Dear Creative Friends,

Krista Tippett of the On Being Project wrote earlier this week about this time we are living in:

"How extraordinary it feels, for those of us in places of the world that are opening up, to do ordinary things like hug people and walk unmasked into common spaces and even just be at the office. Yet: how strangely, puzzlingly unnerving it all also can feel.

We are, on many levels, in a new chapter - following on the multiple chapters of the past 18 months. This is a time of transition. It's a liminal space emotionally, psychologically, physically, institutionally, relationally.

Part of what we need to do now is rest, as we are able. To let ourselves fall apart, perhaps. Throughout the pandemic, it’s been hard to fully articulate what was happening inside us and how that was ricocheting between us. Now, we are in a new moment, called to feel what we need to feel, to find words and new intelligence of practice in all the spaces we inhabit and work in and relate in. To acknowledge what we’ve survived, what we’ve lost, what we’ve begun to learn.

We’re also called to really internalize — and this is challenging for many of us, I speak for myself — that this matter of being alive now, of rising to what we’ve begun to learn in an extraordinary time in the life of the world, is not something we’re supposed to know how to do or to take up alone."

How do we process all this? I encourage you to find ways that work for you - walking on the beach, journaling, painting, playing in a visual journal, making SoulCollage® cards, walking the labyrinth, reading, meditating - these are all ways to allow ourselves to process and integrate how the past eighteen months have changed us and how we want to live into the next part of our lives. We have all changed in ways we can't yet see clearly.

Personally, I've been walking the beach, letting the water and the waves soothe me. It will be many more miles of beach walking and looking out at the horizon before I completely integrate the past 18 months which included moving from our home of 24 years and the death of my mother. My walking and creative processes are also a way to handle the sadness and concern I feel around the devastation that has taken place this week in my birth place of Durban, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa.

Despite the uncertainty of these times, I am continuing to offer in-person retreats at the beautiful and nurturing St Francis Springs Retreat Center in Greensboro, NC. I believe slowly moving into community when you feel comfortable doing so is a way to start moving into the new life that is waiting for us. I have however, asked that those attending be vaccinated, to ensure that all participants feel safe and comfortable.
Visual Journal
as Creative Threshold

Sunday, July 25 to Thursday, July 29, 2021 at St Francis Springs Retreat Center, NC

Visual journals are a way to travel between the doorways of your unconscious and conscious mind. The process allows your unconscious to speak through found words, images, shapes and colors. It is a container for your emotions, your concerns, your dreams and the things that inspire you.

I have prepared kits full of supplies to open up this creative and gentle way of listening to your soul, so you need not bring any supplies with you. They are all provided. I'm including sessions on gelli plate printing and how to use Apps to create your own unique images for your journals.

All participants at the in-person retreat will also receive free access to the recording of the online version of this workshop (which did not include gelli plates or Apps) I hosted on Zoom last year.

Two spaces have opened up in this retreat which starts at the end of this week. If you are ready to play in community. You can register here if this calls to you.
A Spiral Journey: SoulCollage® and the Labyrinth as Pathways for Transformation
Thursday, August 12th to
Sunday, August 15th, 2021
at St Francis Springs Retreat Center, NC

A four day retreat to experience these two transformational processes that access our inner world and deepen our understanding of ourselves. Both processes allow us to create a sense of order out of the information that bombards us, and teach us to trust our inner teacher and inner wise one.

Spaces still available.

This SoulCollage® card represents my Surfer Archetype. I Am One Who is learning to surf on a shifting landscape. My focus is on balance and being present to the magnificence of nature which holds and supports me as I move forward, trusting it will take me where I need to go. I Am One Who faces the unknown with courage.
Sea, Sky and Spaciousness: Awakening Your Inner Eye
Sunday, October 10th
to Sunday, October 17th
near Cape Charles, Virginia

I will be hosting a small group retreat with personal guidance for your photography practice in a luxury beach house with private beach in October.

If you are interested in taking your vision for your photography to the next level, and want relaxing time overlooking the water watching the sunset each night, consider joining me.

There is space for six people in this Retreat.
My soul is full of longing
For the secret of the Sea,
And the heart of the great ocean
Sends a thrilling pulse through me.
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
May you hold yourself gently as you re-emerge from seclusion.

With Love and Hugs
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