Middle School
Dear 6th Grade Families,

As part of our Ecosystem Interactions unit in Science 6, we will regularly be visiting Dane Park (the Brookline park across the street from Beaver) throughout the month, and our first trip is Thursday, May 18!

Here's what you need to know about our visits:

  • Students will do community work to serve as stewards of the land—including removing harmful plant species to promote biodiversity in the park and taking action to support native pollinators. They will work alongside three Elders and Culture Bearers who represent Native American Tribes in our region with unique qualifications in the area of TEK (Traditional Environmental Knowledge) and a park ranger.

  • If we plan on going to Dane Park for class, we will let students know the day before.

  • Since the students will be in the woods and meadows (often off the trails) where there are ticks and other bugs, we are encouraging them to wear bug spray; teachers will provide DEET-based bug spray for them. If you’d like your child to use a different bug spray, please have them bring it from home.

  • Students should wear comfortable shoes that can get a little dirty and long pants, if desired, to avoid bug and plant contact with exposed legs.

  • We encourage you to ask your child if they went to Dane Park for science each day and have them do tick checks on those days.  
Thank you for your support from home! Please let me know if you have any questions.
MS Science Teacher

MS Science Teacher