March 6, 2023

This newsletter contains news and information of interest to Montana Science Olympiad coaches - current, past and future. For questions, please contact the MSU Science Math Resource Center.

Important tournament day updates

this was also sent as an emai to the head coach emails we have on file

Hi – here are some last-minute items for you; the parking situation is still evolving….we will have a map to you as soon as we get it.

Block schedule is good except for one potential time change still coming for CrimeBusters Division B.


Thanks and safe travels! You will get at least one more email from us.




Block schedule

The block schedule posted on March 1 is good to go, except for one Division B event – Crimebusters.


There is a very slight room change (still in Gaines Hall), but the time slots may have to shift! We will work with you to make sure your students can compete – stay tuned and we will all be calm and flexible on tournament day 😊


The printed schedule is here:


Parking and Dropoff

Private vehicles – Private vehicles (including cars not labeled as school vehicles and all spectators) must follow MSU visitor parking regulations.  You may want to download the Passport app ahead of time in order to streamline payment. There is no free parking on campus for more than 30 minutes.


School vans – must be labeled with school markings/logo or have exempt/government plates. You must also print and place this on your dash.

download here:


Buses – we are still working on the drop off plan and will send a map just as soon as we get it from Parking Services. Buses will park at various nearby locations including Grace Bible Church and Museum of the Rockies; traffic attendants will help direct. A shuttle will help transport bus drivers back to campus; watch for the MSU Ski Team van. MORE INFO TO COME!!


Dining options

It will be really busy on campus Wednesday so here is some information about on- and off-campus dining.

First bullet on the School Teams and Coaches page:


Printed roster

We encourage you to continue using Scilympiad to enter your students’ names and the events in which they’ll compete. However, if possible please also bring a printed roster of your team – student names and their events. Turn it in when you check in Tuesday at Museum of the Rockies or Wednesday morning at the SUB. Thanks!


Do you know an aspiring Science Olympiad coach or STEM teacher interested in cool opportunities? Please share this newsletter so they can join in. Or, they can subscribe at
