Scuderia Southwest                                                                                                            #1
In This Issue
FUN with Cars!
Cars & Coffee
Track Days
Drive to Payson
Windgate Festival of Speed
Italian American Club Show
Scuderia SW hosts C&C at Gainey Ranch as well as drives, track days and dinners.  The non-car club, car club... SSW.  No drama!  No meetings!  No egos!  Just fun with cars!

No Dues!  No Drama!  Just Fun with Cars!
The Exotic Car Club for Enthusiasts, by Enthusiasts
Scuderia SW                            1/10/13

If you are getting this newsletter, you are either part of the the Scuderia SW (SSW) mailing list, a former or present member of car clubs like the FCA (of which I am a former), or one of the 'usual suspects'.  The idea behind SSW is to bring together exotic and collector car enthusiasts in a now drama, no stress, fun environment.  If you've been to our Cars & Coffee on the first Saturday of the month, you get the idea.

I will put together this newsletter (as I did for the FCA), several times/month.  It will highlight past, present and upcoming events, like car shows, dinners and track days, that you can enjoy.  To stay in touch, you can also log on and like the Scuderia SW Facebook page or follow us on Twitter.  If you have an idea for an event, send us an email.  If you like taking pictures if you are at one of our events and want them featured in this newsletter, let me know.

If you were at this month's Cars & Coffee, you saw one of our biggest gatherings yet.  Recap below.

On behalf of the 'usual suspects', I look forward to seeing you at a Suderia SW event soon.



Cars & Coffee
Scuderia SW's Cars & Coffee has developed into one of the country's premier events of its kind, featuring an incredible depth and quality of cars, as well as the spectacular AZ weather.  Here are some highlights...
This month's feature marque was Lamborghini, and some great Lambos made appearances.
The Lambo LM002 was the first 'bad boy' SUV.  If you look in the background, you can see a very significant MB 300SLR.
We don't see Pietro's Dino very often.  But when we do, it is a treat.
There is nothing more sinister than a black Enzo.  WOW!
Does the Diablo have a bad angle?

Bud and Stephanie Borassa'a Jaguar (Proteus) 'C' Type is always a hit.

Some 'usual suspects' with my personal favorite Stradale!   

Thanks to everyone who came out to display or spectate, and don't forget to stop buy our supporters like Oliver Smith Jewelers.  

Mark your calendar for the next C&C on 2/2/13 at 8am.  Be there or be square!
Track Day!!
CS at track

You've got the car!  Do you have the skills to keep up with that car?  The best place to work on those skills is the track.  We will partner with the Arizona Supercar Track Club.

Watch this space!  In the mean time, shoot me an email and I'll put you on the track list, if you are interested.


Drive to Payson

There is nothing like a brisk drive on a Saturday morning, followed by a great lunch at a great Italian restaurant.  On Saturday morning January 26th, we will meet at the Starbucks in Fountain Hills at 10am, departing at 10:30am.

EVENT:  Drive to Payson for Lunch at Gerardo's
Date:     1/26/12
Time:    10am
Location:  Fountain Hills Starbucks on Shea

Windgate Festival of Speed

Its that time of year again!  The Windgate Festival of Speed.  The event where once per year we take our Cars & Coffee event to the next level.  Once again Toll Brothers will be letting us have the lawn at their clubhouse at Windgate Ranch.   The event will once again be a charity fund raiser for the 100 Club.  Donations are $25 to display, +$5 for lunch. Here are some pics from past years.

EVENT:   Windgate Festival of Speed
Date:       3/23/13
Time:      Car placement 8-9
              Show runs from 9am-1pm

The Arizona American Italian Club is proud to present our annual Italian Car Show on February 23rd, 2013 from 10am-2pm. Please join us for great food, drink, live music and, of course, plenty of gorgeous vehicles...Best of all, the proceeds go to benefit a great charity.

This year's event will celebrate the 50th year of one of Italy's most incredible beauties - The Lamborghini!
Event:  La Bellezze D'Italia Charity car show
Date:    2/23/2013
Time:  10am-2pm


That's our newsletter for the week.  We will be putting these together several times per month.  Expect events like these, as well as socials.

I hope to see you at an event soon...
