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Science Fiction vs Black Fact! 
Why we're not in their future!

Featuring two of the UK's finest speakers
Brother Hakim 'The Film Doctor' & Dr Lez Henry

Saturday 20th June 2015 from 6pm - 9.30pm 
Platanos College, Stockwell, London

Book your ticket online at    



Have you ever considered things like why Black people were invariably absent in many of the old Sci-Fi films? Or what have the Xmen got to do with Black History? Or even what has Marcus Garvey got to do with He-Man?

Well in this highly interactive and thought provoking talk, Brother Hakim 'The Film Doctor' and Dr Lez Henry will take you on a journey through the world of Sci-Fi, revealing 'weh dem really ah gwarn wid' when it comes to Black representation in film and television.

All that is asked is that you bring your mind and make sure it is open!

The event will be held at Platanos College, Clapham Road, London, SW9 0AL from 6.00pm - 9.30pm.

Doors open at 5.30pm, showtime at 6.30pm.

Hot food and refreshments will be available on the night.

Vendors will be selling on the night. To book a stall, please contact

Tickets cost £10.00 in advance or £15 on the door.

Book online at

To purchase physical tickets, please contact the contacts below:


Join us for a night of Edutainment!




Charmaine Simpson 
Chief Executive Officer    

Black History Studies
Educating the community to educate themselves


Black History Studies Ltd is a company limited by guarantee (Company No. 6626747), incorporated in England and Wales. 


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