PTA Newsletter August 22nd, 2019

Welcome to 2019-20!
It's time to turn the page from summer to school year. I'm proud to be serving as your HPHS PTA President for what is sure to be another great year.
The PTA not only serves as a liaison between our parents and teachers and staff. With your help every year we fund critical programs such as the Teachers Master's Degree reimbursement program, the Teacher Appreciation Lunch Program (TALP), teacher and staff gifts and much more. We also coordinate College Night, registration including 9th grade FISH camp, grade-level Lunch Bunches for parents, Open House, and much more.  
SCOTS CHALLENGE  launched this year to raise significant funds for two projects: Library renovation and Classroom updates for all rooms not touched by the new construction. It's not too late to donate at any level. My contact email is below with any questions.
Scots Supply Shop Back-to-School Sale continues today 7:15-4:00 on the cafeteria stage. The Scot Supply Shop will be open with regular schedule on Monday at 7:30am. Students can get all their supplies at this PTA-run school supply store. All proceeds go back to the school!
I NVITATION to the PTA School year KICK-OFF meeting: Join us on Wed. Sept. 4 at 8:30am at the UP Library Community Room.

This is a new time and location from our regular PTA meetings. Parking will be plentiful, there will be a lot of information shared and our Principal will be our guest speaker. PLEASE MAKE PLANS TO BE THERE.
We have an amazing team of parent volunteers who are committed to making HPHS the best it can be - every day! CAFETERIA and SUPPLY SHOP needs everyone to volunteer to make it run smoothly. If you don't already have a shift, seriously consider using your lunchtime a few times a year to help our school. Someone needs to do it - why not you?
For the start of the school year, take a tip from Douglas Adams in The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy: "Don't spin your wheels and stress. Take a deep breath, center yourself and make a plan."
Proud to be a part of the SCOTS family,

  Melissa Rieman
  HPHS PTA President


THANK YOU to those of you donated to Scots Challenge during Back to School Sign-Up (BSSU)!
If you missed donating, it's not too late to help! Scots Challenge funds are being raised for two important projects:

1)    LIBRARY RENOVATION - Our Library has served the students and teachers at Highland Park High School for decades. Our students deserve a 21st Century library learning space that meets current and future needs of our students and teachers.
2)    CLASSROOM UPDATES - To ensure all classrooms have the same technology and furnishings, we need to update the existing classrooms not addressed in the current renovations.
These two items touch every single student at HPHS.

We are asking for a contribution of $600 per student in order to reach our goal. Every family that donates at the $600+ level will receive a SCOTS CHALLENGE yard sign.
Contribute today by mailing a check made out to HPHS PTA - 4220 Emerson Ave. 75205.
We need your support! If you have any questions or would like to discuss your contribution, please contact HPHS PTA President, Melissa Rieman,

Important Information About Schedule Change Requests

The Kiltie, pp. 16 - 17:
The master schedule of classes at HPHS is based on specific course requests by students. It is very important that students discuss course choices with their parents, teachers, and counselor because teachers are hired and assigned so that students have the opportunity to take the courses they request.
Every attempt will be made to schedule students into the courses they choose. Schedule changes will not be made unless a mistake was made in the selection of courses that will affect the student's graduation plan. Students will not have their schedules changed merely because a subject is difficult or because they do not wish to have a certain teacher or to have lunch at a particular time of day. Such requests will be denied.
  1. The student is a senior and is not scheduled in a course required for graduation.
  2. The student is misplaced in a course (no prerequisites, previously earned credit, earned credit in summer school, etc.).
  3. The school may change student schedules in order to balance class sizes or to accommodate teacher workloads.
Dropping or Adding Classes
Requests to drop or add a class must meet the above criteria to be considered and may be granted or denied based on space availability. General guidelines for dropping and adding classes are based on UIL eligibility rules. Request forms will be available at 2:00 pm on Friday, August 23rd.  All requests will be reviewed each day beginning August 26 and ending on August 29. Students are expected to attend the courses listed on their schedules until notified by email of the status of their request.
Course adds or drops must occur within the first 6 days of the semester. 
Students must meet state laws and HPISD policy governing class attendance in order to receive credit for each course. Eligibility for extracurricular activities is also based on student attendance requirements in each course. Therefore, no drops or adds will be approved after the 6th day of the semester, in accordance with UIL eligibility rules.
Level Changes
With teacher recommendation and administrator approval, students enrolled in Pre-AP, AP or TAG classes may be granted a change to the equivalent standard course. Level change request forms will be available in the 3rd week, 6th week and at the end of the first semester of a course. Request forms for level changes will be available at noon on Friday, September 13 in the counseling office. All requests will be reviewed each day beginning September 16 and ending on September 19. Students are expected to attend the courses listed on their schedules until notified by email of the status of their request.

Open House Save the Date

Save the Date - OPEN HOUSE!

Please join us for Open House on Tuesday, September 17th. Follow your child's class schedule, meet the teachers and learn about the courses. The first class begins at 6:30 and the evening ends at 8:30. 
HPHS Counselors Host Senior Parent Night

The HPHS Counseling Department will be hosting its annual Senior Parent Night on Wednesday, September 4, at 6:00 pm in the HPHS Cafeteria. Information about the college application process will be reviewed. The same information will be shared with the seniors during their English classes that day. 
The PowerPoint presentation will be posted on Tuesday, 9/3/18, on the Counseling page of the high school website for those who would like to print a copy to use during the meeting or for those who are unable to attend.

Please contact Kathryn Waite at with questions.

Plan to Shop at the 


Thursday, August 22, 11:00 - 4:30
Friday August 23, 7:15 - 4:00
Teacher Lunchroom - Next to the Cafeteria
You will NOT need any supplies on the first day of school. Your new teachers will tell you what you need. Everything you need for school will be available at the Back to School Sale!
Binders, Folders, Dividers, Notecards, Pencils, Art Supplies, Required Reading, etc.

Forms for non-GPA option status due by September 5

Forms for non-GPA option status for eligible courses for the 2019-2020 school year due by 4:00 pm on Thursday, September 5, 2018.
According to HPISD Board Policy EIC (LOCAL), a student may choose up to two credits for numerical non-GPA weighted grading from courses designated as eligible for numerical non-GPA weighted grade status:
  • Students having two years of program participation in athletics/P.E. courses, varsity cheer, Belles dance, the performing arts, debate or journalism and a GPA at or above 3.9 as determined by the three-semester transcript may elect a numerical non-GPA option for the third year of participation.
  • Students having three years of program participation in athletics/P.E. courses, varsity cheer, Belles dance, the performing arts, debate or journalism and a GPA at or above 3.9 as determined by the five-semester transcript may elect a numerical/non-GPA option for the fourth year of participation.
  • Students will not be allowed to drop courses with a year-long program commitment and retain the numerical non-GPA option.
  • Students must declare intent to elect numerical/non-GPA option by the end of the tenth day of instruction each year. Request forms must be delivered in person to the HPHS Registrar. 
  • Students are limited to not more than two numerical/non-GPA status credits, one in 11th grade and one in 12th grade. Students may not elect numerical/non-GPA status or receive Honors credit if electing technology credit for a journalism course. 
  • Request forms for the non-GPA option are available under Forms and Publications on the Counseling page of the HPHS website (click Request for Non-GPA Option
Please contact the HPHS Counseling Office with questions.

Quick Links
Important Dates
  • Thurs. & Fri. Aug. 22-23 - HPHS Supply Shop Back-to-School Sale
  • Mon. Aug. 26 - Jr. & Sr. Girls - Football Girls Mtg.
  • Wed. Sept. 4 - PTA Meeting, 8:30am, UP Library
  • Wed. Sept. 4 - Sr. Parent Night 6:00pm
  • Thurs. Sept. 5 - Non-GPA forms due
  • Fri. Sept. 13 - Forms for class level-changes available
  • Tues. Sept. 17 - New Parent Coffee 8:30am
  • Tues. Sept. 17 - Open House 6:30pm


2020 HPHS PROM Cups & Napkins Order Form

Need cups and napkins for your tailgates, back to school coffees or happy hours?
The 2020 HPHS Prom Committee has you covered! The sale of these items help raise funds for the
Junior Class of 2021 to host an amazing Junior/Senior Prom this Spring. Any order placed during
BSSU or competed by August 29th will be delivered to your home mid September.
Please make checks payable to HPHS Prom.

Name: ___________________________________ Email: __________________________________
Address: ___________________________________________ Cell: _________________________

Please mail completed form with payment to
Anne Kashata
4313 Greenbrier Drive
Dallas, TX 75225
Questions? or 214 356 7200


  • Open to girls grades 2-12
  • Registration open August 25th - September 8th

***follow us on social media
 Instagram/Facebook: HPGIRLSLAX
Twitter: LAX_HP

11th Grade Lunch Bunch
Ready or Not? College is around the corner!
Bring your questions!!
Friday, September 27, 11:30am-1pm
Dunston's Steakhouse, Dunston's Steakhouse, 
5423 W Lovers Ln, Dallas, TX 75209
The cost is $15, and cash is preferred. 
Please RSVP to    Jennifer Blevins

Mark Hastings will walk us through preparing your student for success on the ACT/SAT. Mark founded 
KeepYourBookOpen  (KYBO) in 2 014. KYBO is a members-only network of experienced educators and high-achieving students, all with the shared goal of maximizing SAT and ACT scores

In addition, Catherine Marrs,  Marrs College Admission Advisors will share will share strategies for exploring schools with your son/daughter. She   personally visits 15 - 25 campuses annually to assure her ability to identify the very best "fit" for her students and families.
Anyone interested in the Highland Park Bass Team is welcome to join us in the HPHS Library at 6:00 pm on August 27th to learn more. Hope to see you there!

The HP Scotsmen are selling T-shirts to support the Patrick O'Boyle Scotsmen Scholarship Fund.  

The deadline to order is September 6th. Click here for an order form.

Senior Boys Casino Party Hosts

Calling all Senior Boys!

You are invited to be a host of the Senior Boys Casino Party on January 11th, 2020 at Lakewood Country Club. 
Our goal is 100% participation.  Click here for the link to the Senior Activities page where you will find the 2020 Senior Boys Flyer for more information and the form to fill out. 

Highland Belles to Host Annual Spaghetti Supper and Auction, Friday, September 13, 2019

The award-winning Highland Belles Drill Team kicks off the first home game of the 2019 football season with its annual Spaghetti Supper and auction/raffle fundraiser on Friday, September 13, 2019. A fun-filled family night is planned to rally Scots spirit before the Highland Park vs. Frisco Lone Star game.
This year's theme, "The Greatest Show on Turf," builds on the team's 36-year tradition of the Spaghetti Supper, which is the Belles only fundraiser, and hosts hundreds of Highland Park ISD families for dinner and prizes. Proceeds from the event fund many of the drill team's essentials including bus transportation, props, sound systems and competition expenses. The Highland Belles would like to thank the numerous local businesses and friends who have provided support through underwriting, over 500 fantastic auction donations, and many enticing raffle basket items.
For the 24th year, the Belles are pleased and grateful to partner with Amore Italian Restaurant and presenting sponsor HP Program. Tickets are on sale now and will continue through September, so contact your favorite Belle to make a purchase or donation. Tickets will also be sold at the door. Dinner tickets are $10.00 each and raffle chances are $5.00 each or 6 for $25.00.  You may also email the Spaghetti Supper at to make your purchase or donation.
The Highland Belles Booster Club will serve spaghetti dinners from 5:00-7:00 p.m. in the HPHS Cafetorium. This year's take-out location will be in the front of the school on Emerson where orders will be delivered to patrons' cars between 4:30 - 6:30 p.m.

Isabella Hughes, Hannah Stone, Kristen  Wander, Ted Leverson-Amore Manager, Jamie Wander, Audrey Stone, Mary Margaret Ramey and Elisabeth Wiebe

Highland Park Football

Highland Park Football's 6th Annual Caniac Football Supper and Silent Auction will be held on Friday, September 20 before the Bryan Adams home game. The Highland Park football team will be serving a delicious Raising Cane's dinner for $10 per ticket. Supper will be in the high school cafeteria from 5:00-7:00 pm with take-out available from 4:30-6:30 pm. There will also be a DJ and a great silent auction. Money raised will benefit the Freshman, JV and Varsity squads.   

Questions? Contact Kay Herring at  jeherring1@yahoo.comk  for tickets


Resuming racing after back-to-back USRowing Central Region championships, HP Crew, rowing with Dallas United Crew (DUC), will welcome athletes wishing to " Tryout Rowing " on Saturday, August 24th. The event will be an opportunity to meet coaches and future teammates and to row. Afterward, those new to the sport are encouraged to sign up for DUC's Fall Novice 2-week Trial. Beginning August 26th, trial rowers will have the chance to train with the team, make new friends and enjoy being on the water for two weeks. Rowing is a power sport, and adolescence is the perfect time to start. No experience is necessary; we'll teach you.
DUC qualifies for off-campus physical education credit, offers opportunities for service hours, and is recognized by the HP Athletics Department. At about 100 rowers, DUC's Youth Travel Team surrounds student-athletes with dedicated, hard-working, fun-loving kids. DUC races in both regional and national regattas, offering opportunities to compete on waterways from Boston to San Diego. The fun continues off the water with holiday parties, team dinners and other social events.
Register today for Tryout Rowing at
When:            August 24, 2019 at 9:00-10:30 AM
Location:        417 E. Lawther Drive, Dallas, TX
Learn more about the Fall Novice 2-week Trial , also at

Varsity Tennis News

The Varsity tennis team fall season gets underway Friday, August 23 at the Seay tennis center as the Scots begin their quest for their 20th state title!  The Scots will take on top teams in the area  in the Highland Park/Plano West invitational.
Congratulations to the 2019-2020 captains: Rhett Bailey, Nell Covington, Peyton Dooley and Annika Juergens.  Come out and catch some excellent tennis!
Left to right, Peyton Dooley, Nell Covington, Annika Juergens and Rhett Bailey 

Welcome 2019-2020 Highland Park Clay Target Team

Season begins on .. with the Fall Fun Shoot. 
Brooks Baker,, John Bass, Brice Beaird, Jack Bizup, Jack Clark, Owen Copley, Christopher Dickey,  Wayland Evans, Jack Fitzmartin, Wyatt Freeman, Gage Gaskill, William Goodwin, Thatcher Hagen,  Westin Jones, Matthew Lam, Sam Lawrence, Drew Love, Ford Manley, Warren May, Sterling May, Antonio McElfresh, Merritt Mills, Charlie Patterson, Carter Polk, Alex Roos,  Jackson Sacher, Drew Sheppard, Taylor Six, Garrett Smith, Griffin Smith, Luca Stewart, Nick Swartzendruber, , Caroline Turner,  Ross Welch, Tyson Williams , Will Wirskye

Lady Scots Cross Country 

The Lady Scots Cross Country Team started the competitive season on Saturday, August 17th at the Plano ISD Meet. The meet was held at Russell Creek Park in Plano. In the Varsity Division, there were 14 teams and 116 runners. The Varsity teams were allowed to have ten runners compete in the race. The Lady Scots placed 2nd with 85 points. McKinney Boyd won the meet with 55 points. The top runner for the Lady Scots was junior Cameron Fawcett. She placed 2nd with a time of 19:02.22. Sophomore Alli Grace Ott placed 4th with a time of 19:28.32 - a new personal course record. The other runners were junior Elle Thompson (26th - 21:04.16 - a new personal course record), freshman Grace Hathway (29th - 21:09.78), freshman Charlotte Hudson (30th - 21:09.80), freshman Ella Madden (32nd - 21:15.08), sophomore Lola Rodriguez (37th - 21:33.58 - a new personal record), freshman Mason Prather (70th - 23:29.32), senior captain Annemarie Whalen (77th - 23:57.30), and sophomore Lily Baumgartner (99th - 26:54.41).
In the JV Division, the Lady Scots placed 4th with 121 points. Plano won the meet with 52 points. There were 15 teams and 193 runners in this division. Junior Paityn Soucy led the team by placing 20th with a time of 24:11.14 - a new personal record. The other top runners were senior Caroline Dugan (set a new personal record - 24:30.36), sophomore Sterling Willis, sophomore Hadley Bornemann (set a new personal course record - 24:42.02), junior Hannah Thayer, junior Hollis Vaughan, and sophomore Scarlett Randall (set a new personal course record - 24:56.97).
The following athletes also set new personal records: Allison Brown, Isabella Reynolds, and Zoe Wilcox.
The next meet for the Lady Scots will be the Greenhill Six-Mile Relay on Saturday, August 24th at Norbuck Park in Dallas. The Varsity relays will start at 8:05 a.m., and the JV relays will start at 9:05 a.m.

Go Scots!

Seniors Kate Allen, Gracyn Applegate, Annemarie Whalen, and Caroline Lett
2019-2020 Gymnastics Captains Announced

The 2019-2020 Highland Park Varsity Gymnastics Captains are Nicholas Gregory, Kennedy Downing, Ian Frey, Aubrey Stevens, and Xander McLendon.

HP Cheer All Americans
Twenty Highland Park Cheerleaders Named All-American at NCA Camp 

Congratulations to the 20 Highland Park High School cheerleaders who were named National Cheer Association (NCA) All-Americans. The Highland Park Varsity, Junior Varsity and Freshman Squads all participated at the NCA camp in Rockwall on August 4-7, and all squads took home top honors. Throughout camp, the NCA staff nominated campers for All-American based on leadership, dance, motions, jumps, stunts, and tumbling. On the final day of camp, the All-American nominees performed in front of the judges. At the conclusion of camp, the NCA judges announced their All -American selections.  The 2019 HP All-American cheerleaders are listed below:

Lindsey Bailey
Alli Barge (not pictured)
Olivia Briggs
Mary Allison Hegi 
Mere Arden Helbing
Caroline Massey
Sophie Minick
Gabby Ross
Maddy Ross
Molly Willey

Junior Varsity:
Christina Diehl
Lucy Needleman (not pictured)
Ali Reardon
Sterling Willis

Lucy Feld
Ailey Fidler
Olivia Fox
Cate Gould (not pictured)
Parker Wideman
Elizabeth Yang

HP Volleyball

The Highland Park Volleyball Coaches are pleased to announce the Varsity, Junior Varsity and Freshman teams for the 2019 season. The Scot's season is already underway and the season schedule is available at


Front row  from left: Presley Wright, Gracie Braner, Carter Ching, Jeanne Tulimieri, Bela Alomar, Sydney Breon, Kennedy Westendorff
Back row:  Assistant Varsity Coach Natalie Puckett, Charlotte Lassarat, Anna Claire Nichol, Lauren McMahon, Kendyl Reaugh, Avery Hellmuth, Kate Nugent, Emily Hellmuth, Head Varsity Coach Michael Dearman

Junior Varsity

Front Row from left:   Adrian Powell, Grayson Hall, Tess Stanford, Sophie Grayson, Susan Richey
Back Row:   Junior Varsity Coach Kelsie Tipping , Maren Hamilton, Hailey Harkins, Hannah Harkins, Nicole Mauser, Caroline Annett, Olivia Iles, Danielle Weatherwax, not pictured: Ceci Gooch


Front row from left:   Elya Khakpour, Lorelei Freling, Ashley Smith, Casey Hale, Anne Elise Love, Sarina Patel, Lexi Laurie, Skylar Hammel, Lauren Warburton
Back row:   Freshman Coach April Burns, Shay Schiller, Margo Flint, Gabi Kolniak, Eve Schiller, Lowell Shoaf, Finley Galvin, Avery Allday, Sydney Johnson

SCOTS THANK YOU   to our Back to School Sign-Up team: District Chairs Leslie Kibby and Megan Lembcke, and HPHS BSSU Chair Michele Vicente, BSSU Chair-Elect Elizabeth Miller, and our Treasurer Michelle Pletcher and Past-Treasurer Chris Palmer-Steger. Online ran smoothly and Late BSSU is ongoing.
Back to School Supply Shop Sale was run by our Supply Shop Chairs Chelsea Duvall and Katherine Lewis. They had a team of volunteers who helped set-up and sell. This is a BIG JOB! THANK YOU for all your time and efforts!

News To Share?
Didn't see a school-related shout-out, blurb or mention this week?  We want to hear about it so please email the details and up to four (4) pictures!  Deadline for submissions is each  Wednesday by 11:00 pm  - FIRM DEADLINE to make it into the Friday newsletter. If submitted late, it will go in the next week's newsletter.