In this issue:
  • Message from the Council Team
  • Help Wanted!
  • Scouter of the Month
  • Wilderness Rendezvous (WR) Hiking Challenge
  • Upcoming events
  • Spotlight in Saskatchewan

  • Watch Me Now- Youth Award
  • Growing Scouting In Saskatchewan Summary
  • Registration
  • Around the World in 60 Days
  • Fun Scouting Fact
Message from the Council Team
With summer coming to a close and school bells ringing in September things are starting to roll again! We had an amazing summer with camps, Scouter get togethers, relaxation and more.

Just because the youth are going back to school doesn't mean the fun is over, In fact it is just beginning! We have so many amazing events and opportunities coming up including camps (for you and Scouters), new groups and the national initiative Around the World in 60 days!

We are so excited to see what the next few months hold, and are grateful for our volunteers who are making it happen!

Here is to more great, safe, scouting adventures!
Help Wanted!
Are you passionate about Scouting? Do you want to get involved at a different level? Do you have special skills you think could help the council prosper? Consider joining our Council team! We are currently in need of:
  1. Group support scouters 
  2. Someone to maintain our new website 
  3. Social media manager

If you are interested in one of these roles, or have another set of skills you think we could use please contact us at
Scouter of the Month
This month's Scouters of the month are Mark Faber, Alan Dedman, Brian Gurel, Paul Peli, Karen Siganski, Donna King, Robin Focht, Kerry Trofimuk and Bev Smelt.
Mark Faber
Mark joined the 63rd group as a Scout Leader a few years ago and has added to the scout troop experience ever since. Mark has been a genuine pleasure to work with and the youth respond very positively to his leadership. Without Mark the group would be in dire conditions as we have lost several leaders over the last few years. He has jumped in and filled the voids to enable our Scout group to continue and thrive.
Mark is always ready to step in and take charge when required and has taken a great deal of the load off the other scouters.
As a fellow scouter I can definitely say that Mark has made scouting very enjoyable for his fellow scouters. When Scouters are having fun so do the youth.

Alan Dedman
It is very difficult to describe what Alan brings to our Scout Group. Alan has been in Scouting for many years. He has been a Scouter around the country wherever his work has taken him. I have had the pleasure of enjoying his experience, knowledge and creative ideas for the last 4 years.
Alan brings a valuable creative resource to our group that can be difficult to do when you are busy doing things the way we always have! Alan always challenges his fellow scouters with different ideas for program which is great in providing new experiences for both the Scouters and Youth. Alan has always gone out of his way to help out his fellow Scouters at camps, or planning program.
2nd Regina Scouts are definitely a more enriched group by his presence and I am very pleased to say he is also a friend.

Brian Gurel
Brian is a beaver scouter with the 49th. Well known for his inventive games and ideas such as vertual beaver buggy bash Brian is a great scouter to spend time with. Brian is eager to join in all scouting activities. He relates well to our youth.

Paul Peli
Paul has been a cub scouter with the 49th for many years. Paul is eager to share his scouting knowledge with the youth. Compass, knots, cooking setting up tents Paul is there to encourage the youth.

Karen Siganski
Karen, a venture scouter with the 49th has been a scout scouter as well as venture advisor. Karen has attended several Canadian jamborees as well as WR Karen has made her acreage available during Covid for our outdoor meetings.          
Donna King
Donna, long time group committee member and beaver scouter with the 49th. Scouter Granny, Donna can be depended on to help out where ever she is needed. Cooking at camp, fundraising, meeting ratio at meetings and camp if you need her Donna will be there.                         

Robin Focht
Robin has been with the 49th since she was a scout. Since ageing out of the youth program she has been a group committee member, fundraising and attending WR as a scouter. She is now the treasurer group.

Kerry Trofimuk
Kerry is a long serving member that has volunteered with many sections, camps, Jamborees, special events and committees throughout her time with 86th Regina. Kerry never hesitates to help. Aside from her regular occurring Section and Group Committee duties, Kerry has recently helped with the Welcoming Committee, construction of a Pride Banner, sewing of Pride neckers as well as helping with the Regina Area Kub Kar Rally.
Kerry is a dedicated volunteer that focuses on delivering fun adventures for our youth and helping to improve our Group. She is always a pleasure to work with both for her positive demeanour and collaborative approach.
We are extremely lucky to have Kerry in our Group and wish to nominate her as Scouter of the Month.

Bev Smelt
Bev has been involved with the scouting organization for twenty=six years. During that time, she has worn many hats, assumed numerous roles and is currently the group commissioner, troop scouter, crew scouter and quartermaster for the 49th Regina Group.
Besides providing a challenging program for the youth, she has been instrumental in organizing and planning Arrowhead Camp, Pie Iron Challenge, Frontier Freeze and the Big Rig Rally. 
Bev is a dedicated scouter and we are very lucky to have her in our group.

Congratulations Mark, Alan, Brian, Paul, Karen, Donna, Robin, Kerry and Bev! Thank you for all you do!
We want to recognize our amazing volunteers and we need your help to do it! Every month we will pick a Scouter from the submissions to recognize. The winner will receive a small prize and will be featured in that month's newsletter.
What we need to know:
  • Scouter's Name
  • Scouter's Group
  • Why you think they deserve this award
  • Any other info that you want to share about them
  • If possible, include a picture as well!
Submissions can be sent to and must be summitted by the first of the month so that they can be forwarded to the Key 3.
Wilderness Rendezvous Hiking Challenge
Once again WR hosted a national challenge to hike 25 km this summer! Registration closed with almost 400 participants! If you have not submitted your log make sure to get them in by the end of September!
To see some of the awesome adventures people went on this summer with the hike check out the Facebook Group Wilderness Rendezvous Hiking Challenge
Stay tuned for more information on how the challenge went!
Upcoming Events
Save the date:
  • Arrowhead Camp October 15 - 17,2021
  • Pie Iron Camp November 5 - 7, 2021. 
Scouter Camp
Interested in learning some new scouting skills, socializing with other Scouts Canada volunteers, exchanging ideas with other passionate Scouters? If you answered yes to any of those questions, then join us at the upcoming Scouter Camp this coming September 11 from 9:00 am to 7:00 pm at the Condie Nature Refuge (north shelter), located just a few minutes north of Regina.
This year’s sessions include:
  • Scouting Fundamentals (tents, stoves, lanterns, fires, axes, saws and knives)
  • Behaviour Management
  • Coaching Future Leaders
  • Native Plant Identification
  • Compass Use and Course Setup
  • Archery Range Setup and Operation
  • Youth/Volunteer Recruitment
  • Crafts
Interested? Registration fee is $25 and includes lunch, supper and a custom multi-year badge. All you will need to bring is a chair and your messkit (plate, cup and cutlery).
Register now by contacting with your name and any food allergies/intolerances before September 8th.
Scouting Day in the Park

The Saskatchewan Service Corps Venturers are hosting a Scouting Day in the Park as their capstone Venturer project to help build interest in Scouting in SK. They would love to have Scouts / Venturers from both Regina and Saskatoon to help them with some activities. If they are interested, have them reach out via email to Scouters from all groups - we will have a table set up to recruit volunteers. Please come in uniform and share your stories with parents throughout the day. This poster is just a teaser for you to mark the date and start to tell your parents. We will have more info and social media posts as soon as we set the Regina location. We will be gathering contact information for all groups in the area - so if you have material made up that you’d like us to share, please let us know - This event will be for scouting youth and non-scouting youth. So as info comes out on social media and via email and on the SK Council website share it with your families and get them to bring friends! Together we can grow Scouting in SK!
Anglin Lake Fall Camp
Rider Game
Joke Time!
Spotlight in Saskatchewan
A shortened version of camp was held this year due to the uncertainty over Covid restrictions.   
All who attended had a great time and learned a lot. Due to our lower numbers it was a touch of normalcy that leaders and youth badly needed.  As proof that you are never to old to learn Scouter Bev learned that a hammer makes a great Dutch oven lid lifter. The youth were able to work on skills that were not an option during the past year. Compass and Canoe instruction, knife safety and sharpening, axe and saw, and field 1st aid. The individual camps had lots of time to work on skills there youth had missed out on during the past virtual scouting year. Some youth had never had an opportunity to do an opening or closing or have an in person camp fire this year.     
The fire ban this year would have meant no fire for campfire but Scouter Harvey came to our rescue with his propane campfire. Only drawback was we couldn’t add ashes. 

Campfire gave us an opportunity to present some over due awards. Don Rose got his 45 year award and Michael Lee 10 year’s.                                

There was also plenty of opportunity to socialize and just have fun. As well as supervised swimming and archery. 

A very successful camp enjoyed by everyone.
Growing Scouting in Saskatchewan
At the beginning of August Scouters from across the province got together to brainstorm/ collaborate, catch up, celebrate and enjoy some good food! A lot of amazing ideas came out of that day and many good memories were shared.

A huge thank you to Lana, Thomas and Dee for organizing this as well as our sponsor Jumpstart!
See below for a summary of the day!
Regina 49th
3 scouts and 3 leaders had a very successful Pianue this year. Even though it was a short camp we accomplished a lot. The weather cooperated and we only had rain during one night just enough to settle the dust.                 
This was a skills camp. Our youth made their own menu, shopped for groceries and cooked their own meal and for one leader. They successfully cooked a Dutch oven meal I had never had at camp before.  White gas stoves were used to cook any meal that couldn’t be done on briquettes. This year was the first time in many years we couldn’t have open fires. Field 1st aid, canoe and compass instruction. Knife safety, backpacking and 2 burner stoves, lanterns and lots of cooking experience were just some of the skills worked on during the camp. Dutch ovens, fry pans, wiener sticks and bush pies were some of the cooking methods used. Our youth had a one night solo where they cooked there supper and breakfast and spent the night away from the main camp. Our youth were able to get a lot of experience that they missed over the last year as well as have a great time.
Watch Me Now- Youth Award
Over the last few months we have been recognizing some of our amazing Scouters in the province. Now we also want to make sure that you are recognizing the awesome youth we have in our council, because we know there are lots of them!

Is there a youth in your group that amazes you? Do they have a great attitude, go above and beyond, are friendly and love to have fun?

Then this award is for them!!!

  • Tell us why they deserve this award
  • Must be a registered youth in the current scouting year
  • Can be any age- Beavers- Rovers
  • Nominations must come from a group member
  • Nominations must be submitted to on or before the 10th of the month, it must include the name, group and contact information - phone or email
Renewing as a volunteer:
Simply log into your myscouts account, and click on "Volunteer Renewal" (do not click on the blue Register as a Volunteer block). It will then ask you if you wish to renew, click on yes or no, and you are done! Any question, please reach out to your GC, GSS, or SRM

Youth Registration:
Current members: Registration for currently enrolled members begins September 1, 2021.
New members: Registration for 2022 begins on September 15, 2021. Once registered, you can start Scouting right away (space permitting).

This year's annual National Registration fee is $230 per youth with $15 of each membership going directly to the local group to help support fun adventures. Local Groups may also charge an additional registration fee between $0-40. 

Need financial support? Apply for help from our No One Left Behind Program
Growing Scouting In Saskatchewan Summary
Around the World in 60 Days
The world is waiting, are you ready to rove around the world with Scouts Canada?

Over eight-weeks from October 4–November 28 2021, Scouting youth will visit eight different countries, develop new skills through fun challenges and support their communities and the planet by leading exciting Scouts for Sustainability activities.

Get ready for a new adventure-filled challenge that will connect youth with Scouts from around the globe as they work towards bettering their communities!

Fun Scouting Fact
Did you know that our dedicated team of over 12,000 volunteers Country wide, collectively donate over two million hours of their time! That's equal to approximately 228 years!
Want to share what your group is up to? Have an event or activity idea? Send an email. Information is due by the first of every month.