Salisbury Academy
Helping Kids Thrive in Their Digital World: Devorah Heitner to present at SA on Feb. 8
Join us for
Screenwise author Dr. Devorah Heitner's
presentation on

Helping Kids Thrive in Their Digital World

Thursday, February 8 
6:30 p.m.
at Salisbury Academy

Presentation Overview
Parents today worry that kids are addicted, detached or distracted because of digital devices. Often, adults are less conscious about what they are modeling with their own relationship with technology. According to Dr. Devorah Heitner, our concern should go far beyond what kids are doing today. These tech-savvy Digital Natives need mentorship to thrive, develop social skills and succeed in a future where they will likely find a job, meet their spouse and build their reputations in interactive, digital communities. 

Drawing from the latest research, Dr. Heitner provides gems of guidance to help parents become confident digital media mentors to texters, gamers and social media users from childhood to young adulthood. You'll learn what it is like for kids to grow up in a world where school experiences, family life and friendships are all shaped by digital connection - and how you can share your own lifetime of social wisdom to mentor your children in their digital world.
About Dr. Devorah Heitner
Dr. Heitner is the author of  Screenwise: Helping Kids Thrive (and Survive) in Their Digital World  and founder of  Raising  Digital Natives, a resource for people wishing to cultivate a culture of responsible digital citizenship. Dr. Heitner's work has appeared in the New York Times, the Washington PostThe Wall Street Journal,  TIME magazine and Education Week. She has a Ph.D. in Media/Technology and Society. Dr. Heitner is delighted to be  raising  her own digital native, too.