The Baptism Martinelli
Some Quotes for Reflection
Water) possessed of itself a cleansing property and for this further reason was regarded as holy: hence its use in ritual ablution, where its properties washed away all offenses and all stain of guilt. The waters of baptism alone wash away sin, and baptism is only conferred once because it opens the way to a new state, that of the new person. … The cleansing properties possessed by water gave it the additional force of the power of redemption. Immersion was regenerative, it effected a rebirth in the sense of its being simultaneously alive and dead. Water wipes out what has gone before, since it restores the individual to a fresh condition. Immersion is like Christ’s entombment. He came to life again after descending into the bowels of the Earth. Water is the symbol of regeneration and the waters of baptism lead explicitly to being ‘born again’ (John 3:3-7). They are the means of initiation. The Shepherd of Hermes speaks of those ‘who go down into the waters dead and come up again alive.’
- The Penguin Dictionary of Symbols, Chevalier & Gheerbrant p.1084
The holy day of lights, to which we have come and which we are celebrating today, has for its origin the baptism of my Christ, the true Light that lightens everyone coming into the world, and effects my purification…. It is a season of new birth: let us be born again! We duly celebrated at his birth – I, the one who presided at the feast, and you, and all that is in the world and above the world. With the star we ran, with the magi we worshiped, with the shepherds we were enlightened, with the angels we glorified him with Simeon we took him up in his arms, and with the chaste and aged Anna we made our responsive confession…. Now we come to another of Christ’s acts and another mystery…. The Spirit bears witness to his Godhead, for he descends upon one that is like him, as does the voice from heaven…. Let us venerate today the baptism of Christ.
- Gregory of Nazianzus c.329-389/390
(A Christmas Sourcebook, Liturgy Training Publications)
Leave the desert, that is to say, sin. Cross the Jordan. Hasten toward life according to Christ, toward the earth which bears the fruits of joy, where run, according to the promise, streams of milk and honey. Overthrow Jericho, the old dwelling-place, do not leave it fortified. All these things are a figure (typos) of ourselves. All are prefigurations of realities which now are made manifest.
- Gregory of Nyssa c.335- after 394
(quoted from The Liturgical Year: Advent, Christmas, Epiphany. Adrian Nocent O.S.B.)
…or this is Christ's spiritual thirst, his longing in love, which persists and always will until we see him ... Therefore this is his thirst and his longing in love for us, to gather us all here into him, to our endless joy, as I see it. For we are not now so wholly in him as we then shall be. … We are his bliss, we are his reward, we are his honor, we are his crown. … For he still has that same thirst and longing which he had upon the Cross, which desire, longing and thirst, as I see it, were in him from without beginning; and he will have this until the time that the last soul which will be saved has come up into his bliss. … and this is the characteristic of spiritual thirst, which will persist in him so long as we are in need, and will draw us up into his bliss.
-Julian of Norwich c.1342-c.1416
Revelations of Divine Love
Love Is God In Me
Yes, love is God in me, and if I am in love I am in God, that is, in life, in grace: a sharer in God's being....
If charity is God in me, why look for God any further than myself?
And if God is in me as love, why do I change or disfigure God's face with acts or values which are not love?
-Carlo Carretto 1910-1988
Love Is for Living (quoted from Carlo Carretto: Essential Writings, Robert Ellsberg)
Christ is bathed in light; let us also be bathed in light. Christ is baptized; let us also go down with him, and rise with him.
-Gregory of Nazianzus c.329-389/390
Baptism of Christ Oroslavsky