusiasm for the Park, attendance at its events, active volunteer involvement, and a desire to be a long-term member in Friends of Schumacher Farm. Especially in these times of significant and expanding park opportunities...Will you share these opportunities with your friends and neighbors? Share the benefits of membership in the Friends of Schumacher Farm!
It is tax time! Your gifts to Friends of Schumacher Farm are tax deductible to the extent of the law. If you are over 70 ½ you may benefit even more through a direct gift from you IRA....up to $100,000 each year. See your tax advisor!
Friends and Dane County Parks meeting report
Renovation of the big red barn for the Center for Rural History was discussed. Tentative timeline is to have project out for bids by beginning of April.
Friends have had everything finalized and into Dane County Public Works. The architects are now finalizing the paperwork and then the project will be put out for bids.
Current plans are to have the project completed by the end of 2017.
Good company makes for light work -- moving lumber out of the red barn. (left to right; Tim McConley, Jim Becker and Mike Shucha) Photo courtesy: J. Ableidinger |
Of Barns and Windmills
by Jim Ableidinger
Photo: J. Ableidinger
The Schumacher Farm Barn (white Barn) is in need of having the exterior siding replaced. Dane County Parks has budgeted $4,500 to help with some of these expenses. Friends are hoping to replace the siding on the north side (see above photo) and possibly the east end in 2017.
This will entail purchasing new boards, primer, paint, and some metal hardware for doors & tracks. The Schumachers painted the barn red originally, so the Friends will be painting this new siding red to be historically correct.
Like to paint? Volunteers will be needed to prime & paint boards before putting them up. Therefore, if you are interested in helping, please contact Jim Ableidinger at 576-7111 or Amy Jo at Schumacher Farm at 849-4559.
Needed part circled in black.
Photo: J. Ableidinger
Friends are still in need of some parts to complete the windmill so that it can be put up. We do not want to install the windmill until it is in working order to demonstrate how a windmill actually worked. Windmills were a GREAT INVENTION that helped early settlers and farmers to have water for themselves, their animals, and some for gardens & crops.
Our windmill is a Baker Monitor Windmill Metal (8' diameter) K-Series. Parts still needed are a couple of springs and pulley system in which to start and stop the windmill from the ground (photo below). One pulley is horizontal & one is vertical. IF YOU KNOW OF ANYONE THAT CAN HELP LOCATE SOME OF THESE PARTS, PLEASE CONTACT Jim Ableidinger at 576-7111 or Schumacher Farm, Amy Jo at 849-4559. THANKS!
Volunteer Open House
Tuesday, April 4th from 6-8pm
Springtime at the Farm
Sunday, April 23rd from 1-3pm
Bluegrass Music Festival (2nd annual)
Saturday, May 20th, 2-8 pm
Gates open at 1:00, music starts at 2:00
Happy Easter!
...the only time of year when it's perfectly fine to put all your eggs in one basket.
Garage Sale to Benefit Schumacher's Historical Collection
Start cleaning out your closets and garage and consider donating those unwanted but good items to benefit the museum's maintenance of our historical collection. The Historical Society has a matching grant that we are applying for this spring. To match that grant we will host a garage sale to provide the matching monies. Your donations of unwanted items will generate the revenue for this grant.
If you would be willing to help by donating items and also assisting with marking tags and working the sale, please call the park office.
Your items should be delivered to the farm between April 24 and May 5.
Artifact Corner
A color copy of the marriage certificate of Henry Schumacher and Eveline Busby is on display in the parlor of the Schumacher farmhouse. They were married July 29, 1908 at St. Mary's of the Lake Catholic Church in Westport, just a few miles from the farm in Waunakee. The witnesses were Henry's brother, Paul Schumacher and Elizabeth Lalley.
Henry was 46 and Eveline was 39 years of age. Their daughter, Marcella, was born two years later. The certificate is decorated with religious scenes.
Photo and text submitted by B. Johanningmeier and R. Hodulik
Board Member Spotlight on
Dan Evans
Dan Evans joined the board in 2016. He is a partner in the law firm Reuter, Whitish and Evans in Madison, WI. Dan earned his J.D. from the University of Illinois Law School and focuses his practice in civil litigation, municipal and family law.
Dan's interest in rural history and agriculture attracted him to the park. As Waunakee residents, Dan and his family have enjoyed numerous Schumacher Farm events.
In addition to being a board member, he has also volunteered to design and implement the layout plan for this year's heirloom garden.
Your membership in Friends of Schumacher Farm will allow free or reduced entry into many state historical and other attractions - like Old World Wisconsin, Madeline Island Museum, Wisconsin Historical Society and Stonefield.
Membership is the life-blood for building Friends' future.
Membership is a way to stay informed, involved, and an important part of this growing organization.
Membership is key to ensure you enjoy continuing and added events, workshops, and educational programs at the Farm.
"Together we can do so much"
Helen Keller
Trudi Leder (right) and Amy Jo in the planning phase of 'Fun on the Farm' camp. Photo: Rosa Ropers |
Schumacher Farm Park will be offering summer day camp for kids going into grades 1-6. Youngsters will get to experience what life was like on a farm in Wisconsin in the 1920s and 30s. They will have the opportunity to enjoy stories, crafts, games, food, music, and activities from that period in time. The kids will love going on a prairie hayride while doing a scavenger hunt, making toys, playing Tug of War, and sampling homemade ice cream, plus many more engaging activities. Camp will run from June 26, 27 and 28. If you are interested in signing your child(ren) up, follow this link or call the office at (608) 849-4559.
Dane County Parks & Open Space Plan survey.
Dane County is in the process of revising their park system plan and is asking for your input. Take this short, 5 minute survey to provide comments on your overall satisfaction of our park system and future improvements. This is a quick, easy way to promote Schumacher Farm as a park partner and increase our visibility in survey results. A public meeting will also be held in April. Visit the Dane County Parks website for more details.
Seeking Crafts for Heritage Fest
This year during our 25th
Annual Heritage Fest on September 10th, we will provide spaces for heirloom arts, crafts
& produce. To exhibit in the art/craft/produce show, vendors are required to have only
original art and/or handcrafted items and need to represent arts and crafts of the 1920-1930's era. Fruits, vegetables and flowers should be heirloom varieties.
All photos, except where credited to others, provided by Rona Neri-Bergmann of
Rona's Photography