Recertification News and Reminders

Rules Review Progress

We are making progress on getting our Oregon officials recertified. Here is a

report as of November 16 on the number of officials who have passed the Rules Review:

  • 103 officials have passed the Basic Rules Review (Oregon has 216 Certified Officials).
  • 25 Masters and National officials have passed the Advanced Rules Review (Oregon has 110 Masters and National Officials)

If you have not completed the Basic or Advanced Reviews, I encourage

you to do so before the busy holiday season. For the Advanced Review, break your task into pieces so that it does not seem daunting - do one question per day. I am happy to assist as appropriate. Go here to take the online Basic Review. Go here to take the Advanced Review on PAPER. Email your Advanced Review answers to me at the email address below.

Officials who want to be considered for selection to officiate NCAA Championship meets must pass the NCAA Endorsement test. As of November 16, we have 26 Oregon officials who have passed that test. Go here to take the online NCAA test. 

Recertification Fee


A reminder to pay your $45 recertification fee. The easiest way is to pay the fee is online here. Or, you can send me a Scott Phoenix, at 1224 N Pennington Dr, Newberg, Oregon 97132. Make your check payable to: USATF Oregon.

Submit Your Recertification Application Form

Also a reminder to submit your Recertification Application Form. Follow this link to access the form.


If you have any questions about recertification, please contact me.

From Scott Phoenix, USATF Oregon Certification Chair.

Making the sport fair and safe for you.