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Break Up


Lovers quarrel or nasty break up?  You decide.


In case you missed Scott Taylor: Heartbreaker Part 1 click here to view. 


Playboy Scott Taylor's former reality star girlfriend Rebecca Cardon continues to offer stunning insights into their 2 year long relationship. 


But the most interesting factor is the reason for their explosive break up due to the fact Taylor "impregnated [his} lesbian bestie".


Taylor's admitted he has fathered a child but has kept secret from the voters of the 85th District the details surrounding this moral conundrum.


Well Cardon clears it up for us on her blog. Take a look at the following entries:


          January 11, 2013


          "Moments before I feel asleep last night I logged into facebook noticing a

          little green "available for chat" dot next to my most recent exe's face...when I

          saw that he was online I felt a sudden inclination to reach out to him. I

          wanted to say "I'm OK now! I've healed from the fact that you impregnated

          your lesbian bestie and I'm ready to be friends. Wasssssssup????!!"


          "I imagined the conversation I would have with him"


          "Ex..Hey! Wow, how have you been?
           Me...Good..Just doin ma thing.
           Ex..Was wondering if you were ever gonna talk to me again
           Me..yeah, just need to process everything.
           Ex..Guess what?! I'm having a BOY/GIRL! isn't that crazy??
           Me..That's so awesome. I'm happy for you. I'm gonna go kill myself now, but

           we should get coffee next time I'm in town! Good chatting"



          January 25, 2013

          "I rarely think about the months leading up to the end, or the fact that he

          knew he had a baby on the way, and continued in our relationship waiting for

          the right moment to tell me. Turns out, there never is a right moment to

          break the heart of the person you love...His unborn baby made the irreparably

          conclusive decision for me"


          February 4, 2013


          "I greeted the morning in a foul mood having dreamt about my damn ex,

          who I should start referring to as Herp. Just when I think he is gone for good,

          he flares up.  In my dream he was madly in love with his lesbian baby mama

          and they were getting married. Ugh. I layed there, starring at my ceiling

          beyond frustrated.  Why am I STILL having nightmares about this guy?"


          March 4, 2013


          "I keep dreaming about my ex and his lesbian baby mama. I take pleasure in

          saying lesbian baby mamafor two reasons:


          "1. The absurdity makes me giggle  and"

          "2. It hurts a little and I am obviously a mental cutter."


           "I haven't fully digested the fact that these two people had sex and made a

          baby... "Sometimes, I even picture bumping into them during a visit home to

          Virginia.  I imagine him carrying the infant in a Baby Bjorn, hand and hand

          with a new girlfriend, while the lesbian eats an ice cream and talks to

          them about how difficult it is to loose the baby weight.  I would be cordial and

          most likely fuss over the child saying how cute it is, when really I'd be

          thinking, THANK GOD it's not mine."


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The Virginia Integrity Project (VIP PAC) is a non-partisan Political Action Committee established to hold political candidates and public officials accountable to a standard of personal and public honesty about their record, beliefs and behavior.  The VIP PAC believes there is a need for voters to have as much information as possible concerning those seeking to hold public office to help determine whether the public representations are consistent with the truth.